Mrs. Murphy

Notes for 6W, 7H, 8M, 8MFI & 8P

Posted: November 10, 2021


This is usually our computer lab day so in keeping with routine I would like you to do 2 computer related activities. 

1. Spend some more time researching and getting to know the indigenous artist you chose. Really research, put the persons name in the search engine and read as much as you can about them. Record anything interesting you find out about them. 

2. Spend at least 15 min on if you have access.

Posted: November 9, 2021

Grade 6H & 6/7M

When I spoke to the students on Teams about this I told them to keep both Remembrance Day and Covid front line workers in mind as well as members of their families and friends.

Posted: November 9, 2021

Grade 6H

Posted: November 9, 2021

Posted: November 9, 2021

Grade 5/6

We have a double period this morning so I will expect that you will complete Art Journaling Assignments #2 & 3. It is my hope that everyone will have a good bank of drafts when we return to school to practice revising and editing skills on. Both assignments are on this page and they are posted on my school teacher page and in Teams. I hope the work is reaching everyone and that everyone is reading at least 20 min per day and responding to their reading at least 2X per week.

Posted: November 8, 2021

May be an image of screen and text that says '201S-2016 Glasgow Loo&g Whether you love to travel or hate to travel, chances are there are places that are meaningful to you. Create a page about a place you love visiting. It could be near or far, the woods behind your house or Niagra Falls. It could be a place you visited once or somewhere you go often. tnGco&Ww14g Five star hefnus belorgo belorgo Gbagow'

Posted: November 8, 2021

Remember this is a Think~Draw~Write activity.


Posted: November 5, 2021

Art Journaling Assignment #3

We will continue with the art journaling next week. This will help students to stay positive, they will get a chance to practice their writing and they will be developing a good bank of quick writes to practice revising and editing skills on.

Posted: November 5, 2021

Art Journaling Assignment #2
The written explanation is to be done in your Writing Journal and should be about a page long double spaced.
May be an illustration
May be an illustration
May be an image of screen and text that says 'Create a page of things that make you happy'

Posted: November 4, 2021

We are going to start some Art Journaling. If you have a sketch pad or plain paper at home that would be great but if not you can draw the picture in your writing journal. I have included a slide of possible things to be thinking of and some examples from former students.


Image Galleries

Added: Thu, Nov 4 2021


Added: Fri, Dec 25 2020


Narrative Powerpoint
Grade 7 Spell-A-Thon Words
Reading like a Writer
Elements of a Story