Posted: March 17, 2014
Hi Everyone!
Happy St. Patrick's Day! I hope everyone had a good weekend. We are back to cold weather days again. Please make sure you are dressed for the weather.
Our Phys.Ed days this week are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Credit Union
School Credit Union Day is on Wednesday March 19th.
Report Cards/Parent Teacher
Reports go home on Tuesday March 18th
Parent Teacher Days - Thursday March 20th - 4:00 - 6:00pm
- Friday March 21st - 9:00 - 11:30am
There is no school for students on Friday March 21st.
Just a reminder that you should be reading your book each night and recording it on the log sheet. Use the strategies we have been working on to help with your reading.
We have started a unit on Measurement. Now we are working on the calendar, days of the weeks and months of the year. Keep working on your strategies and math facts.
Math Games - Last week we started sending home math games, that the students can play at home with their family. The games will go home on Tuesday and are due back on Thursday. Have fun!
Have a great week!