Ms. Hitchman Notes

welcome back!


Posted: April 26, 2020

Bonjour tout le monde!! 

I hope you all had a wonderful, sunny weekend! The weather is starting to feel like Spring! I hope you will be able to do some home learning outside this week with some of the activities provided. 

  • Just a reminder that I will be posting my sound of the week every Monday. These are all new sounds for students, and there will be a youtube video attached to watch as well to help learn these new sounds. 
  • I received great feedback about my videos I uploaded, so I will be creating more this week! Keep an eye out! 
  • Another reading site students can use is They have great french books and is a great resource. If you would like a username or password and log in, please send me an email. 
  • I noticed many students are doing a wonderful job on DreamBox Math! Keep it up! I already noticed some receiving badges in both "Je lis" reading website and Dreambox Math! Bravo les amis! Students can read a book this week from the website and draw a new book cover from the attached document as well! 

Bonjour les amis! 

I hope you are having a great day! Today is Earth Day and I have included a few activities you can do to celebrate! Don't forget to check out the Earth day songs I posted on Monday on my teacher page! 

  1. Paint rocks blue and green with a saying on them "Jour de la terre" ou "J'aime ma planète!" 
  2. Plant a flower or seeds to start a garden for the summer. 
  3. make an Earth collage with blue and green coloured paper. Template attached. 
  4. Pick up litter in your neighbourhood.
  5. Make a science experiment with a ziplock bag to see how evaporation works! 

I also attached a fun earth day poem that students can fill out and read! The answer key is attached as well, and I would love to hear them read it! 

Have fun and be safe! If you do get to complete any activities and are able to take a picture or video, I would love to see it! 

Enjoy! Mme Hitchman

Posted: April 20, 2020

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! As we enter into another week of home learning, I want to thank all the students, parents, grandparents and their families for all your efforts and support during this time. I miss my class dearly, and hope everyone is doing very well! It is great being able to communicate with my students each week and hearing about their adventures in home learning!

*Reminder to check the music and phys ed teacher pages for activities as well! 

Have a wonderful week everyone!

Mme Hitchman

Posted: April 20, 2020

Here are a couple songs for Earth day, which is on Wednesday April 22nd! 

A challenge I am putting out there to my students is to create their own little song for Earth day and send a video! They can just create a few sentences and repeat them! Have fun! 

Mme Hitchman

Posted: April 16, 2020


This website you can find French Games, activities, cartoons, videos, and colouring pages.


Posted: April 16, 2020


Monster House Publishing, a company in Fredericton is having a contest for children ages 4-10, to write their own story.
Owner/author Paul McAllister is the author of the Herman the Monster series. You can find more information about him and his books on the website below. There is also a PDF download of Herman the Monster colouring book that is attached below.
There are 2 categories for the contest: Ages 4-7 and ages 8-10. The winners of each group will have their book published.
If this is something you might be interested in, check out the information on the links below.
PDF icon herman-colouring_book.pdf3.62 MB

Posted: April 15, 2020

Here are last week and this week's STEAM issues with some k-2 activities that students can do at home. 

Have fun! 

Mme Hitchman

PDF icon steam_issue_2.pdf811.21 KB
PDF icon steam_issue_3.pdf854.23 KB

Posted: April 13, 2020

Bonjour mes élèves!! I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend with your families! We are starting week 2 of home learning, and I will be calling you all to see how you did last week! I hope you enjoyed some of the activities I posted! 

I will be posting mainly literacy and numeracy activities, but I will also include some STEAM and Art activities throughout the weeks. Remember that none of these activities are mandatory, however will help with preparing students for their grade 2 year in french immersion. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me anytime. 

Here are some activities for the week: 

Sound of the week: "b" : The action for this sound is close your fist with your thumb sticking up to make a B, and say b, b, b.

I also included an image gallery with sound activities for b and d sounds students can do. 

Sound website: There is also a free subscription for a snakes and ladder interactive game board if you would like to play it with your family members for sound work and phonemic awareness: . Click on the question card, read and answer the question, roll the dice, and move your game piece. Have fun!


Access Code d'accès : Rebecca.hitchman55177

Sight words: I will be also attaching a document with the entire grade 1 sight words, but will break them down by week.  You can go to to get the audio for these words.  

  1. Bonjour
  2. Belle
  3. Bien
  4. Bon
  5. Bonne

Writing/Sentence making: Please visit the BOOM Card website: I posted last week.

Also, students can try to write a friendly letter to me, or a family member using words they know and this week's sight words! 

Math: Please continue to work on skip counting by 2s, 5s, 10s to 50. I will be posting a BINGO game on my documents that you can play to work on ONE more. All instructions are in english. 

Art: You can check out this free art activity website with step by step lessons!

I will include the Activity Mat in my image gallery! 

Have a wonderful week! Check out the image gallery as well of pictures some students sent to me as well! Great learning everyone! Je suis tellement fière!!

Bon Lundi! 

Mme Hitchman

Posted: April 6, 2020

Bonjour tout le monde! Hello to all my grade one students! 

