Mrs. Murphy

Notes for 6W, 7H, 8M, 8MFI & 8P

Posted: December 6, 2021

A great day to cuddle with a good book and read. You can also take another go at writing a moment piece. How about a snow moment?

Moment piece~ Remember to keep it small, use all of your sense and make your writing come alive in your readers mind. 

Posted: November 16, 2021

Math - Gr 7 – pg 44-45 ps 5-9

Read and Record - Fantasy Novel


1. Art Journaling Assignment (AJA) #  - Happy

  • drawing - completed

  • writing – draft  - 2 well written paragraphs 

2. Memoir Graphic Organizer       

Posted: November 15, 2021


We will be using the writing prompts that students did during home learning to practice revising and editing skills. Students who did not do these will have time to work on them in class but will need to put in a little extra time finishing them up at home. Today all three classes used Assignment #1 to work on paragraphing. They should be working toward writing a paragraph for each letter of their name.

5/6M - finish the drawing

6H & 6/7M - finish the drawing and the first 2 paragraphs.