Posted: April 12, 2021
Read - Students should be reading a book of choice. They are expected to make 4 entries a week in their reading logs. Entries need to be at least a paragraph in length. There is an example of the first one completed on the "Reading Log" PowerPoint. We are reading "The Misfits" together in class and will be doing examples from that book.
Spelling study
Map – test - Once students make 26/26 they no longer need to do this test. I expect that they will get these tests signed and write out any of the provinces I printed on the back 20X each.
Binder – Prep to mark - this is past due work from March – Although all work should be done there is a March Rubric at the front of the binder that should be all checked off by me and this is what I’m looking for.
Sign “Why Read” page