Posted: October 5, 2020
Happy Monday!!
I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful weather this weekend!
Here is the homework for the week:
Math: Students are to practice counting forwards and backwards from 1-20 with their new rocket ships. These are to be left at home so they can use them when we are skip counting as well.
Practice printing numbers 1-9 (Due back on Friday)
Sound: Our new sound of the week is "é" Pronounced "eh" Students are to listen to the sound poem on the teacher page and sing along.
Reading: They have a new book about their pets. Students are to read the book once each night. Some of their new sight words are in the book.
Word work: We are starting sight words this week! The memo is in with their word wallet. They are to read each word a couple times. If they know the word, they put it in the right side of the wallet.
Have a fantastic week!
Mme Hitchman