Mrs. Murphy Notes

Notes for 6W, 7H, 8M, 8MFI & 8P


Posted: April 23, 2019


lire et partager

  • 3 livres

  • Le Cycle de vie - Science

  • Les histoire de multiplication


    faits de math addition

    zéro, un, deux et trois fois tables


    histoire de 3X - image

    Problem du jour - fait ton corrections


    Students should be reading through their science notes on a nightly bases. This will give them practice reading in French as well as help them to retain the information. Reviewing notes frequently is a good study strategy.

    We will be moving onto the 4X tables tomorrow so students should be memorizing the 0-3 times tables.

    The following is the video we will watch in class tomorrow. This is an excellent way to check pronunciation as your child reads to you.


Posted: April 18, 2019

Students were aked to bring home their easy books to practice reading over the week-end.

It looks like we are going to have lots of rain so this would be a good time to put on an old favorite movie on Netflix with the language and sub-title preferences changed to French to enjoy with the family.


Posted: April 17, 2019

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  • 3 livres

  • les plantes - We added to the notes today. It is a good habit to go over notes nightly to help solidify and retain the information.


    faits de math addition

    zéro, un, deux et trois fois tables



    jouer au jeu de l'argent – Students are to bring this game back to school but will bring it home to play frequently to practice counting money.

    Problem du jour - fait ton corrections – I conferenced with students again today with these duo-tangs so they should know what to do. If the page does not have a sticker they need to make a change.

    signe le quiz et fais ton correction

    The following website is a good tool to use to practice multiplication facts. If student use this page they should read the equations out loud in French as they play.

Posted: April 16, 2019

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  • 3 livres

  • Où se cache l'oeuf? – This book should be completed.

  • les plantes – science duo-tang – We took some notes in the first block but students will be given more time tomorrow to get them down.


    faits de math addition et soustraction

    zéro, un et deux fois tables

    comptant par trois


    histoire de 3X - écriture

    Problem du jour - fait les corrections – I didn’t get a chance to look at these today.

    signe le quiz et fais ton correction


    If your child needs extra practice counting money the following two sites are English but they could be used at home to practice.

Posted: April 15, 2019

Tomorrow is twin day. Twins do not need to be in the same class.


We have started a science unit on plants. The reading passage they have is difficult but we read it several times this afternoon and discussed it for comprehension. We will practice it again in class tomorrow and the more they see and use the vocabulary in different contexts the easier it will get.


Students have high frequency words in their reading journal which they should be practicing nightly. As in English students need to know these words at a glance to be able to read fluently.


We have started the 3X tables today. Students should be studying the 0-2X tables and practice counting by 3’s to 36.


Again students should be making corrections in their problem of the day scribbler and all problems in that duo-tang should be completed with an equation and the answer in a sentence.  




lire et partager


  • 3 livres

  • Où se cache l'oeuf?

  • Qu'est-ce que les plantes?


    faits de math addition

    zéro, un et deux fois tables

    comptant par trois


    histoire de paire - image

    Problem du jour - fait ton corrections

signe le quiz et fais ton correction

Posted: April 12, 2019



Just a reminder that taking notes and copying from the board is an important skill to practice. I expect that if your child does not have their homework all down that they do it as part of their homework.

Quizzes are meant to help me and you to understand what your child is able to do on their own and where they need more practice. I will return to concepts we have already covered from time to time to see what the children have retained and will provide extra practice and time working on the skills for those who need it.


lire et partager


  • 3 livres

  • Où se cache l'oeuf?


    faits de math addition

    zéro, un et deux fois tables


    histoire de paire - image

    Problem du jour - fait ton corrections

    signe le quiz et fais ton correction

    Feuille de défi pour la lecture (reading challenge sheet, students are bringing home a second sheet in case they lost the first one)




Posted: April 11, 2019

le 11 avril

Check out the GIV’ER Miramichi magazine, pg 24, where our class is featured!

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  • 3 livres

  • les rimes

  • Manon


    faits de math addition

    zéro, un et deux fois tables


    histoire de paire – image – See yesterday’s homework for an example of what the story should look like.

    Problem de jour - fait ton corrections – I conferenced with most of the children today and explained where they needed to make corrections. If there is not a sticker on the page there is a problem with their answer.

    Où se cache l'oeuf? – read - Students will finish the book by adding the eggs and the fence where they go.

Posted: April 10, 2019

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  • 3 livres

  • les rimes

  • Manon


    faits de math addition

    zéro, un et deux fois tables


    histoire de paire

    paige de soustraction


    Example of the pair story :

    3 - Mme Murphy - pantoufles - singe

    Trois singe ont acheté des panoufles pour eux-méme.

