Happy Monday everyone!
I hope you all enjoyed the nice weather this weekend!
Here is the homework for the week:
Lecture: Students are to read 1-2 books each night this week. Please complete the reading logs each night so I can check them daily to see how they are doing and switch books out if need be. Students will also have a book to read called "Que fait un bon ami". (What makes a good friend)
Le Son: Students can listen to the sound poem and sing along with the song while doing the action. The sound is "IN" this week. Their sound words are also in their sheet protector.
Les Mots: Their new sight words are in their word wallets. They are to practice saying them aloud each night.
Math: The new math task is in their word wallets for the week. Students are to work on Zorbit Math as well.
Christmas: We will be practicing some Christmas songs in class, so I may put them up on my teacher page for students to practice at home. Also, our class will be collecting donations for the SPCA until December 14th.
Report Cards: First term report cards go home on Tuesday, December 1st.
Parent teacher interviews: Parent Teacher interviews will be done either over the phone or on skype. A memo will be sent home Monday, November 30th for parents to choose the day/time that works best for them. Please fill the form out and return it on Tuesday or Wednesday so that a time can be set up. If I have checked off that I do not require an interview at this time, and you would still like one, by all means fill out the form. It just means that I don't require one as we may have been communicating already.
Thursday: Library: Please return all books in order to check out new ones.
Friday: No school for students. Parent/teacher phone\skype interviews will be done in the morning and the afternoon is a PLD for teachers.
Christmas Dinner: If students would like the Christmas Dinner, pre-orders were sent home and must be returned by Thursday, December 3rd. The cost for students will be $4.00 and the school will pay the remaining $3.00 cost.
* Just a reminder that the days are getting colder so students are reminded to dress for the weather. :)
Have a great week Raiders!
Mme Hitchman