June 5-9
1. How many dogs do you own?
2. He came here from away.
3. We both went for a ride on the four by four every Sunday.
4. You have been very good all year.
May 25-29
1. You may pick which apple to take to eat.
2. Are these your green pencils?
3. It hurt my feelings when you laughed at me.
4. I am going to buy two dogs too.
5. The worm got warm and died.
April 6-9
Students are expected to label the map of Canada with proper spelling.
because also black white
when but yellow brown
if as red blue
March 22-25
Entire 3rd column of words on the Dolch Word List.
Newfoundland and Labrador Yukon Northwest Territories Nunavut
March 15-19
Eat your supper then you can have dessert.
I am bigger than you.
That is your pencil.
I think that you're nice.
You are in grade five.
This id our classroom.
Where were they when I called them?
Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island
March 8-12
Entire 2nd column of Dolch Sight Words.
Ontario Quebec
February 22-25
Go over there. British Columbia
That is their car. Alberta
I think that they're nice. Saskatchewan
February 15-19
I went to the store. I have two eyes. I ate too much ice-cream, too.
I have eight dogs. I fell off of the chair. I want four hotdogs for lunch.
January February
February 8-12 Places and Other Words that Use Capitals
Canada New Brunswick Nelson Rural School
Miramichi North America Canadian
Mrs. Murphy Entire first row of words on the Dolch Word List. (See "Word Work" section of binder)
Sept. 21-25 Passwords
yellow purple green orange
napkin rose moose bear
short tall loud door
truck grape pencil cat
September 28 - October 2
October British Columbia Alberta
I soccer hockey
skipping try tried
trying friend they
gave right write
vowels - a, e, i, o, u
October 5 - 9
Saskatchewan school stay
cut took home
didn't hair a
an I eye
sing sang
vowels - a, e, i, o, u (students will be asked to list the vowels)
October 13-16
Manitoba Ontario Thanksgiving
there Go over there.
their That is their car.
they're I think they're nice.
October 19-23
Quebec Prince Edward Island
to Go to the store.
too That is too much candy.
two I want two toys.
Oct 26-29
Newfoundland and Labrador Nova Scotia Halloween
hi which better evil
high witch went
Nov. 2-6
Yukon Northwest Territories Nunavut said
no know I know that you said no!
for four I want four pencils for math.
see sea I see the sea.
Nov. 9-13
November Remembrance Day remember
weather whether I don't know whether the weather will be nice next week.
Nov. 23 - 27
Write on the right side of the page with a purple pencil.
Go over there on Halloween with your friend.
I think they're all nice at Nelson Rural School.
They took their car to British Columbia.
Newfoundland and Labrador September true
Prince Edward Island Miramichi want
Remembrance Day Thanksgiving better
North America Labour Day remember
Nov. 30 – Dec. 3
Review Words
I want their purple pencils.
My friends from Nelson Rural School were in British Columbia for Thanksgiving.
I think they’re Canadian.
September Miramichi North America
Yukon New Brunswick remember
Northwest Territories Labour Day Alberta
Newfoundland and Labrador they tried
January 4-8
We are the Land
connect connection connected reconnect
land earth water sky
relation relationship
Indigenous Mi'kmaq