Le 8 avril

Posted: April 8, 2019

We spent some time this morning talking about our names and where they came from. I expect that every child will have something to share with the class tomorrow even if it is as simple as my mother/ father (or whoever) liked it.

I have added the 2X tables to the list to start studying but we did not finish the activity I planned on finishing today so just study the 0 and 1’s for now.

We started the chart on page 211 together in class and the students had time to copy it and work on it in class. The terminology they will need for column 3 is on page 209.

Tomorrow is credit union day.

See the new video of the days of the week that I have downloaded. Your child should know these.


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  • 3 livres

  • les sons - Tutu

  • livre de groupe


    faits de math addition

    zéro et un fois tables


    paige 211 - 3a le tableau