    Combien des pantoufles en tout?

    3 X 2 = 6

    Il y a six pantoufles.

    Your child has a page of double digit subtraction with regrouping to finish. We will continue to re-visit this concept and others to solidify understanding.  


Posted: April 9, 2019

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  • 3 livres

  • les rimes


    faits de math addition

    zéro, un et deux fois tables





Posted: April 8, 2019

We spent some time this morning talking about our names and where they came from. I expect that every child will have something to share with the class tomorrow even if it is as simple as my mother/ father (or whoever) liked it.

I have added the 2X tables to the list to start studying but we did not finish the activity I planned on finishing today so just study the 0 and 1’s for now.

We started the chart on page 211 together in class and the students had time to copy it and work on it in class. The terminology they will need for column 3 is on page 209.

Tomorrow is credit union day.

See the new video of the days of the week that I have downloaded. Your child should know these.


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  • 3 livres

  • les sons - Tutu

  • livre de groupe


    faits de math addition

    zéro et un fois tables


    paige 211 - 3a le tableau

Posted: April 1, 2019

We played a dice game in math this afternoon doing repeated addition and relating it to multiplication. It would be great if your child would play a few rounds at home and explain it to you.

It is expected that your child will bring home the same practice books multiple times to read to help improve fluency. One of the most common errors they are continuing to make is pronouncing the final constantans on words. As a general rule of thumb the only constantans that are pronounces are c, r, f & l. Many students are having a problem with the <s>.

If your child has added sheets in their reading journal they should be practicing what is on them on a nightly bases. (sight words and/or alphabet)

As we move into the final term of grade 3 I will be putting more emphasis on presentation and neatness of work so you may also see the occasional piece of work come home that says "Prends ton temps et décis-les encore." This simply means take your time and do it again.


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  • 3 livres

  • écriture

  • vocabulaire (when students are reviewing vocabulary it is important that they use the articles, le, la, les, l' when applicable)


    faits de math addition et zéro fois tables (addition and 0X tables)

    signe et corrige

    le quiz


    probléme de jour (They do not have a new one today. Students may have some corrections to do or need to work on their problems a little more. The last few are examples of students questions. As in English all sentences must start with a capital and end with punctuation.)

Posted: March 27, 2019

Students added a copy of O’Canada to their vocabulary binders today. As in English there are exceptions to phonetic rules but in general in French the only consonants that are pronounced at the end of a word are c, r, f & l. Students are struggling with the s, so when they read or sing this to you, you could listen for the s at the end of words and point out where they are using them. We missed library on Tue with skating and making beans so students will be going tomorrow. The children are permitted to sign out two books, a French one and an English one and as you know they should be reading in both languages on a daily basis.


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  • 3 livres

  • écriture

  • vocabulaire


    faits de math addition et zéro fois tables

    retour livre de bibliothèque


Posted: March 26, 2019

le 26 mars

We had a busy day. The students went skating with Ms. Gallant as I am no longer able to put on my skates. We made baked beans for lunch and most of the students tried them. Baked beans were a staple in many French homes and are a good source of protein. This activity was incorporated into our health and math curriculum as we had to measure and we have been working with the new Canadian Food Guide.

We have been working on a piece of writing about spring and I have asked students to bring home their duo-tang to share their draft. Many have finished their good copy but a few are still working on the draft. This should be done by now.

We have started working with multiplication. We have done a considerable amount of skip counting and have done some work involving repeated addition. Today we did an activity to help the students understand why zero times anything equals zero. They should now add the zero times tables to the list of facts they are practicing.

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  • 3 livres

  • écriture

  • livre de groupe



    comper par 2, 5 et 10


    faits de math addition et zéro fois tables



    soustraction paige

Posted: March 19, 2019


le 19 mars


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  • 3 livres

  • écriture

  • livre de groupe


  • l'alphabet



  • Problem du jour

  • singée ton quiz- faites ton correction

  • 3 pages (naming fractions and equivalent fractions)


Posted: March 18, 2019

We went to a production of Kalimba this morning, ask your child about it. The musical production was lively and interactive with the message that we are all unique.

le 18 mars,

We are talking about how to keep ourselves healthy ask your child to tell you one thing they can do “in French”. We have also looked at the new Canadian Food Guide and have incorporated it into our fractions unit. Ask your child to explain the plate they have completed. We have been working on food vocabulary since September so they should be able to name many items on their plate. Students are expected to bring the plates back to present to their class.


Lire et partager – 3 livre

Pratique l’alphabet – students should be able to sing the alphabet, say random letters when they are pointed to and spell their first and last names quickly and fluently in French. (almost like they do in English)
