Kinder Korner Friday Jan.21

Posted: January 20, 2022

Happy,happy,Friday,everyone!! Wishing you a fantastic day!Here is your daily plan.

Borrow-A-Book- Read one of your books today. Point to each word as you read,look at the pictures for cues,sound out any unknown words,look for sight words you know. Record your name on the reading log.

Writing-Write a special note to someone at home. Draw a detailed picture of you with that person. Follow the checklist on your page. Use your sight words and sound out unknown words. Read your note to that special person.

Math- Count forwards and backwards 0-10 and 10-0. As you count do an action pattern, raise your hands,touch your toes or stomp your feet, do arm circles. Play your favourite math game from either packet.Have fun!!

Home Learning Packet- Today, complete any pages you have not done. If you finished all sheets, great job! Go to the colour by sight word page that has the words (like,see,can,we,my,the look).  On the back of your page use 2,3or more of the sight words in a sentence. Draw a picture to go with the sentence.

Squiggle Park and Boom Cards- take some time to play a game or two. I have added some new games to boom cards.

Art- Create your snowflake and when it is done, please send me a picture to add to our class page. 

Get up and move- It's Friday!! Yahoooo!! It's time to dance and freeze,  Do your count to 100 exercises,

Go outside run, play, slide, build and explore. Hopefully it won't be too cold.

It's the end of a busy week Kinders. You did a terrific job. Be sure to give those who have helped you this week a big hug and say thank you! We are so lucky to have family and friends to help us learn each day!

Enjoy your Friday and have a fantastic weekend.Take care! Smiles and Hugs!! Can't wait to see you!!