Ms. Hitchman Notes

welcome back!


Posted: November 16, 2020

Happy Monday! 
Here is the homework for the week:
Lecture: Students are to read 1-2 books each night this week. This week, their main book is "Que fait un bon ami?"
- We will be working on friendships and emotions for the next few weeks. 
They can read the books in their homework bag, or books on Je lis Je lis website. Students also enjoy the "Bouliki" website and can sign up for free. This website has a reading comprehension quiz at the end of the book. They can click on the Audio ear to hear the questions and answers. 
Les sons: Students can listen to the sound poem on my teacher page, and sing along with the song while doing the action. The sound is "CH" this week. The action is to put their index finger up to their mouth and say "ch". Their sound words are also in their sheet protector this week.
Les Mots: Their new sight words are in their word wallets. They are to practice saying them aloud. They can also build their words at home using magnetic letters, playdough, lego, salt in a tray, etc or write them in the air with their finger.
Maths: The new math task is in their word wallets for the week! They are to find 5 2D objects around the house and think of something they all have in common! Students are to complete their assignments on Zorbit Math as well.
I have asked all the students to come up with an idea of what they want to learn more about in our Exploration time during the day. I will make a list and we will focus on each idea, one at a time throughout the year! 
Reminders this week: 
Monday: Homework assigned. 
Thursday: Library (return books)
- Return any homework assigned this week (Students may have math or word work sheets if not completed in class)
Friday: No School for students: PD day for Teachers
Have a wonderful week! 
Mme Hitchman

Posted: November 7, 2020

Happy Monday! 
Here is the homework for the week:
Lecture: Students are to read 1-2 books each night this week. This week, their main book is "Le Jour du Souvenir"
They can read the books in their homework bag, or books on Je lis Je lis website. Students also enjoy the "Bouliki" website and can sign up for free. This website has a reading comprehension quiz at the end of the book. They can click on the Audio ear to hear the questions and answers. 
*Students are to colour an acorn for every book they read in their reading logs! The more books read, the more vocabulary they will build in French! The reading log sheet included is communication for me to see if they find their book too hard, too easy..etc. Please sign and return.
Les sons: Students can listen to the sound poem on my teacher page, and sing along with the song while doing the action. The sound is "oi" this week. The action is to press their thumb and index finger together and put it up to the corner of their eye and say the sound "oi" Their sound words are also in their sheet protector this week.
Les Mots: Their new sight words are in their word wallets. They are to practice saying them aloud. They can also build their words at home using magnetic letters, playdough, lego, salt in a tray, etc or write them in the air with their finger.
Maths: The new math task is in their word wallets for the week! They are to find 5 3D objects around the house and think of something they all have in common! Students are to complete their assignments on Zorbit Math as well.
Reminders this week: 
Monday: Homework assigned (We will be collecting Poppy donations all week) Some students are to finish their Math sheets and all students have a word sheet TOI to finish by Friday. All homework sent home is to be completed by Friday. 
Tuesday: Remembrance day virtual ceremony will take place at 1pm live streamed on School fb page "Nelson Rural School Information".
Wednesday: Remembrance Day: No school for students
Thursday: Library (return books)
Friday: Return any homework assigned this week (Students may have math or word work sheets if not completed in class)
Have a wonderful week! 
Je me souviens 
Mme Hitchman

Posted: November 2, 2020

This week, students are working on a project on their Family!
They will be constructing their "Houses" in the Maker Space and then adding their writing to it.
I am asking that parents please write the names of the family members who live in the same house as the child in theAgendas so that student's have the correct spelling. Thank you for your help with this!
Mme Hitchman

Posted: November 1, 2020

Happy November!
Here is the homework for the week:
Lecture: Students will be bringing home browsing books this week! They are to practice reading the books each night. 
*The New reading logs are being sent home as well. students are to colour an acorn for every book they read! The more books read, the more vocabulary they will build in French! The reading log sheet included is communication for me to see if they find their book too hard, too easy..etc.
Les sons: Students can listen to the sound poem on my teacher page, and sing along with the song while doing the action. The sound is "OU" this week. They are to cup their hand like an O and put up to their mouth. Their sound words are also in their sheet protector this week.
Les Mots: Their 6 new sight words are in their word wallets. They are to practice saying them aloud. They can try to build the words with lego at home or draw them in a pan of salt! 
Maths: The new math task is in their word wallets for the week!  They can count in the car, count outside, count while drawing the numbers out on pavement with chalk, their choice! 
  • I would also like Students to complete the assignment on Zorbit Math.

