Latest Teacher Activity

Title Type Page Post date
Spirit Week~Jersey Day Image Gallery Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen February 26, 2024
Homework Homework Ms. Hall February 26, 2024
Homework - Feb. 26 Homework Mr. Page February 26, 2024
Grade 2 News February 26 - March 1st Note Ms. Sullivan February 26, 2024
100th Day of School!! Image Gallery Ms. Sullivan February 26, 2024
STEAM Time February 23rd Image Gallery Ms. Sullivan February 26, 2024
Homework and Reminders Note Ms. Vye February 26, 2024
Kinder Korners News~ Feb. 26th-March 1st Note Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen February 25, 2024
February 26 to March 1 Note Mrs. Newman February 25, 2024
Devoirs Homework Mrs. MacDonald February 23, 2024
Spirit Week Jan. 26 to March 1 Note Mr. Bosma February 22, 2024
HOMEWORK Homework Ms. Hall February 22, 2024
8B Homework and Reminders and 8P and 7-8M ELA Homework Homework Mr. Bosma February 22, 2024
8B Homework and Reminders and 8P & 7-8M ELA Homework Homework Mr. Bosma February 21, 2024
Our Cool 100th Day Collections~ Image Gallery Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen February 21, 2024
Making Dream Catchers! Image Gallery Ms. Duplessie February 21, 2024
100th Day Classroom Fun~ Image Gallery Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen February 20, 2024
K-2 100th Day Celebration Fun~ Image Gallery Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen February 20, 2024
Happy 100th Day of School~ Image Gallery Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen February 20, 2024
Grade 2 News February 20th - February 23rd Note Ms. Sullivan February 20, 2024
STEAM Time Fun February 16th Image Gallery Ms. Sullivan February 20, 2024
Flag Art Image Gallery Ms. Sullivan February 20, 2024
Homework and Reminders! Homework Ms. Duplessie February 20, 2024
8B Homework and Reminders & 8P & 7-8M ELA Homework Homework Mr. Bosma February 20, 2024
Kinder Korner News Feb. 19th-23rd Note Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen February 19, 2024