We are now beginning Home learning for your child, and I want all my parents and students to know that I am here to support you in any way I can. You can contact me by email at if you have any questions, concerns or clarification. 

Also, I will have login and passwords for each student for some of the math and reading websites, so if you are able to email me, I will be able to send these logins to you for your child to use.

We will be focusing on Literacy and numeracy; however, I will also be including some web links and documents for Art, mindfulness and social/emotional learning as the weeks continue. These are all optional and suggested activities as well so please choose what best suits your child and your home situation.

Thank you very much for all your support during these unprecedented times. It is suggested that students work maximum one hour each day on the suggested activities, this includes reading for 10-15 minutes per day. Students are also encouraged to get outside for some fun play! 

Remember we are all in this together!

Below you will find the following links for literacy and numeracy activities. These links can also be found under “Web links” on my teacher page. I will also continue to upload the SOUND of the WEEK every Monday for the remainder of the year along with new sight words students can work on creating at home.

In recap: Students should be:

  • reading 10-15 minutes each day using one of the sites listed or a french book at home
  • Following along with the sound of the week
  • choosing three activities a week from the Board.
  • exploring one of the math numeracy sites each day



Math Card Games for Kids… This site has a free resource for Math Card Games that will help build your child’s number sense using a deck of cards:


Website with cartoons, games, videos, and colouring activities in French for kids:


Your child can also use this 3 in a row choice board to choose three activities to do each week. I will upload a new board each week. Students can choose three in a row. They can also complete more of the board activities if they would like.

Week 1- Semaine 1

Grade 1FI Home Learning Mat- 3 in a Row Choice Board

Write or Draw a picture of things in your house that have the sound of the week in them.

Make a meal with your family.

Set the table and talk about your day!

Watch a t.v show in french.  Draw a picture about the show and tell someone about it.

Practice counting to 20 forwards starting at 4, 11, and 15 in French. Count backwards from 20!

Play a board game with your family and count in French!

Using your toothbrush, measure how long the following things in your house are;

Couch, bathtub, bed, kitchen table


Paint some Easter Eggs or draw Easter eggs using different patterns!

Play the card game “7 up” with your family (or any card game). There is a link on the teacher page for card rules. Try saying the numbers in French!


Gather all your Teddy Bears together and read/tell them a story in French!

Read 10-15 minutes and play outside daily


Again, I want you to know that I am here to support your child in any way I can. Please email me with any questions you may have. If your child would like to send me a picture of anything they have completed as well, I will be posting pictures to my teacher page! 

Happy learning! 

Mme Hitchman 

Posted: March 8, 2020

Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful and restful March Break! 

  • Homework is in the homework folders. Also, please log their reading on the reading log sheet and make a note in the agenda when you need a new sheet. Sound of the week is on my Teacher page. 
  • There is information pertaining to the coronovirus on the FB school page and on our school website. Please read the information sheet and go over good hygiene practices with your child, such as washing hands, sneezing into a tissue, or sleeve. 
  • Spell-A-Thon Fundraiser - Just a reminder that all pledge money was due back on February 28th. Please pass it in this week if you have not already done so.


Have a terrific week! 

Mme Hitchman

Posted: February 23, 2020


Homework sheet is in homework folder.


Monday: homework sent home, gym & music


Tuesday:  Gym, Students are asked to bring their helmets for Wednesday. We will be sliding on the hill with our buddies.


Wednesday: Pink Shirt day, Gym

We will be going sliding with our buddies as part of the District winter challenge, so students are asked to bring their helmets.


Thursday:  Library (return books), Gym & music


Friday: Homework and reading books returned. Pledge money is due back  

Spell-A-Thon - Pledge sheets and corrected tests will be going home on Monday February 24th. Now is the time to collect your pledge money, if you have not already done so. All pledge money is due back on Friday February 28th.

Pink Shirt Day - Wednesday February 26th is Pink Shirt Day. Students and staff are asked to wear pink to stand up to bullying!



March break is the following week of March 2-6th. I want to wish everyone a very well deserved and restful break! See you all after the break! J



Posted: February 19, 2020

A reminder that our Spellathon test will be held tomorrow in class!

Good luck to all students and remember to pass in your pledge sheets.


Homework sheet is in homework folder.

Monday: Family day- no school

Tuesday:  Homework sent home, sound poem is on teacher page below.


Wednesday: Gym

All Pledge Sheets due back

Thursday:  Library (return books), Gym & music

 Spellathon Test will be held in classroom

Friday: Homework and reading books returned.

Homework sheet is in homework folder.

Monday: Homework sent home


Tuesday:  Gym


Wednesday: Gym


Thursday:  Library (return books), Gym & music


Friday: Homework and reading books returned.  


  • Wear red and white for flag day

  • Valentine ’s Day & 100 days of school celebration.


Posted: January 30, 2020


Our class has been participating in a district reading challenge, and on Monday their challenge is to read in Pyjamas with their favorite stuffy!

Students are asked to wear their pyjamas and bring a stuffy that fits in their book bag.

Happy reading!

Mme Hitchman
