Mrs. Murphy Notes

Grade 6/7M, 6H & 5/6 English Language Arts


Posted: September 10, 2018

Le 10 septembre

Your child is bringing home their “Les sons” duo-tang to share 2 little stories we have been working on as we practice the sound <ah>. They also have a little book “Mon sac d’ecole” to read to you. We are still working on these but they were anxious to bring them home to share what they have learned. We are still working on the alphabet and counting in French and it would be great if they could watch some of the recommended videos to help with pronunciation.


Share and read

Posted: September 7, 2018

Le 7 septembre

What a busy week, your little one has worked hard and is probably tired. We are ready to move into full swing next week. There are many things you can do at home to help your child which we have been talking about in class like watching French movies and videos and listening to French songs. We have used a few videos to help us with our numbers and alphabet in class and watched a “Frozen” video in French this week. I will start adding the sites we use to the website section of our class page for extra practice at home if you wish.

Have a great weekend.  

Posted: September 6, 2018

We added the classroom phrase “Est-ce que je peux aller remplir ma bouteille d’eau?’ to our repertoire of phrases today, worked some more with the sound <ah>, read the book “Mon sac d’ecole” to work further on our classroom vocabulary and added “moins” to our math work vocabulary. We are moving closer to being totally French each day and by Monday I will be putting away the ‘English Boa’.


Bring in flyers.

Posted: September 5, 2018

We worked hard again today continuing to practice our salutations and we learning a new classroom phrase – “Est-ce que je peux aller boire?” Students started English language arts with Mrs. Tozer this afternoon. We started math this afternoon as well focusing on vocabulary for the numbers 1-12 and “plus” and “font”.

Homework : Students are expected to read and record on a nightly basis and have someone sign their reading log. Agenda should also be signed each night to say an adult saw what they had to do. The agenda is also a great way to send messages back and forth from school as I will check them each day.

Posted: September 4, 2018

We had a full day! Students are going home with an agenda full of notices and forms and I asked them to have their parents fill out the information in the front of their agendas. Today we worked on “Je m’appelle _________. Et toi, comment t’appelle tu? and the most important classroom phrase of all “Est-ce que je peux aller aux toilettes?”.

Homework – read and record in reading log.

Ask your child about Sebastian and the picture on the front of their reading log.

Posted: April 18, 2017


We are on day 3 of “Totally Joe”. We are reading this book as a class novel study but all students are expected to keep up their personal duo-tangs with their best work as their daily work will be marked. As we read they are expected to take notes on the setting and 4 of the characters, keep adding to the plot line with a note for each chapter and prepare a question for each chapter. Questions need to be higher level thinking.


Posted: March 13, 2017


We have been having difficulty bringing our narrative to a finish but students will have their third and last day to type the piece in the computer lab tomorrow. Hopefully we will wrap this up before the end of the week.

Posted: February 20, 2017


We are bringing this piece to a close. Students will be expected to have their piece typed and printed out before class on Thur. We will start to mark the pieces in class so students will have time to make last minute revisions. See "Writing a Narrative" Powerpoint document


Spell-A-Thon - Final Test will be on on Wednesday. See 2017 Spell-A-Thon document

Posted: December 8, 2016

Students should be studying their numbers to 31.

They should be able to

  • count in French from 1-31.

  • be able to continue counting to 31 from any given number.

  • know any number from 1-31 when a number is flashed.

  • be able to point to any number from 1-31 when the number is called.

 We will be making play dough in class next week and students need to bring in a package of jello or kool-aid.

Posted: December 8, 2016

Day 2 of Reading like a Writer has been added to the powerpoint presentation.

Posted: December 7, 2016

Students were introduced to their next book report, "Reading Like a Writer", today. The powerpoint presentation we are using in class has been uploaded and will be updated as we work on it as it's a working document. We will spend about 10 school days on this report so students should divide their book up into chunks so it will be completed on time. This report will be completed as they read.

Posted: December 5, 2016

1. Students need to come to class with the draft of their book report finished as we have the computer lab tomorrow and they will only be given 1 class to type the report. An updated version of the teaching powerpoint for this report has been up-loaded.

2. Students need to pick a 'just right' book for their next book report. It should be a book that will take 2-3 weeks to read and cannot be a graphic novel unless it has been pre-approved by me. Some students are mid-way through a book and that is fine as the nature of the next book report will allow for a change of books. They will need to read on a nightly basis for this report.

Posted: November 21, 2016


The book report book should be finished by Wednesday.

Book Report

Students need to have their revised setting for class tomorrow. There piece should answer the following questions

  1. What is the setting?

  2. Why is this setting important to the story?

  3. What example from the text is cited?  

There have been some updates made to the elements of a story power point.

Posted: November 15, 2016

We are into week two of a book report.

Students should be at least half way through the book they have chosen.

They should be taking notes for a character sketch which will be the major part of the book report.

They also need to take notes to help them to write a short description of the setting.

Please see the “Elements of a Story” document for further report details.

Posted: October 19, 2016

 7 O-D Literacy

I will be out of the classroom on Friday so as a result we are making slight adjustments to our week. Tomorrow, Thursday the 19th, will be Art Journaling Day for this week. Students will be expected to complete a piece of writing in class. They will be given the following prompt -

Chose one of the images you’ve created in your art journal and write an essay explaining what it depicts.  The journaling prompts are provided to help pull your thoughts together and focus in on an idea. Use the writing rubric as a guide to help plan and revise your piece of writing.
