· There is no homework this week as it is a very busy time before the holidays and there are many activities going on for students. The only thing I would like students to do, is read one of their French browsing books each night this week to work on their fluency and vocabulary. If you would like books sent home to read throughout the holiday break as well, please leave me a note in the agenda and I will send them on Friday.
· This week is SPIRIT week! The theme days are below! Student participation is encouraged! We will also be collecting Food Bank Items. The class with the most donated will receive a point for Spirit Week.
Monday: Gym and Music class (Concert rehearsal)
Tuesday: Christmas Sweater/shirt Day
SKATING:We will be going skating from 9:25- 10:05. Parents and guardians are welcome to join us and help tie laces. A reminder that anyone on the ice is required to wear skates.
Students should be starting to bring in costumes for their animal videos as well
Wednesday: Dress up Day
Christmas Concert: The concert will begin at 9am in the gymnasium. (storm date is Thursday)
Thursday: School Colours Day
Friday: PJ/Athletic Wear Day
Last day before the Christmas holidays. This is a full day for students. My students have won a class prize for working together and speaking French so I will be bringing cupcakes to celebrate. If your child cannot eat a cupcake, please let me know so I can get something else for them.
I want to take this time to wish all my students and their families a wonderful and restful holiday break. It has been a very busy first term, and students have worked very hard in grade one, learning a new language! I hope they enjoy this very well deserved break with their families!
Joyeux Noël et bonne année!
Mme Hitchman