Mrs. Murphy Notes

Notes for 6W, 7H, 8M, 8MFI & 8P


Posted: September 25, 2020

 Phys Ed 


Do Teacher Page Search and Find with someone at home. We did this in class today but I would like the students to show someone else this page and practice using it.

Spelling Test – sign 

Cursive Writing Practice - This is at the back of their spelling test notebooks. Today I demonstarted how to write Riley and we practiced it in class. 


Posted: September 23, 2020

Sept 23 



  • pg 51 ques. 1-6 

  • headphones - or $5 to purchase one - a memo was sent home about this last week.

Spelling - The weeks spelling list will be added in the pages bar by Wednesday of each week. 

Small bag - To carry their French and Math materials, that do not fit in their binder, to and from class. 

Memo's - Consent form & Thanksgiving Dinner Pre-order.

Posted: September 22, 2020



Share Why Write List 


Math pg. 51, 2 questions 


Posted: September 21, 2020

Read - I have started reading individually with children and will be sending reading activities home based on my observations. Students will usually have opportunity to do or start this reading at school but it is meant to be a part of their daily reading time not in addition to. Of course, students are always encouraged to read from material of their choice and to continue recording it in their reading logs. 

Sign Spelling Test - Students wrote this in Campfire notebooks on Friday. 

Study new words - These are words that are in the student's passwords so it is important that they can spell them especially the ones from their password. 

Cursive Writing - I gave instruction on Friday showing students how to form the letters for Anneliese’s name and expect that they do this double spaced and to the best of their ability. The rest of the words in the back of their campfire notebook should be practices 5X each. 

Science – share – We worked in groups today and students put their activities in their blue duo-tangs. I would like them to share them with someone and explain what their reading activity was about. 

Posted: September 17, 2020



Writing – Finish Poem Students who were absent yesterday afternoon do not need to finish this activity. We will be going to the computer lab to type these to practice using Microsoft word and the keyboard. 

Spelling Test - I checked everyone’s words in their duo-tangs today but it is a good idea to check them each night to make sure they copied them correctly. I circulate as they write them but I don’t always get a chance to give them a good check. Copying notes is a skill they will need as they advance in the grades, so practice is important. 

Phys Ed 

Math – Headphones - see memo from earlier this week 

Posted: September 15, 2020

September 15, 2020 

Read & Record – Please see the “Why Can’t I skip My 20 Minutes of Reading Tonight?” handout. Students should adjust their reading time in accordance to how much time they spend doing other homework. If we go by the general rule of thumb of 10 min per grade level they should be “working” at their homework for about 50 min per evening. Most of the work that I assign will be the completion of something started in class and should probably already be finished or close to it. Having said that if they work for 20 min on other homework I would expect that they read for 20-30 min.  

Quick Write - Students should write at least ½ page about the quote or what the quote made them think of.  

Words of the Week - Spelling Duo-Tang – Finish the Use capital letters correctly” handout 


  • Cafeteria menu 

  • Letter to Parents regarding allergies 

  • Math information 

Posted: September 14, 2020

Read & Record 

Quick Write - Students are to fill out the “My Classroom Expectations sheet. This is for English Language Arts and other cross-curricular subjects we have in homeroom. Your child should always write their name in cursive in my classes on every piece of paper they work on. 

Words of the Week - Students will add words to their agenda each week that I deem important for them to be able to spell quickly for simplicities sake. We may add words up to Wednesday so they should study each night. This week’s theme is places and other words that need capitals. 

Notes for Parents/ Guardians 

  1. Ask your child what province, territory or city they chose to do their project on. This will be a long-term working project that they will start working on now and present in January.  

  1. If your child cannot tie a knot or their shoelaces, they should be practicing this at home. 

  1. Mrs. Tucker would like students to have scribbler with ½ plain & ½ lined pages for French. 

  1. Student fee is $20 with a maximum of $40 per family. This includes the agenda fee. 

  1. A few students still do not have an old t-shirt. We will be cutting this up so it will not come back home. This does not need to fit your child so it can be anyone's t-shirt. 

Posted: September 11, 2020

Read & Record Students now have a yellow duo-tang with a reading log. I expect that they will read for at least 3 hours every week. They will have short periods of time to read at school but they will need to read at home to achieve this goal. 

Quick Write Students are bringing home an aqua duo-tang with writing prompts. These prompts are meant to get them thinking and to give them something to write about. Some prompts will be mind maps like the one they had yesterday titled “I Believe in my # Selfie”and will require that they fill out the sheet. Other prompts will be a response to something we have discussed in class and they should write at least ½ a page double spaced on loose leaf.  

