Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Welcome Kinders

Posted: March 2, 2022

Our Kinders did a lovely job on their posters showing how they can "BEE Kind" to others. Way to go Kinders!!!

Posted: February 27, 2022

Hi everyone! Hard to believe this is the last day of February and the beginning of March. As the last week before March Break, we will be celebrating School Spirit Week. So let's show our Raiders pride, Kinders and dress up for each theme day.Here is a list of the daily themes:                      Tuesday- Mis-Match Day                                                                            Wednesday- School Colours Day                                                                      Thursday- Crazy Hair\Hat Day                                                                      Friday- PJ's or Jersey Day

Borrow-A-Book- Read and be read to each night. As you read; point to each word, use the pictures for cues, say the beginning letter sound and sound out all letters in an unknown word, identify sight words you know. Please read 1 or 2 books each night and fill in the reading log.Return your borrow-a-books to class on Friday.

Rock Star Sight Words- Review and practice printing your sight words during the week.Once your child knows these words quickly, sign the sheet and return it to class. I will check their words and if they are ready, I will send home a new sheet.Thanks!!

Math-We have had a lot of fun playing the math card game. "LUCKY 7" in class.So, this week I would like for the students to show you how to play the game at home. The game is similar to the Magic 6 card game. You need a deck of cards, using only cards Ace(1) to 7. Place them face down in the middle of the table.Players will take turns drawing two cards, if they make 7 they keep the cards, if not, turn the cards back over and the next player has a turn.If you draw a 7, it's a "LUCKY 7", you keep the 7 and take another turn.This is a fun way to learn the number partners for 7. Have fun!! The instructions for the game are attached.

Library- We visit the library on Tuesday. Please return your book to class, so you can sign out a new book for the week.

Phys.Ed.-We have gym classes on Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday.Please dress in comfortable clothing on these days.

Outside-We will be going outside for recess,when weather permits. Please dress warmly on these days and be sure to pack your snow pants, extra mittens\gloves and socks.Students can leave these in their book bags in case they need a dry pair.Thanks!

Please pack your water bottle and extra clean mask, daily. 

It should be a fun week at school, our last week together before March Break which is the 7th-11th. I hope everyone has a very fun and relaxing break.

Be kind to each other. Take care, Kinders! Smile!!!

My very kind Kinders wore pink today to stand up to bullying. The children watched videos,listened to stories and participated in discussions and activities about kindness. They designed their own pink shirt to...

Posted: February 23, 2022

We will now be celebrating Pink Shirt Day on Thursday, Feb.24th. Please wear a pink shirt and stand up to bullying!

Posted: February 21, 2022

Happy Family Day everyone! What a beautiful day to celebrate our families. I hope everyone had a wonderful day together.

Borrow-A-Book- Read and be read to each night. As you read; point to each word, use the pictures for cues, say the beginning letter sound and sound out all letters in an unknown word, identify sight words you know. Please read 1 or 2 books each night and fill in the reading log.Return your borrow-a-books to class on Friday.

Rock Star Sight Words- Review and practice spelling your sight words during the week.Once your child knows these words quickly, sign the sheet and return to class. I will check their words and if they are ready, I will send home a new sheet.Thanks!!

Library- We visit the library on Tuesday. Students must return their book to class, if they wish to sign out a new book. Students keep their book for a week.

Lunch Special Cancelled- The cafeteria lunch special scheduled for Wednesday. Feb.23rd, is cancelled and will be served on a later date after March Break. 

School Cafeteria Closed on Tuesday,Feb.22nd and Wednesday Feb.23rd of this week. Service will resume on Thursday, Feb.24th.

Phys.Ed.-Our gym classes are every Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday.Wear comfy clothing on these days.

Pink Shirt Day- Wear pink today, Wed. Feb. 23rd, to stand up against bullying. Together we can make a difference.Spread KINDNESS to everyone! 

Outside-When weather permits, we will be going outside for recess. Please ensure your child is dressed warmly and send extra mittens\gloves and socks.Students can leave these in their book bags in case they need a dry pair.Thanks!

Please pack your water bottle and send in 2 extra clean mask,that fit the children properly. 

Looking forward to seeing all of my Kinders on Tuesday morning. Lets have a wonderful week in Kindergarten. Be kind to each other. Take care, Kinders! Smile!!!

Posted: February 21, 2022

Center time is always a favourtite way to end our day. The Kinders are very creative in play as they share some awesome adventures together.Love watching and listening to their interactions. Wonderful job, Kinders!

Posted: February 21, 2022

A busy Thursday afternoon for our Kindergarten barber. He did a lovely job with the hair cuts and blow drying and the hairdresser helped out with adding curls. Looking good Kinders!!

Posted: February 15, 2022

Showing our love for with beautiful heart shaped Canadian flags, as we proudly wear our red and white.

Posted: February 15, 2022

Valentine wishes sent with love from your little Kinders!!

Posted: February 15, 2022

The children loved decorating their valentine bags and exchanging valentines with their friends.


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