Mrs. Murphy Notes

Notes for 6W, 7H, 8M, 8MFI & 8P


Posted: October 2, 2015

Devoirs 5 e année lire pour 20 minutes   Homework Grade 6 Read

Posted: October 1, 2015

Devoirs 5 e année lire pour 20 minutes de l'argent pour la promenade Terry Fox Homework Grade 6 Read  

Posted: September 30, 2015

Devoirs 5 e année lire pour 20 minutes memo de l'argent pour la promenade Terry Fox Homework Grade 6 Read  

Posted: September 29, 2015

  Devoirs 5 e année lire pour 20 minutes l’education physique Homework Grade 6 Read Complete Multiple Choice Book Report if it was not completed for today.  

Posted: September 28, 2015

Devoirs 5 e annéelire pour 20 minutesl’education physiquemath – complete the sheet Question de la journéeQ : Quelle âge as-tu?A : J’ai neuf/dix/onze ans.Q: De quelle couleur sont tes cheveux?A: J’ai les cheveux noir / brun / blonde. HomeworkGrade 6ReadComplete Multiple Choice Book Report 

Posted: September 24, 2015

Devoirs lire pour 20 minutes I will start adding a question of the day that your child should be able to ask you and respond to so you will have an idea of some of the things we have been working on.Q : Comment t'appelle tu?R : Je m'appelle .......Q : En Quelle annee es tu?R : Je suis en 5e annee.               

Posted: September 23, 2015

Both grade 5 & 6 students should be getting pictures put onto their memory sticks. Devoirslire pour 20 minutes math - pg. 12 que. 4-5 Grade 6 - Read 

Posted: September 22, 2015

Grade 5 Read 20 min memory stick – with pictures of family members phys. ed Grade 6Read 20-30 min                        

Posted: September 21, 2015

5e anneeDevoirslire pour 20 minutes math – sign quiz         - pg. 11 que. 1 education physique Grade 6 Read for 20 min.Some students have a report to sign and others have another picture book to read.

Posted: September 15, 2015

HomeworkRead 20 minPhys.Ed

Posted: September 14, 2015

       Homework    Read 20 min.    Home & School Meeting le 15 septembre 6pm    Book Order due friday Grade 5    Math – Cover text -         pg. 8 que. 3 & 4 a & b    Phys. Ed Grade 6    cursive writing – name    show tool box to someone    coil scribbler     

Posted: September 10, 2015

Grade 5Homework read 20 min memos / forms / student feesStudents are bringing home their vocabulary books to practice some phrases that will be used frequently. We have gone over these many times in class and will be adding one a day for a while.Grade 6Homeworkread 20 min  supplies - I gave students a list of supplies that they will need specifically for my class. Part of my plan for the year is to help students to organize and so we will have a place for everything and try to have everything in it's place.

Posted: September 9, 2015

Grade 5We had another great day and were able to get a little more french in.  HomeworkRead 20 min.Memo’s/ Fee’s/ Forms Flyer’s with pictures of school supplies Math –cover text book Bristle Board for art tomorrow Grade 6It was picture day so class was short today.  Hopefully we will get started tomorrow.

Posted: September 8, 2015

Grade 5 We had a very busy day. We will be starting slowly but will be full time french by next week. We worked on some phrases that the students will use frequently today and will focus on these and getting comfortable for the rest of the week. Students brought home  their extra supplies and the things they won't need until next term. I am very excited to be working with your children and look forward to the upcoming term.Bon Soir,Mme. MurphyHomeworkMemo’sReadPhys. Ed

Posted: April 28, 2015

The deadline for the slam poem has been extended to next Friday, May 8th. The smartboard lesson with the requirements has been attached in case your child did not get all the notes for what is needed in the package that they are to pass in.
Binary Data slam_poetry_introduction.notebook20.97 MB
