Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Welcome Kinders

Good Morning Kinders and families.

This is your daily plan for Tuesday;

Borrow-A-Book- Read a new levelled book today. Point to each word as you read,look at the pictures for cues,sound out any unknown words, look for sight words you know. Have someone read you a book or listen to a story book online.

Sight Words- Practice your sight words throughout the week.On your list of words circle any of the sight words that are in the book you read.

Writing-Yesterday you read the book "Play in the Snow".Write the next page for that book. What would you play in the snow? Build a snowman or fort, slide, snowshoe, ski-doo,ski,make snow angels.Use the sentence starter, "I can play __?___ in the snow. Begin your sentence with a capital letter, use spaces between your words, use the sight words and names you know and sound out unknown words. Draw a detailed picture of what you play in the snow. Read your sentence to someone.

Home Learning Packet-We are working on the letter Ll- Lizzy Lizard. Lizards are reptiles and there are many different types and colours.Learn about lizards, Types of Lizards | Animal Pictures and Facts | and then tell someone 2 facts you learned about lizards. Colour, cut and glue your lizard puppet onto the paper bag. Print the letters Ll, in the lizard belly with a marker before you colour your puppet. Complete the letter Ll picture page, from your packet. Colour, cut, and glue the 4 pictures that start with Ll.Trace and make the letters Ll with your pencil.

Math- Complete the snowballs ten frame math sheet in your packet. Look at the numeral in the snowball, colour that many squares on the ten frame. Colour each square in the 10 frame, one square at a time.Fill in the top row first and then go to the second row of the 10 frame. 

Do your Count to 100 exercises.Try this video today, Have fun!

Take time to play and have fun outside. Maybe you can get to do your favourite activity you like to play in the snow, like the one you wrote about today.

Have a terrific Tuesday,Kinders. Hugs and smiles, I send your way!  Contact me at school (627-4074) or email ( if you need help with anything.Remember, you are missed! Take care and stay safe!

Posted: January 24, 2022

Check out this neat snowflake! Kinders enjoyed the...

Hi there Kinders and families. I hope you had a nice weekend and despite the cool weather you were able to get outside for a little bit. Today we went for a lovely walk in the woods. It was a nice day for a walk. What did you do? As we start another week of home learning, I want to extend my gratitude to everyone for all you are doing to help your little ones learn at home.Keep up the great work.

Here is the daily plan for Monday;

Borrow-A-Book- Today please colour and read the book, "Play in the Snow."This book is in the borrow-a-book bag. Take your time with colouring. Read your book to someone.Point to each word as you read,look at the pictures for cues,sound out any unknown words,look for sight words you know. Circle all the sight words you find on each page,say the word. Record your name and book title on the reading log.

Writing-Using the writing sheet "My Weekend",draw a detailed picture of a fun activity you did this weekend.Start your sentence with a capital letter, use spaces between your words. Use your sight words and sound out unknown words.End your sentence with a period. Read your sentence to someone.

Math- Count forwards and backwards 0-10 and 10-0. As you count,walk forward 11 steps.As you count down from 10 to 0 walk on tip-toes 11 steps back to where you started. Did you end up in the same place?Why\Why not?Today I have a new math game for you to play called, "Snowy Bump". The instructions are attached to the game page in your packet and I have also attached them to this note.Let me know what you think.Have fun!!

Sight Words- Review your sight words today.I have added the next sheet in your packet. Check these words with your child and see if they recognize any new sight words. Students can use these words in their daily writing,as well. I have added all sight word list on my documents page.Remember, students must consistently recognize the words before moving on to a new list. I will check their recogntion when we are back in class.

Squiggle Park and Boom Cards- Spend 10-15 minutes. Try a new literacy and\or math game on Boom Cards.

Brain Break-get up and move today.Do your Count to 100 exercises and try this Disney brain break dance and yoga poses. HAVE FUN!

Outdoor Fun-Hopefully it will warm up enough to go outside and get some fresh air.Explore, smile, laugh and play.Enjoy!

Have a magnificent Monday,Kinders!Send me an email ( you need anything. Please send pictures. I love to see what my little Kinders are doing.

Take care! Smiles and Hugs to all my Kinders!! Miss you,LOTS!!

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Posted: January 20, 2022

Happy,happy,Friday,everyone!! Wishing you a fantastic day!Here is your daily plan.

Borrow-A-Book- Read one of your books today. Point to each word as you read,look at the pictures for cues,sound out any unknown words,look for sight words you know. Record your name on the reading log.

Writing-Write a special note to someone at home. Draw a detailed picture of you with that person. Follow the checklist on your page. Use your sight words and sound out unknown words. Read your note to that special person.

Math- Count forwards and backwards 0-10 and 10-0. As you count do an action pattern, raise your hands,touch your toes or stomp your feet, do arm circles. Play your favourite math game from either packet.Have fun!!

Home Learning Packet- Today, complete any pages you have not done. If you finished all sheets, great job! Go to the colour by sight word page that has the words (like,see,can,we,my,the look).  On the back of your page use 2,3or more of the sight words in a sentence. Draw a picture to go with the sentence.

Squiggle Park and Boom Cards- take some time to play a game or two. I have added some new games to boom cards.

Art- Create your snowflake and when it is done, please send me a picture to add to our class page. 

Get up and move- It's Friday!! Yahoooo!! It's time to dance and freeze,  Do your count to 100 exercises,

Go outside run, play, slide, build and explore. Hopefully it won't be too cold.

It's the end of a busy week Kinders. You did a terrific job. Be sure to give those who have helped you this week a big hug and say thank you! We are so lucky to have family and friends to help us learn each day!

Enjoy your Friday and have a fantastic weekend.Take care! Smiles and Hugs!! Can't wait to see you!!

Posted: January 20, 2022


Fri, Jan 21/22 12:30 pm

The new packet can be picked up at school from 12:30-3:30pm.Please return the 6 borrow-a-books your child had at home. If this time is not convient for you, please contact me and we will make other arrangements.

Kinders are having a lot of fun playing dice games like "Roll A Snowman",writing notes and creating lovely snowflakes and artwork.Awesome!

Posted: January 19, 2022

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Posted: January 19, 2022

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Posted: January 19, 2022

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Posted: January 19, 2022

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