Posted: October 26, 2020

Happy Monday! Il neige! Students were pretty excited to see the first snow today! Still a bit early I think. 
Here is the homework for the week:
Lecture: Students received a new book today: "Joyeuse Halloween". They are to practice reading the book at least three times this week. It is very repetitive as well. Some students need to finish coloring it. I am asking that students leave it in their yellow folder as we are doing an activity with it tomorrow.
We have started using browsing Books as well in the classroom so some students may have an extra book in their yellow folders. They are to try to read that book as well! A reminder to color in their pumpkins on the back of their home folder.
Les sons: Students can listen to the sound poem on my teacher page, and sing along with the song while doing the action. The sound is "U" this week. They are to cup their hand like a U when they hear that sound. Their sound words are also in their sheet protector this week.
Les Mots: Their 5 new sight words are in their word wallets. They are to practice saying them aloud. They can also create these words with a tray of salt or with playdough!
Maths: The new math task is in their word wallets for the week since it is a short week! Students do not have to show their pattern to me, but if they would like to send a picture of their creative way to make a repeating pattern, I would love to see it!
  • Students are to finish the assignments in Zorbit as well this week.
  • If students have costume pictures to send in, please email them to me by tomorrow at the latest as we will begin our writing on Wednesday.
  • Student Photos are due on Thursday.
  • ORANGE & BLACK day is on Thursday
  • No School for students on Friday this week
Joyeuse Halloween!!!
Mme Hitchman

Posted: October 20, 2020

Just a few reminders:
  • The school will be providing fruit & veggie trays for all classes on the 29th for our Halloween celebrations. As per Covid regulations, we can not have treats sent in on that day.
  • October 29th is Orange and Black day. Students are encouraged to wear orange and Black! 
  • No school for students on the 30th as it is a PD day for teachers (Happy Halloween!)
  • The Primary classes normally have a Costume Parade for students, but because we are not able to send in costumes this year due to Covid restrictions, I have decided to have VIRTUAL Costume Parade for my students!! This means, any student who would like to dress in their costume at home and take either a photo or video of them in their costume can send it to my email
I will put it all together in a slide show so that each student can describe their costume at school to their classmates. Every year I use this as a great writing opportunity and students seem to really enjoy it! If your child would like to participate, please send me the picture of video of them in costume by this Sunday so that I can prepare the slide show. 
Happy Halloween!! 
Mme Hitchman

Posted: October 19, 2020

Happy Monday! I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful fall weather today! I am so impressed with how many students began using new French words today when they arrived! Keep up the great work grade 1!
Here is the homework for the week:
Lecture: Students received a new book today. They are to practice reading the book at least three times this week. I put songs on my teacher page to help. Students can also read on "Je lis Je lis". They are to colour in their pumpkins on the back of their home folder.
Les sons: Students can listen to the sound poem on my teacher page, and sing along with the song while doing the action. The sound is "O" "AU" this week. They are to touch their head when they hear that sound. Their sound words are also in their sheet protector this week.
Les Mots: Their 5 new sight words are in their word wallets. They are to practice saying them aloud. One fun activity at home is to tape them to their bedroom wall at night and shut the light off. Get them to shine a flashlight to each word and say the word!
Les Maths: I will be starting to send a Math wallet home on Tuesdays. There will be one task in it each week. The task will align with the math outcomes this year. Students can do this once a week or more if they prefer. They are to continue using Zorbits at least 20 minutes per week. I opened up another part in their worlds for shapes as we are working on shapes in class.
*Student Photos went home today! Please check their homework bags for their beautiful photos!

Posted: October 14, 2020

Dear Parents:

We will be having a VIRTUAL Pumpkin carving/decorating this year. Two categories: (1) Carving and (2) Decorating. Students will decorate or carve their own pumpkins at home and take a picture of themselves WITH their pumpkin and email it to me at . The deadline for entries will be October 23rd.

*Any student who would like to participate can send me the picture any time between now and the 23rd of October! Happy carving/decorating!

Joyeux Halloween! 

