Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Welcome Kinders

Posted: January 19, 2022

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Posted: January 19, 2022

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Posted: January 19, 2022

Wow, Thursday already and another chilly day. You have been doing a great job Kinders, keep it up the good work with todays activities.

Borrow-A-Book- Read one of your books today. Point to each word as you read,look at the pictures for cues,sound out any unknown words, look for sight words you know.

Writing-For todays writing ,can you follow the pattern in your borrow-a-book and write a new page for your book? Draw a detailed picture. Start your sentence, the same way the other sentences begin in your book. Use your sight words and sound out unknown words. I can't wait to see what you come up with.

Math- Count forwards and backwards 0-10 and 10-0. Review your number facts of 6 by playing this card game, Magic 6's.Use only cards 1-6. Turn all cards face down. Players take turns turning over 2 cards, if the cards total 6,(1 and 5,2 and 4,3 and 3) the player keeps the cards, if the cards don't make 6, turn the cards face down again. The next player takes a turn. If one of the two cards you turn over is a 6, they yell Magic 6, keep that card and choose another card to try and match with the one you have in your hand.Once all the cards have been turned over the player with the most pairs and 6's win. On a piece of paper print your number pairs for 6, ex 1 and 5 is 6, 0 and 6 is 6.Have fun!!

Home Learning Packet- Complete the sight word 'like" page today. Trace, print, colour, fill in the blanks, circle the word and build the word. On the back of your page use the word like in a sentence.

"No Two Snowflakes" by, Sheree Fitch. Listen to this read aloud of the story  Yesterdays read aloud was more of a book and talk review, and didnt actually read the whole story.Sorry about that, I am sure you will enjoy this story.

Art-Continue to work on your snowflake projects.Watch this video that explains how snowflakes are formed. Remember to send a picture of your special snowflake. 

Get up and move- be sure to take breaks throughout the day to stretch and move your body. Do your count to 100 exercises, dance, count the steps you take from the kitchen to the living room, or to your bedroom, basement etc. If you can go outside and get some fresh air, go for a wolk around your home,can you see, hear, smell or touch anything unique, like ice crystals on the trees or in the snow.

Have a fantastic Thursday everyone. Keep up the great work Kinders!! Take care! Smiles and Hugs!! You are missed!

Posted: January 19, 2022

Love seeing my Kinders smile as they work on home learning task!! Great job, Kinders!!!

Our Kinders have been hard at work learning from home and are having a super fun time playing and exploring in the snow!!

Posted: January 18, 2022

Wonderful Wednesday Wishes to my little Kinders!! Another very cold morning.Hopefully it will warm up so you can get outside to play.

Here is what I would like for you to work on today;

Borrow-A-Book- Read one of your books today. Point to each word as you read,look at the pictures for cues,sound out any unknown words, look for sight words you know. 

Math- Count from 0-10 and 10-0.As you count hop forward and hopbackwards when you count backwards. We are working on the number 6. Listen to the Jack Hartman song, "I can say my number pairs 6", Now,show what you learned. Using the sheet attached,(build a snowman 6) or use any paper from home. Roll a dice print the number you rolled in the first snowman's first snowball. How many more do you need to make 6? Print that number in the snowman's second snowball.Roll the dice until you have all the number pairs for 6. 

Sight Words- Continue to review your sight words today. Play the Brrr, or  "Read for Speed" sight word gsme.

Writing- Today, please write using this topic, what can you do in the snow? Draw a detailed picture of what you can do in the snow. Start your sentence, "In the snow I can..... use your sight words and names you know and sound out unknown words. Read your sentence to someone.

Home Learning Packet- Practice your sight words (like, see,can,we,my,the,look) by doing the colour by sight word picture page.Take your time with colouring.Do the snowflake beginning letter sound sheet.Look at the picture in the snowflake,say the word, print the beginnning letter sound you hear.For a challenge, try and print the middle and ending letter sounds you hear. 