Phys. Ed. Students require a change of clothes and their indoor sneakers for physical education. Their clothes need to be in a bag to transport from their locker to the changing room. We have Phys. Ed. On Monday and Friday. 

Note to Parents/Guardians

Student Fee, which includes agenda, is $20 with a maximum $40 per family.

The Nelson Rural School Page & Facebook Nelson Rural School Information Page are great sources of information for anything regarding school.

I had a wonderful 3 days with your children and look forward to working with them over the next 5 months.

Posted: September 10, 2020

September 10 

Read 15 –20 min 

Phys Ed Clothes - Students require a change of clothes and their indoor sneakers for physical education. Their clothes need to be in a bag to transport from their locker to the changing room. 

Post Class Schedule at home - Students received 2 schedules today one to post in their locker and the 2nd to leave at home. 

Note to Parents (Grade 5 & 4/5 IF) 

We have an extensive classroom library which your child is encouraged to use. I have been developing this assortment of books for years and some are intended for an older audience (middle school). Some books are labeled mature content and I have a holocaust section. It is my rule that students are not permitted to choose books from this section or those that are labelled mature unless I get a written note from a parent or guardian saying it is ok.   


A few students forgot to look for an old t-shirt yesterday so please see yesterday's note for details. We are moving very slow and that was late on day 2’s lesson plan and we will hopefully be finishing up day 1 tomorrow.  


Please check to see if your child brought their student information sheet home again, if they did something is missing on it! 


Students had their first math class today!  

Posted: September 9, 2020


Handouts Your child has several sheets for you to read.

Please review the student info form and make any necessary changes. 

The media coverage sheet needs to be signed and returned. 

Practice Lock - Your child may be bringing their lock home to practice opening. If they don’t have it with them it is because they believe they have mastered it!  

Read – 15-20 min  

Visit Class Page - This is where I will be expanding on and explaining what is in the agenda. It is a great place to keep updated on what we are doing in class.  

Bring I an old t-shirt - We will be cutting this up so it will not come back home. This does not need to fit your child so it can be anyone's t-shirt. 


What did we do today? Things to ask your child about.

  • We were assigned homework buddies today.  
  • “Let your light shine!” This phrase was used in the book I have started reading to the students, we will be discussing it’s meaning tomorrow. 


Posted: May 7, 2019

lire et partager

  • 3 livres

  • les besoins d'une plante

  • Ma boîte à crayons

    signe le quiz et fais ton correction


    faits de math addition

    0 - 5 fois tables


    Problem du jour - fait ton corrections

Posted: May 6, 2019

lire et partager

  • 3 livres

  • les besoins d'une plante



    faits de math addition

    0 - 5 fois tables


    Problem du jour - fait ton corrections

    finis le poème - reçu finale

    signe le quiz et fais ton correction - 2 pages

    livres de bibliothéque

Posted: May 1, 2019

I told the students to bring home their reading journals and books but other than that there is no homework. This would be a great time to watch a Netflix movie with language and subtitles switched to French. Immersion works best when we are immersed this includes leisure and off time. May also be a good time to check out some of the sites and video’s I have added to this page, every little bit counts.


Posted: April 29, 2019

lire et partager

  • 3 livres

  • Où se cache l'oeuf?

  • les parties d'une plante – If they did not finish drawing and labeling a picture of a flower they are to finish it for homework.

  • Les sons - Mademoiselle Allain


    faits de math addition

    0 - 4 fois tables


    Problem du jour - fait ton corrections – I expect that students write out their corrections 10X each. Keep in mind that many of the facts were repeated today so they will not need to do them more than once. They had 10 minutes to complete this in class which should have been enough time. As a rule of thumb they should be able to give the answer in about 3 seconds.

    finis le poème – We did not get to this today sot hey will be unable to finish it!

    signe le quiz et fais ton correction


    Don’t forget there is no school for students on Thursday or Friday of this week.

    Students have a memo in their agendas.

Posted: April 24, 2019



Pareil qu,heir – the same as yesterday

Recettes pour poissons blancs – We are still looking for white fish recipes for our cookbook.

We had a busy day starting with Sam from BBBS and the SNAP program and ending with the grade 8 coding mentors.

Our quiz tomorrow will be science related so students should be studying the Life Cycle of a Plant – Le cycle de vie d’une plante
