Posted: March 23, 2014
Hi Everyone,
I hope you had a fun weekend and got outside to play. The snow keeps piling up out there. Make sure you are dressed for the weather.
Our last skating day of the year will be on Thursday March 27th. Ice time is from 9:00 - 9:40am. We will be skating with our Grade 6 buddies. Please make sure you have your skates and helmets. Parents and grandparents please join us if you can.
Our Phys.Ed days are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Our library day is on Friday. Make sure you have bring your book.
We are working on our unit on measurement with non standard units. Students should keep working on math strategies, facts and counting in different ways at home.
Borrow-A-Book/Reading Comprehension
Please make sure you are reading at home each night and recording your book on your log sheet. Use the strategies we have been working on to help with your reading.
We are starting to send home reading comprehension stories each week. Make sure you read the whole story and answer the questions. Go back and reread if you can't remember the answer.
Have a super week!