Ms. Hall Notes

Welcome Back Grade 7


Hello everyone!  

I hope that everyone is enjoying their week and getting lots of sun!  

I am posting our final week's lessons early, as my computer is a little wonky these days. :)

The lessons are for June 8-12, so you do not need to start until Monday. 

A few reminders for the last week:

1. Be sure to check all your teacher's pages for anything they may have for you.

2. Grade 6 final Team meeting will be Thursday at 3pm.  

3. As always, the lessons provided are for the full week. Take your time, spread out the work, and simply do your best.

I would like to personally applaud each and every one of you for your diligence and efforts during this uncertain time. I am so proud of you all, and look forward to when we can be together as a class at school. Have a fantastic summer, and to the Grade 8 class, all the best as you move on to JMH!  


Posted: May 31, 2020

Hello everyone!

I hope you all had a fantastic week, and got out to enjoy the sunny weather! I'm sure you are all on the countdown now, so  let's finish off our home learning and get ready to have a great summer  :)

Reminders for this week:

1. Be sure to check all your teacher's pages to see what they have planned for you.

2. Grade 6 Team meeting will be moved this week to 3pm as I have another meeting that day.

3. As always, the lessons provided are for the week and not intended to be done in a day. Take your time, space it out and simply do your best.

Have a great week and enjoy some sun!

Posted: May 24, 2020

Hello everyone!

Just three weeks to go, let's do this!  :)

A few reminders for this week:

1. Be sure to check your other teacher's pages for work they have for you.

2. Grade 6 Team meeting is Thursday at 2pm. Hope to see you there!

3. I would like to remind everyone that to present the lessons as best I can, I use more than one site. Dreambox, Netmath and others have become a big part of what I work with. If I can't find something on one site I try to find it on another. Please be sure to visit each site as recommended

   As always, the work is for the week. Take your time, space it out and do your best. Have a fantastic week everyone!


Posted: May 21, 2020

Hi everyone!

I was asked to provide an answer key for this week's questions from the text on Probability. You can use these to check your work. 

Have a great weekend!


Posted: May 18, 2020

Hello everyone! 

I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend and the beautiful sun :) 

I would like to give a big Nelson shoutout to Clare Lynch, Will Lynch, Darius Joe, and Paige Barrieau, who have been working diligently over these last weeks. These students have been working hard, sometimes going above and beyond what has been asked. I am equally proud of everyone who has made an effort to stay on top of things during this time. Each and every one of you deserves a pat on the back for a job well done!

Just a few reminders this week for everyone again:

1. Don't forget to check out your other teacher pages to see what they have for you.

2. Grade 6 Team meeting is Thursday at 2pm, I really enjoy seeing everyone! Hopefully the long weekend will have given you some fun stories to share.

3. Please keep in mind that the lessons posted are for the full week. No one is expected to finish it all in a day! Take your time, space it out, and simply do your best. I have included text pages this week for those who might like to get away from the computer a bit, as well as some Netmath activities. 

Have a fantastic week!  

Posted: May 13, 2020

Hi everyone!  :)

After talking with my class, I decided to post the links to the Dreambox and Netmath sites again. The links are as follows:

Don't forget Grade 6, tomorrow at 2pm is our facetime sesion. Looking forward to seeing you!

Posted: May 10, 2020

Hi everyone!  

I'm taking a new approach this week, hopefully it will make accessing your grade level letters easier. Just click on your own grade in the attachments below to see what you are doing for the week. 

Reminders for the week:

1. Read the whole grade level letter so you know exactly what you are doing for the week. 

2. Don't forget to visit your other teacher pages to see what they have for you.

3. Grade 6 Team meeting will be Thursday at 2pm. It was nice to see some new faces last week :)

Have a fantastic week and do your best!

Hello everyone!  :)

*A couple of reminders for everyone this week:

1. Please be sure to read the entire letter for your Grade level lessons, to be clear what is being presented for the week. 


 *As we move forward, I will be creating lessons using different sites. It will be important to pay close attention to the instruction given in your Grade level lesson letter. Some of the sites I've made reference to so far include, Dreambox, Netmath, University of Waterloo, and some other games and activities from and others. 

2. Don't forget to visit your other teacher pages for lessons in your other subject areas. 

3. Grade 6 - reminder for our face time meeting at 2pm on Thursday. Hope to see some more faces there!  :)

 It is my hope to provide you all with what I can, to make your learning experience at home as easy to use as possible. Have a great week, and if questions arise, please feel free to contact me. (Students can contact me directly on our Teams page). I'll do my best to help any way I can. 

Have a great week!


Posted: May 3, 2020

This week we will be looking at Ratios, Rates, and Proportional Reasoning

To begin, we will start with the audio/visual lesson. Follow the link

On the left side, under Units, click on Ratios, Rates and Proportions (N). This will open up a set of lessons for us to explore.

