Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Welcome Kinders

Posted: January 30, 2022


Mon, Jan 31/22 6:48 pm

Posted: January 30, 2022

So excited for Monday morning, can't wait to see everyone back in class. It is going to be a great day!Please bring extra mask that are a good fit, your water bottle and your home learning book. See you soon!!

Posted: January 27, 2022

Yahoo, it's Friday! Wishing all of you a fantastic day as you work and play.Please try these activities today;

Borrow-A-Book-Choose two of your books to read today. Point to each word as you read,look at the pictures for cues,sound out any unknown words, look for sight words you know. If you did not listen to the book, The Mitten Tree, yesterday, please listen today. If you heard the book, have someone read you a favourite book.

Writing-Write about your favourite toy, you love to play with at home?Tell me why you love to play with this toy?Draw a detailed picture of you playing with your toy. Begin your sentence with a capital letter, use spaces between your words, use the sight words and names you know and sound out unknown words, use a period to end your sentence.Read your sentence to someone.

Home Learning Packet-We are working on the Snow globe rhyming page today. Colour, cut and glue the snowglobe to it's matching rhyming picture.Can you say another word that rhymes with each rhyming pair? 

Math- Count forwards and backwards 0-10 and 10-0.Today you are playing the math game,"Tens Go Fish". You will need a deck of cards.This is good practice for making pairs of 10. As you pick a card,see if you can identify which card you will need to pick next to make 10. The instructions are attached.Have Fun! Don't forget the Count to 100 exercises. 

Art-Design your pair of mittens today if you have not done so.Be creative and send me a picture of your mittens when they are done.Remember to bring your mittens back to class and we will make a mitten tree.

Squiggle Park & Boom Cards- spend 10-15 minutes playing literacy and math games today.

If it's not too cold you may beable to go outside and play. If you are inside try Cosmic Yoga for Kids- Squish the Fish- 

Thank you Kinders for a great week of learning. Be sure to say thank you to all of those special people, who have helped you with home learning this week. Should you need anything today please email (joan.sullivan-goguen@nbed.nb.caor call me at school (627-4074).

We are in for some messy weather on the weekend so please be safe and stay warm! We will be back together in class very soon.I am so excited to see everyone!Until then,big hugs are sent to you. Take care, Kinders!Smile! 


PDF icon tens_go_fish.pdf111.15 KB

Posted: January 27, 2022

Kinders wrote about their favourite stuffy today.From these cute pictures ,I can see why they love their stuffies!

Posted: January 27, 2022

Outdoor fun, indoor exercise fun and fun with math! Kinders had a fun filled Thursday!Awesome! 

A terrific Thursday greeting to everyone.Today, please complete these activities and remember, try your best, you are doing a wonderful job!

Borrow-A-Book-Read a levelled text. Point to each word as you read,look at the pictures for cues,sound out any unknown words, look for sight words you know. Read you book twice.

Sight Words- Review your sight words today. Try spelling the words out on a piece of paper today.How did you do? If you have trouble spelling any words, use your magnetic letters to build the words. Mix the letters up and then build the word again. 

Writing-Tell me about your favourite stuffy.What type of animal is it? What colour is it? How long have you had?Does your stuffy have a name?Where do you keep it?How does it make you feel?Draw a detailed picture of you and your stuffy. Begin your sentence with a capital letter, use spaces between your words, use the sight words and names you know and sound out unknown words.Read your sentence to your stuffy.Please take a picture of you and your stuffy, I would love to see your special friend.

Home Learning Packet-Please complete the snowman CVC words. Look at the picture on the snowman, sound out the begining, middle and ending letter sounds you hear. On one sheet, the vowel sound is "a", on the other sheet, the vowel sound is "o". Use your pencil and take your time printing the letters. 

Math- Today in math, do your Count to 100 exercises. Count forwards and backwards 0-10 and 10-0.Play the "Roll and Cover One More" math game.Similar to yesterdays game but this time you cover one more than the number you rolled. If you roll a 6 cover a 7.Have Fun! 

Art-Listen to the story,"The Mitten Tree" by Candace Christiansen, a nice story about kindness and mittens! Sarah was so kind all of those mittens for the children.What kind of mittens would you pick from the Mitten Tree?a blue stripped pair?a bright red pair?Or would you like a pair with colourful stripes? or different patterns or shapes like hearts and stars? In your home learning pack, you will find a sheet with a pair of mittens.Design the pair of mittens you would love to have Sarah knit for you.Use any material, paint, crayons, markers, pastels etc. Be creative and remember, your mittens should like exactly the same. Send me a picture of your mittens.Then bring your mittens back to class and we will make a mitten tree.

It is going to be another chilly day, so check out the activities Mrs. Dickson has posted on her teacher page, There are lots of fun exercises to choose from or play the exercise roll and do game again. 

Have a terrific Thursday,Kinders. Send me a note by email (joan.sullivan-goguen@nbed.nb.caor call me at school (627-4074). Stay safe and warm! Big hugs are sent your way.Smile! Hope to see you really soon!


Posted: January 26, 2022

All in a days work; writing, reading, math games, bingo, lizards, identifying beginning\ending letter sounds and of course, play time fun! Awesome job!

Posted: January 26, 2022

This lovely little Kinder is the first in our class to turn 6. WOW! Happy birthday wishes to you Victoria! We hope you have a fantastic day and year. Love from your Kinder friends and Mrs.Sullivan-Goguen!!

Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday. WOW, Wednesday already! The week is really going fast.

Here is your daily plan;

Borrow-A-Book-Colour and read your paper book titled,"My Little Snowman"or "Look at Winter". You will have to fill in the word Look at the begining of each page. Point to each word as you read,look at the pictures for cues,sound out any unknown words, look for sight words you know. 

Sight Words- Practice your sight words throughout the week.On your list of words circle any of the sight words that are in the book you read.

Writing-Today you can write another note to a special family member. Choose someone different this time. Begin your sentence with a capital letter, use spaces between your words, use the sight words and names you know and sound out unknown words. Draw a detailed picture of you  and that special person. Read them your note.

Home Learning Packet-Review the Ll, by visiting Starfall, Letter L (  When you are on Starfall read the story Zac the Rat.Zac the Rat (  It is interactive and fun and it reviews the amazing "at" family words that you worked on last week. Please complete the snowman, beginning and ending picture pages.Look at the picture on the snowman, circle the begining letter sound you hear. On the line beside the snowman, print, with a pencil, the letter sound you hear at the end of the word. There are 3 sheets.

Math- Today in math, do your Count to 100 exercises. You can play the Roll and Do snowman exercise page, attached to this note and found in your packet.Also,play the "Roll and Cover One Less" math game.You will need to find your own objects at home, macaroni, buttons,pennies lego pieces,etc. Good luck! Try to play a few games.

If the weather is nice, go outside to play and explore. 

Enjoy your Wednesday,Kinders. Hugs and smiles to all! Please let me know if you need anything, call the school (627-4074) or email ( Take care and stay safe! I miss you!

PDF icon snowman_exercise_roll_and_do.pdf241.97 KB

Posted: January 25, 2022

Lovely lizards, ten frame math, writing and helping with the shovelling. A busy day for Kinders! Great job!!


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