Posted: December 6, 2024
Other than reading students will have more than enough time to finish their work in class if they put their time to good use.
Grade 8 ELA
Reading ~ Students should continue to read for a minimum of 15 min. per day at home and should be recording when they start and finish a book. They should also do a "What's The Gist" activity at the end of each book to practice isolating the main idea.
~ We will be moving straight into a Realistic Fiction book report when we return in January so studentsshould have a good start on a book.
Writing ~ Seven Days of Christmas Gratitude. Students will be expected to write 7 letters, each with a specific theme, to give as gifts. I am checking for something very specific with each letter and students know ahead of time what that is. I will then have the students' pass in one of their letters to be marked.
Grade 6 Social Studies
They are working on a unit on Christmas Traditions in Canada. Each child has chosen a tradition to research the origins which they will present to the class. This will be a very short presentation.
Grade 7 Social Studies
In keeping with Christmas and the Multi-Cultural aspect of Canada students are working on a short project covering a spiritual or religious celebration of their choice which they will share with the class.