We will start with a review:

Lesson 1 What are Ratios

Lesson 2 Equivalent Ratios

These lessons will serve to remind us what we learned in Grade 6. You will not need to spend a great deal of time here. Simply refresh yourself, and when you are confident you remember and understand, move on to:

Lesson 5 Unit Rates

Lesson 6 Proportionality

Once you have completed lesson 5 & 6, you can follow up with activities on *Netmath, to practice what you have learned there. 

Note: If you haven't been on the Netmath site yet, see last week's Grade 8 letter on how to activate your account. (Please only activate once!) All other visits only need your name and password. 

Posted: May 3, 2020


This week we will continue working on the exercises on Adding and Subtracting Fractions and Mixed Numbers assigned last week. 

Remember, the lessons are audio/visual lessons so you can hear someone explaining the terms and lessons, and watch as they walk you through the math. 

Note: The Alternative Format section simply presents the lesson without the audio. 


To continue the lesson on addition, follow the link to


 Work through each section of videos and exercises. At times, during a lesson, you will be given a "Check your Understanding" question or little game. When you complete it, continue the video by pressing the forward button on the black bar at the bottom of the lesson screen. Do not press the blue NEXT button until you are ready to move to the next section of the lesson.


For the lesson on subtraction. Follow the link


Once complete, there are activities on the Dreambox and *Netmath sites to practice. 

*If you have not been to the Netmath site yet, see last week's Grade 7 letter for instructions on activating your account. (Please only activate once.)


If you have completed the activities assigned last week, I have added another activity on Netmath, on calculating Fractions-Decimals-Percent. There is also an activity waiting on Dreambox on Percents. 




Tuesday/Thursday activity:


Percent game : Decention


Follow the link


a) Click on "Math Games"


b) Scroll down and click on the orange "More Fraction Games" bar


c) Scroll down to the "Cranium Challenges" section and click on "DecentionJr"


The object of the game is to place the proper fraction, decimal and percent on each of their corresponding fraction circles. 


Feeling brave?  :)  Try the game "Decention" afterward. The object of the game is the same, but the fraction circles are not provided. Have fun!




Posted: May 3, 2020

This week's lesson takes us back to the audio/visual lesson page we tried last week with Ratios. 

Follow the link

Here, follow through only the first three unit items of the lesson:

Try This

What is a Percent?

Representing Percents

Once complete, there are assigned activities on both the Dreambox and *Netmath sites to try. 

*If you haven't been to the Netmath site yet, read last week's Grade 6 letter for instructions on activating your account. Please only activate your account once, all other visits will simply need your name and password. (see letter)

Tuesday/Thursday activity:

Percent game : Decention

Follow the link

a) Click on "Math Games"

b) Scroll down and click on the orange "More Fraction Games" bar

c) Scroll down to the "Cranium Challenges" section and click on "DecentionJr"

The object of the game is to place the proper fraction, decimal and percent on each of their corresponding fraction circles. 

Feeling brave?  :)  Try the game "Decention" afterward. The object of the game is the same, but the fraction circles are not provided. Have fun!


Posted: May 3, 2020

Hello Grade 5!

Last week everyone was asked to activate their Netmath account and was given an activity on getting to know the site, as well as some work on Probability. 

If you haven't yet used the site, please refer to last week's Grade 5 letter for instructions on activating your account. Please Activate only once. If you experience any difficulty, don't hesitate to contact me and I will do my best to help you out. 

For this week's lesson, we will continue to explore some Probability on Netmath. The activities are there waiting, all you need to do is login and have some fun!

Tuesday/Thursday activity:

1.This week's game is a challenge!  :)

Follow the link to

a) Click on "Math Games"

b) Scroll down to the heading "Pre-Algebra Games"

c) Click on "Algebra Puzzles"

The object of the game is to figure out the cost of each of the individual candies to make the total. Click on a candy, then use the pop up calculator to enter the amount for each type of candy. Give it a try!

2. Continue practicing your facts  :)




Posted: April 29, 2020

Just a quick reminder for Grades 6-8: As mentioned in my note posted on Sunday, this weeks activity/lesson was in 2 parts. The first was just having students Activate and explore the introductory activity for the new Netmath site. 

After discussions with some parents and students, it seems people have missed the second part of this weeks lesson. Sudents were given a specific lesson, by grade, on another site. The link was provided to take you to the lesson.

Grade 6 - Ratios and Equivalent Ratios

Grade 7 - Addition & Subtraction of fractions and Mixed Numbers

Grade 8 - Percents less than 1% and greater thsn 100%

Please read through your class letter again, and do what you can. I will be extending this lesson through next week to allow students who didn't see this part, a chance to complete the work. 

Have a great week!
