Mrs. Murphy Notes

Notes for 6W, 7H, 8M, 8MFI & 8P


Posted: April 20, 2021

Reading Log – Adjectives 

Spelling study column 4 – No excuse words 

Morning Activity - Emotions  

Binder – Complete March Rubric 

Posted: April 12, 2021

Read - Students should be reading a book of choice. They are expected to make 4 entries a week in their reading logs. Entries need to be at least a paragraph in length. There is an example of the first one completed on the "Reading Log" PowerPoint. We are reading "The Misfits" together in class and will be doing examples from that book. 

Spelling study 

Map – test - Once students make 26/26 they no longer need to do this test. I expect that they will get these tests signed and write out any of the provinces I printed on the back 20X each. 

Binder – Prep to mark - this is past due work from March – Although all work should be done there is a March Rubric at the front of the binder that should be all checked off by me and this is what I’m looking for. 


Sign “Why Read” page  



Posted: April 8, 2021

Read - Students should be reading a book of choice. Some are still reading Raven Tales which is past due work and should be finishing up as we will be starting something new with reading next week.  

Spelling test 

Map – test - Once students make 26/26 they no longer need to do this test. I expect that they have these tests signed.  

Binder – Prep to mark - this is past due work – Although all work should be done there is a March Rubric at the front of the binder that should be all checked off by me and this is what I’m looking for. 

Paragraph draft - Respect the land - There is an example on the “We Are the Land” PowerPoint which can be found in documents if your child is still not sure how to write a paragraph. 

Jersey Day  

Posted: March 24, 2021


Spelling – test  


Binder – Prep to mark - March Rubric is in binders. 

Paragraph draft  -  Canadian Indigenous Environmentalist - See We Are The Land PowerPoint 

Blanket and pillow  


Posted: March 22, 2021


Spelling – study  

Provinces Word Search 

Posted: March 18, 2021

Read and record  

Spelling – test  

This week's super spellers are Karsyn & Rileigh.  To become a super speller students need to make 100% on the trial test on Monday. They are always given their spelling words for the following week on Friday so they have time to prepare over the weekend.

Keyboard - colour for finger placement and practice spelling the provinces on the keyboard using proper finger placement.

PJ Day - blanket & pillow - Tomorrow is international sleep day and we will be practicing some relaxation techniques. Students may also bring in a small stuffie.

Phys Ed 


Posted: March 16, 2021

We will be leaving for the pool as soon as students are done eating lunch tomorrow. 

Posted: February 11, 2021

Read & Chart (Raven Tales)  

Morning Warm-Up activity  

 Spelling – test 

Cursive Writing – 5 min  

Flag / Red & White Day 

We will be exchanging valentines tomorrow before lunch. 

Posted: February 9, 2021

Read & Chart (Raven Tales) I expect students to write the lesson or moral of the story not a summary in the last column.   

Morning Warm-Up activity - See teachers page for February Morning Warm-Up Activity PowerPoint. Today they did the word search activity.

Spelling - Study – See teachers page for words. 

Cursive Writing – 5 min  

Home Packet and Memo  

French Packet – Please return French emergency packets. 

Teacher’s Page Search and Find – I have asked the students to have someone at home re-do this activity with them so that they have someone at home who is familiar with the teacher's page. All answers must be in full sentences. I will be using this activity to assess if students are able to write proper sentences. 

Posted: February 4, 2021

Grade 5

Homework for this class will usually be to finish work that was started in class that students probably should have finished. Students will have a daily morning warm-up that they will need to complete.  

Reading - I expect that students spend 30-60 min per evening, 5X per week doing homewrk. If they spend 40 min finishing up things they did not finish in class then they should read for 10 - 20 min., if they spend 10 min on finishing up or if they are all done their classwork then they could spend 30-50 min reading.

Phys. Ed.  

Morning Warm-Up activity - Please see the February Morning Warm-Up PowerPoint to see the days activity. As stated in the document description this is a working document and changes will be made to it as we work along.

Study No-Excuse words

Parents see class page


Posted: January 28, 2021

Students will be passing in their reading and word work duo-tangs along with their binder tomorrow ~ all work should be completed.

Return take-home package ~ this is the emergency package students took home to work on in the event that we went to at home learning. 

Spelling test. Only the boys will have this test as all the girls made 100% on their trial tests.

Posted: January 25, 2021

Read from the Raven Tales Series and fill in the chart for the book read. This should be book # 11.  

Spelling – study last 2 rows of Dolch sight words 

Complete any unfinished work and prepare January Morning Warm-ups to mark. These are in the lavendar section of their binders. - 13 activities – rubric for this section is taped to the inside cover of the binders 


Posted: January 21, 2021

Please read this entire note before starting today's work.  
1. This is the last day class day to work on the Community Values PowerPoint. 
2. Powerpoints must be shared with me at by January 27th. 
3. You must enable editing when sharing with me so that I can make suggestions for improvements if I have any. 
4. I will be looking for;
a. all tasks are completed

b. Copyright has been respected 

c. proper mechanics of the English language 

d. clarity of idea both in written form and visual representation 

Use your time wisely. If you finish I want you to research resources for mental health for teens. Create a document of URLs to share at a later time with notes about the site. ie: who would benefit from the site, what are some useful aspects, what do you like or dislike about the site and why. This research may be used for a future assignment. 

Posted: January 20, 2021

Spelling- Study 3rd & 4th rows of Dolch Word List 
Read 15 Minutes - Raven Tales & Fill out chart if you didnt complete in class
Complete Morning Activity 

Posted: January 19, 2021

Spelling- Study 3rd & 4th rows of Dolch Word List
Read 15 Minutes - Raven Tales & Fill out chart if you didnt complete in class
Complete Morning Activity -
**Some students have not been putting these in their books and
fulfilling this responsibility during the morning time allotted, throughout the day
when they have extra time or for homework that night if needed.
We went through and checked them today and they have new copies of any they
may have missed or misplaced while I have been here. They are all to be completed
by tomorrow.** -Mr. Lynch
