Grade 5

Posted: April 13, 2020

Welcome to Week 2!

This week I would like everyone to look for lessons identified by the blue calendar, with a blue star on their dreambox page. 

Activities to try for Tuesday/Thursday:

1. Fact Practice game "Sketch's World."  Search or follow the link

Once at the site, click on Multiplication Games, then scroll down to find Sketch's World - Multiplication. You can then scroll down again to see how the game is played. Go back up to the game, click on START. Choose your fact family to practice, and START. After you successfully answer the fact questions, you can help Sketch get to the next level. Have fun!

2. Equivalent Fractions game "Triplets."  Search or follow the link

Once there, click on the arrow to start. The objective is to match fractions and models to their groups by dragging the fraction or model to where it fits.

*Hint: I like to start with the unit fraction (numerator is 1, example 1/4), or the model and then find the equivalent fraction to the unit fraction to finish the group. Give it a try!