Posted: September 11, 2020
Read & Record Students now have a yellow duo-tang with a reading log. I expect that they will read for at least 3 hours every week. They will have short periods of time to read at school but they will need to read at home to achieve this goal.
Quick Write Students are bringing home an aqua duo-tang with writing prompts. These prompts are meant to get them thinking and to give them something to write about. Some prompts will be mind maps like the one they had yesterday titled “I Believe in my # Selfie”and will require that they fill out the sheet. Other prompts will be a response to something we have discussed in class and they should write at least ½ a page double spaced on loose leaf.
Phys. Ed. Students require a change of clothes and their indoor sneakers for physical education. Their clothes need to be in a bag to transport from their locker to the changing room. We have Phys. Ed. On Monday and Friday.
Note to Parents/Guardians
Student Fee, which includes agenda, is $20 with a maximum $40 per family.
The Nelson Rural School Page & Facebook Nelson Rural School Information Page are great sources of information for anything regarding school.
I had a wonderful 3 days with your children and look forward to working with them over the next 5 months.