Mme Hitchman


Posted: October 13, 2020

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! 
Here is the homework for the week:
Math: Students are to practice skip counting by 2 from 1-20 with their rocket ships. I put up a couple videos on my teacher page to help as well and there is a new assignment on Zorbit Math for skip counting on 2. Just click on the back pack. 
Students also have a patterns sheet they are to finish at home. They are extending their pattern. 
Sound: Our new sound of the week is "E". Students are to listen to the sound poem on the teacher page and sing along each night.
Reading: They have a new book about hair and eye colour.  
Word work:  Students received their new words today. I took out the words they know from last week, so studetns are to practice the words they are working on in their word wallets. They are to read each word a couple times. If they know the word, they put it in the right side of the wallet in "words I know".
Just a couple reminders: 
  • Library is on Thursdays, please return books on this day. Students have started bringing a french book home as well. I am encouraging them to look at the pictures and try to look for familiar words that they have learned in these books and to try to sound them out the best that they can! 
  • It is getting a bit cooler outside in the mornings, so students are asked to bring a jacket and dress for the weather as they will continue to go outside at both recesses. 
Have a fantastic week!
Mme Hitchman

Posted: October 5, 2020

Happy Monday!!
I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful weather this weekend!
Here is the homework for the week:
Math: Students are to practice counting forwards and backwards from 1-20 with their new rocket ships. These are to be left at home so they can use them when we are skip counting as well.
Practice printing numbers 1-9 (Due back on Friday)
Sound: Our new sound of the week is "é" Pronounced "eh" Students are to listen to the sound poem on the teacher page and sing along.
Reading: They have a new book about their pets. Students are to read the book once each night. Some of their new sight words are in the book.
Word work: We are starting sight words this week! The memo is in with their word wallet. They are to read each word a couple times. If they know the word, they put it in the right side of the wallet.
Have a fantastic week!
Mme Hitchman

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Orange Shirt day so we are asking that all students & staff wear Orange shirts.

This is to recognize the residential school survivors and their families.

Posted: September 28, 2020

Happy Monday! Today was a busy day working on Terry Fox activities.
Homework: Students are to go on the teacher page and listen to the new sound of the week "i" and do the action while they are singing.
I will be sending home their new book on Wednesday to give them time to practice.
Math: Students are to work on Zorbit Math. If you are unable to use Zorbit math, they can go to and work on number bonds to 10.
Reminders: Please check the agendas each day for important notes.
Tomorrow we will be going to Fletcher's Farm. It is calling for a bit of rain but warm temperatures so students are asked to dress accordingly. Rain boots, rain jacket, etc. It is suppose to clear up by lunch so students can bring their outdoor sneakers as well for recess.
We are still collecting for the Terry Fox walk. Our class goal is to collect $40. We are up to $15! If we meet our goal, we will have extra recess time outside! 

Posted: September 21, 2020

Bon lundi tout le monde! 

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!! 

Here is the homework for the week: 

  1. Reading: Read their new french book once each night. This is their first french book that they can take home and they bring it back to school on Friday! We have been working on saying how old we are, so this book fits right in! If they are having trouble pronouncing any of the words, they can listen to the song on my teacher page to help them. We also went over different ways to help us read, such as following with our finger to each word, looking at the picture first, and sounding it out. Have fun! 
  2. Permission slips went home for our Fletcher Farm trip, please sign and return to school. $2.00 for trip, and the school will be paying the rest. 
  3. Sound of the week: We are working on our first sound of the week "A". I put the sound poem on my teacher page, they can sing along with it. 
  4. Zorbit Math: Students are to log in to Zorbit math 2 times per week and work on numbers and patterns. They created a pattern today and they are to bring it back to school to hang on our math wall! 
  5. Bring Library book back on Thursday 
  • Bus evacuation: We will be having a practice bus evacuation on Thursday.

Have a wonderful week! 

Mme Hitchman


Posted: September 16, 2020

I have sent home a couple forms in the home folder, so please check the yellow folders. 

I will also be uploading some songs on my teacher page that students are working on in class. Students are encouraged to watch the videos and sing along! :) 

Tomorrow I will be sending home a form for the "Fire Chief for a day" contest along with a sheet for students to draw a fire safety evacuation plan with their parents. The contest is voluntary and can be sent back into me, or you can send it in yourself. The email on the form is misspelled however, it is   

We will be having a practice fire drill on Friday here at school and are learning about fire safety this week. They will be bringing a book home with them today that they worked on for their numbers. They are not expected to be able to read all the words, but to practice reading their numbers in the book. :) 


Mme Hitchman

Posted: September 8, 2020

Bienvenue un première année!! 

Welcome to grade 1!! I can't wait to see you on Wednesday and I hope you are excited to learn a new language and make new friends! 

I sent out an email to all my parents so please check that as well! I hope you have a great sleep tonight and I will see you tomorrow!

:) Mme Hitchman

back to school

