Posted: December 9, 2018
Here are a few weekly reminders:
Homework sheet is in the yellow homework folder for the week.
Our annual Christmas Shop will be on Tuesday, December 11th. Students can shop for family members. Items will be $1-$2. If you have items or gift bags to donate, please drop them off at the school.
Our Christmas Dinner will be this Wednesday December 12th.This is the only meal served on this day. Students will need to bring their lunch if they did not pre-order the Christmas dinner.
Thank you to everyone who made donations to The Giving Tree project. Our school was able to pack gifts for 63 Seniors.
Our Christmas Concert is on Wednesday December 19th.
Our last day of classes before the Christmas Break is on Friday December 21st. This is a full day and dismissal will remain at 2pm for our k-2 students.
- Check out our morning announcements on the School website to see Charleigh and Kylie updating you in Primary corner on the fun things happening in our classes!
Have a wonderful week!
-Miss Hitchman