Occupé, occupé, occupé

Posted: March 26, 2019

le 26 mars

We had a busy day. The students went skating with Ms. Gallant as I am no longer able to put on my skates. We made baked beans for lunch and most of the students tried them. Baked beans were a staple in many French homes and are a good source of protein. This activity was incorporated into our health and math curriculum as we had to measure and we have been working with the new Canadian Food Guide.

We have been working on a piece of writing about spring and I have asked students to bring home their duo-tang to share their draft. Many have finished their good copy but a few are still working on the draft. This should be done by now.

We have started working with multiplication. We have done a considerable amount of skip counting and have done some work involving repeated addition. Today we did an activity to help the students understand why zero times anything equals zero. They should now add the zero times tables to the list of facts they are practicing.

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    comper par 2, 5 et 10


    faits de math addition et zéro fois tables



    soustraction paige