Ms. Hall Notes

Welcome Back Grade 7


Posted: April 13, 2020


Welcome to Week 2!

This week I would like everyone to look for lessons identified by the blue calendar, with a blue star on their dreambox page. 

Activities to try for Tuesday/Thursday:

1. Comparing Fractions and decimals game "Monster stroll". Search or follow the link

(a) Click on Math Games, then scroll down to the orange heading "More Fraction Games" and click on that.

(b) Once there, scroll down to the Brain Builders section and click on the "Monster Stroll" game.

(c) The object of the game is to reach the finish line first by moving your player to the fraction or decimal that makes each statement true. 

Have fun!

2. Fraction Card Game  - you will need a deck of cards to play, and a partner or two, even three!  :)

(a) Start by removing the Jack, and face cards from the deck.

(b) Using the cards Ace = 1, through 10, shuffle the cards and give each player four cards. 

(b) Each player makes the biggest proper fraction they can using two of their four cards. (*remember 5/5= 1, so it's not a proper fraction)

(c) The player with the largest fraction gets the point. 

(d) Return cards to the deck, shuffle and play again. 

(e) The player with the most points at the end wins! (you can decide how many rounds will make the game)

Posted: April 13, 2020


Welcome to Week 2!

This week I would like everyone to look for lessons identified by the blue calendar, with a blue star on their dreambox page. 

Activities to try for Tuesday/Thursday:

1. Equivalent Fractions game "Triplets."  Search or follow the link

Once there, click on the arrow to start. The objective is to match fractions and models to their groups by dragging the fraction or model to where it fits.

*Hint: I like to start with the unit fraction (numerator is 1, example 1/4), or the model and then find the equivalent fraction to the unit fraction to finish the group. Give it a try!

2. On the same site, , under Math Games,

(a) Scroll down and click on the orange bar "More Fraction Games".

(b) Once there, scroll down to near the bottom of the page to find the heading "Computation- Fractions and Decimals". 

(c) There are two headings to practice. Each gives an example as a reminder, then you can try. The headings to try are 

"Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers"

"Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions" 

These are what we were working on when we were last at school. Good luck!  



Posted: April 13, 2020

Welcome to Week 2!

This week I would like everyone to look for lessons identified by the blue calendar, with a blue star on their dreambox page. 

Activities to try for Tuesday/Thursday:

1. Fact Practice game "Sketch's World."  Search or follow the link

Once at the site, click on Multiplication Games, then scroll down to find Sketch's World - Multiplication. You can then scroll down again to see how the game is played. Go back up to the game, click on START. Choose your fact family to practice, and START. After you successfully answer the fact questions, you can help Sketch get to the next level. Have fun!

2. Equivalent Fractions game "Triplets."  Search or follow the link

Once there, click on the arrow to start. The objective is to match fractions and models to their groups by dragging the fraction or model to where it fits.

*Hint: I like to start with the unit fraction (numerator is 1, example 1/4), or the model and then find the equivalent fraction to the unit fraction to finish the group. Give it a try!




Posted: April 9, 2020

*Note to grade 6H : Mrs. O'Neill-Delano has posted some notes for you. To see, just visit her teacher page  :)

For any students experiencing difficulty logging on to Office 365, 


password:  use the same password you use to login on the computers at school 

Note  *remember each of you has your own username (the one you use at school)

Posted: April 6, 2020

Welcome back!

I am very happy to be able to reach out to all my kiddos! I have missed you all. We are stepping into a new way of learning together and I will do my best to help in any way I can.

Should you have any questions, parents can contact me at:

For students, use your Office 365 username and password. I have set up Teams for Grades 6-8 so students can send questions/comments about their work there.

The following parent letters provide an outline of the Dreambox site. It is an adaptive math program that adjusts to meet each individual child's level. The program recommends three, 20 minute sessions per week. This is just a guideline. It is my hope that each of you enjoy the program, create neat Avatars and learn a little along the way. Have fun! I have identified which lesson to start with, it will be identified with a little blue calendar.

I would also like you to have a little fun with your math too, so for this week I am asking each of my students, on Tuesday or Thursday, to try a baking activity! Try a recipe that can be doubled, maybe ask someone to help. Be mindful of the fractions you see in the recipe; can you put them in order? (grade 5-7). Try changing any mixed numbers into improper fractions (grade 6-8). I look forward to hearing what you made! 


Posted: February 3, 2014

Math - test tomorrow L/A - Read 30 min SS-  Old photo - due Thursday  

Posted: January 31, 2014

Math - Test Tuesday L/A - Read 30 min Gym - Indoor/Outdoor clothes

Posted: January 30, 2014

Math - Gr. 7 - p. 184  q. 2,3,4 ( #lines)          Test - MOVED to Tuesday L/A - Read 30 min                                                    * Get interim report signed Science - Test tomorrow SS - Photo due Thursday

Posted: January 28, 2014

Math - Review sheet for Thursday           Test Friday L/A - Read 30 min Science - Test Friday SS - Photo / Overdue Research projects Gym  - Indoor and outdoor clothes

Posted: January 27, 2014

Math - Gr. 6 - Finish assignment sheet            Test Friday             Gr. 7 - Sheet  - Using Fractions L/A - Read 30 min Science - Test Friday SS - Old photo / Finish project Gym - Indoor and Outdoor clothes

Posted: January 24, 2014

Math - Gr. 7 -  p.207  q.1,3,5,7 /  Gr 6&7 - Test Friday L/A - Read 30 min SS - Old Photo / Project due Monday Science - Test Thursday Gym clothes - Indoor and Outdoor 

Posted: January 21, 2014

Math - Gr. 7 - p. 203  q. 9-12            Gr. 6 - questions from board L/A - Read 30 min SS - Old photo Gym - Indoor and outdoor clothes

Posted: January 16, 2014

Math - Gr. 7 - p.197 q. 1-5           Gr. 6 - Listing Multiples L/A - Read 30 min SS - Photo French - Robot project

Posted: January 15, 2014

Math - Gr. 7 - complete subtraction sheet           Gr. 6 - set 3 on sheet L/A -  Read 30 min SS - Bring in old picture 
