Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Welcome Kinders

Posted: January 13, 2022

Hello Kinders, a happy Thursday to everyone.Not as cold today so hopefully we may be able to go outside and play in the snow.

Please continue on with the following;

Borrow-A-Book- Read a book from the Jan.10-14th books. Remember to point to each word, look at the pictures for clues and get your mouth ready to sound out any unknown words.Stop reading when you come to the period.

Happy New Year booklet- Continue to work in your booklet today.Try to make a sentence using the words; is, new, it, a, year. Cut out the words and glue them in the right order to make your sentence. Colour the picture.

Math- Count forwards and backwards 1-10 and 10-1. Can you count to 20?30?40?50?Higher? Wow, thats awesome! Play a math game today or try a game on Boom Cards. I have a shape riddle for you. I will add it to my note, see if you can solve it.

Sight Words- review your sight words and if you get stuck on a word try printing it a few times on paper, or use your magnetic letters to make the word. Print the letters of the word and cut each letter out, mix up the letters and spell the word correctly.

Writing-An idea for todays writing is; What I like to do in the snow. Think of your idea, draw a good detailed picture.Follow the check list on your page for how to make a sentence. Start your sentence, I like to .... in the snow. Try sounding out unknown words on your own,print all the sounds you hear in the word. Read your sentence to someone. Does it make sense?

Home Learning Packet- Try a A-MAZE-ing word "am" page today. You must read and colour only the words that have "am" at the end. All these words will rhyme.Take your time colouring and follow the maze to the end.

Get up and Move- Try the "Roll and Do" game - in your 1st home learning kit. It is on a blue piece of paper and the instrcutions are on the back. Roll the dice, move your marker and do the exercise. Play a favourite song as you play! Have fun!!If you can, go outside to explore, walk, run and play and maybe you can do the activity you wrote about in daily writing."What I like to do in the snow". Please take a picture and send it to me and I will post them at the end of the week on our class page.

If you need anything please don't hesitate to connect me by email ( or call the school(627-4074).

Have an awesome Thursday! Stay safe and warm! Hugs Kinders! I miss you lots!Take care, smile and have fun!

Hugs, Mrs. Sullivan-Ggouen



Enjoy your day, Kinders! Please send me a picture of any activities you do today and I will post it on our class page.

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Try out these fun cross curricular ideas from our ASD-N Leads.

Here are some fun cross curricular activities for you to try, thanks to our ASD-N leads.

Posted: January 12, 2022

Happy Wednesday, everyone! Another very cold January day.

I hope that everyone did well with our first day of home learning. I appreciate all of your support at home and know that everyone is doing their best to help the children follow some type of daily learning plan. I am here to help, so please reach out if  you have any questions or concerns.

Borrow-A-Book- Read a book from the Jan.10-14th books. As you read point to each word, look at the pictures for clues and get your mouth ready to sound out any unknown words.Can you find any sight words?Remember when you come to the period you stop reading.

Happy New Year booklet- Continue to work on your booklet today.Try the colour by number page, what is our new year? There are a lot of 2's in that number.

Math- Count forwards and backwards 1-10 and 10-1. I know you are missing our count around the circle game, so try playing a math game from either packet or a board \dice game at home. There are also several math games on boom cards you can try.

Sight Words\Writing- review your sight words this week and use these words in your daily writing. When you write today be sure to follow the check list on your page for how to make a sentence.Draw a good detail picture to tell me about your story. Let your child try sounding out unknown words on their own, this will make it easier for them to read the sentence back to you, as they will read the word how it sounds to them.

Home Learning Packet- Try a sight word page today, Their are several to choose from. You can find the hidden pciture by colouring the sight words the right colour.Take your time with colouring. 

Exercise- As the weather is too cold for outside you will have to try some exercises indoors. Check out Mrs. Dicksons teacher page for some fun exercises or try the Jack Hartman page for Count to 100 or have a DANCE PARTY.Whatever you choose, just be sure to get up and move!

Please read or listen to stories everyday. Check out TumbleBooks, you will find a lot of great stories, the website and password are; (Username: nblib  Password: nbschools) or have someone read  you your favorite story.I would love to know what that book is. One of my favourite books is called , "Is your Mama a Llama? written by Deborah Guarino and illustrated by Steven Kellogg. 

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! Stay safe and warm. Please send me pictures, I sure do miss you all.Please send me an email (  a phone call (627-4074) if you need anything! Hugs Kinders! Stay safe!

Posted: January 11, 2022

Good Morning, Kinders and Families!! BRRRR!!! It is a very cold day,so be sure to bundle up and stay safe and warm.

Today you should read your boorow a book from the Jan.10-14th books. Read one book a day.Read your book a few times to someone. Be sure to look for sight words and any sight word you find write it down. Point to each word as you read and sound out any unknown words.

Happy New Year booklet- Please work on this booklet throughout the week. Take your time with colouring, cutting and gluing and printing. On the last page, you need to make a sentence with the words that are attached. Remember a sentence; starts with a capital letter, has spaces between the words and ends with a period.Print your sentence with a pencil.Thanks!

Math- there are some new Math Games in the back of your packet, in the clear sleeve. Try one of these games today. There is a number 1-10 tracing sheet for you to practice printing numerals correctly. You can use a pencil for this sheet or leave it in the sleeve and use the dry erase marker, this way you can practice over and over again.

Sight Words\Writing- review your sight words this week and use these words in your daily writing. You will find the writing sheets in your packet. Today you could write about your Christmas Holidays, something you did over the break, a favourite toy you got, who you celebrated the holidays with. I am excited to see how your holidays were.Follow the check list on your page for how to make a sentence.

Home Learning Packet- each day you can choose one of the sheets to complete. Be sure to print the date on the page when you do it. Take your time, always try your best and have fun!

Be sure to stop and stretch or do some exercises throughout your day. Count as you do each one, for ex. ten jumping jacks, ten touch your toes, ten arm curls forwards and ten backwards, ten squats, thats 50 can you do 50 more?

Sguiggle Park and Boom Cards are also available, try 10-15 minutes after you are done your daily work. Information is taped to the inside of the student agenda and Boom Cards login was sent in a previous email.The password is boomsg. If you have any trouble logging in please send me an email (

Take care everyone and Happy Tuesday! I am just a phone call (627-4074) or email ( away, so please reach out if you need me! Hugs Kinders! I miss you!

Posted: January 10, 2022

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Happy New Year. Everyone!!

As you are aware, Home Learning will begin Monday, January 10th. Home learning packets can be picked up at the school, on Monday from 12-4pm. If you are unable to make it during these hours, please call me at the school,627-4074 or send me an email at, and we can make other arrangement.Thanks!

Posted: December 22, 2021

Please read the note from Mrs. O'Neill Delano regarding our Christmas concert, "We did not get our Christmas recording done this year for one of two reasons:  many students were missing on the day we were set to record- or we missed our music class on the day we were set to record-then the early Christmas Break dismissal happened.  I will do a special project with classes who missed a Christmas performance following our Christmas Break and record a video for parents. Here's to hoping we can join together for a live show next year." 

Congratulations Ellie on being choosen this months I-CARE Kid. Keep up the good work!

Love the torn paper Santa's the children created. Not an easy task without scissors. I think they did a fabulous job.How cute are Santa's other reindeer?Awesome job, Kinders!! 


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