Les Devoirs 4-8 juin

Posted: June 3, 2018

Homework for this week: 

WOW! It is June already! The school year is going by very fast, and the warm weather is slowly returning.

Just a reminder that the sun can get quite warm while students are outside at recess playing, so on those days, students may want to bring a hat or apply sun screen before coming to school.  


  1. The sound of the week is the sound "P"(video is attached to teacher page) Students are to practice this poem at home and reminded to follow the word with their finger when pronounciating the word.
  2. We are working on numbers 0-100 in class. Students please practice counting by 5s and 10s at home. Also, skip count 0 to 20 by 2's. 
  3. We will be having our last spelling quiz this week. There will be 10 words. 
  4. Library on Tuesday
  5. There will be a Guest speaker speaking to our K-2 students on Tuesday about First Nations culture.
  6. Students are doing a great job keeping track of their Kilometers they have walked or ran! Bravo!
  7. On Friday, we will have a Guest speaker coming in from Brilliant Labs to work with our class on coding!
  8. There will be a letter sent home this week on details about our end of year Field trip! Please sign and return to the teacher.

Welcome June!