Posted: February 23, 2020
Homework sheet is in homework folder.
Monday: homework sent home, gym & music
Tuesday: Gym, Students are asked to bring their helmets for Wednesday. We will be sliding on the hill with our buddies.
Wednesday: Pink Shirt day, Gym
We will be going sliding with our buddies as part of the District winter challenge, so students are asked to bring their helmets.
Thursday: Library (return books), Gym & music
Friday: Homework and reading books returned. Pledge money is due back
Spell-A-Thon - Pledge sheets and corrected tests will be going home on Monday February 24th. Now is the time to collect your pledge money, if you have not already done so. All pledge money is due back on Friday February 28th.
Pink Shirt Day - Wednesday February 26th is Pink Shirt Day. Students and staff are asked to wear pink to stand up to bullying!
March break is the following week of March 2-6th. I want to wish everyone a very well deserved and restful break! See you all after the break! J