Posted: January 3, 2021
Bonne année à tous!
I Hope you all had a wonderful and restful holiday break with your families! I can't wait to see all your kiddos tomorrow!
We will be getting back into our weekly routine tomorrow.
I will be sending home the sound of the week along with a New Year's book for them to read for the week. We will be introducing the pronoun "nous" meaning "we" and finishing our unit on their feelings and emotions. We will also be discussing "personal goals" for the new year!
There will be no new sight words this week as I will be doing a review.
Also, the province is asking that everyone in the schools "mask up" for the first 2 weeks of school (there is more information on our school FB page and in the letter sent home in December). This is not mandatory but when possible, strongly encouraged to help curb potential spread of any exposure to covid.
Also, winter seems to have found us, so students are reminded to dress appropriately for the weather.
Happy New Year!
Mme Hitchman