Outdoor Fun-It is suppose to snow today and tomorrow ,so if it warms up and you are outside playing, see if you can catch some snowflakes on your mittens. It's neat to look at snowflakes on a coloured piece of paper.Look closely, you may be able to count how many sides a snowflake has.Here is a hint,it's the number we were making today.Did you know that no two snaowfakes are alike?Each snowflake is unique, just like you!  Can you catch snowflakes on your tongue?Have fum! Check out this book by Sheree Fitch, "No Two Snowflakes". Sheree is one of my favourite authors, she lives in Nova Scotia. Sheree has written a lot of books and poems. We were very lucky at Nelson Rural when Sheree came to our school for a visit.It was awesome! I hope you enjoy her book!

Art- Now that you have explored snowflakes, design your own snowflake.Remember, no 2 snowflakes are alike, so be creative, use any material you have at home. paint, crayons yarn, styrofoam, sticks etc.Whenever you get your project complete,please be sure to send me a picture of your special snowflake. I will make one too, and we can display them on our class page. 

Enjoy your Wednesday, Kinders!! Reach out if I can help in anyway. Take care!Smiles and Hugs!! I sure do miss you!

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Posted: January 18, 2022

Happy Tuesday, Kinders. More snow last night. It is just right for packing and building forts or towers. Not sure how well it will roll for snow people, it may be too heavy. 

Here are today's activities for you to work on;

Borrow-A-Book- Read a new book from the Jan. 17-21st book set. Read one book a day.Read your book more than once. Point to each word as you read,look at the pictures for cues,sound out any unknown words, look for sight words you know. Have someone read you a book or listen to a story book on line.

Math- Count from 0-10 and 10-0. Try the roll and colour," One Less" dice game. There is a snowman in the middle of the page.You can divide the game in half, between the number 1 and 5 snowballs above the snowman. Players roll the dice and place a marker on the number that is one less then what they rolled.First to cover all their snowballs wins.Have fun!! 

Sight Words- Practice your sight words throughout the week.  Play the "Read for Speed" sigth word gsme.This is in your learning packet.Roll the dice and say all the sight words under the number that you rolled. If you miss a word print it on a piece of paper.

Writing-What did you do yesterday? Please write about it today.Follow the check list on your page for how to make a sentence.Draw a detailed picture, use your sight words and names you know and sound out unknown words. Read your sentence to someone.

Home Learning Packet-Complete the sight word "he" page, trace, print, find, build  and colour the word. You can also try the  Amazing "it" readers page - colour all the words that have "it" in the word.Print the date on the page.Take your time with colouring. 

Don't forget your Count to 100 exercises. Try a different version today, I tried " welcome to the zoo".

Outdoor Fun-Get out and explore, play and have fun in the snow!

Try Sguiggle Park and Boom Cards for 10-15 minutes.

Have a wonderful Tuesday, take care Kinders. Hugs!!  Contact me at school (627-4074) or email ( if  you have any questions or concerns. I miss you!


A good Monday morning everyone! I hope that you had a fun weekend with your family!

Please try these home learning activities today;

Borrow-A-Book- Today read a book from the Jan. 17-21st book set. Read one book a day.Read your book more than once. Point to each word as you read,look at the pictures for cues,sound out any unknown words, look for sight words you know. Have someone read you a winter book.Did you like the book?What was your favourite part?

Math- Count from 0-10 and 10-0. Play the Roll a Snowman game twice, with someone. Have fun!! 

Sight Words- Practice your sight wordsthroughout the week. If you are ready for the next sheet look under documents on my teacher page for the list. Play the "Read for Speed" sigth word gsme.This is in your learning packet.Roll the dice and say all the sight words under the number that you rolled.

Writing-Today, please write about something you did on the weekend.Follow the check list on your page for how to make a sentence.Draw a detailed picture, use your sight words and names you know and sound out unknown words. Read your sentence to someone.

Home Learning Packet- Complete the Amazing "at" readers page - colour all the words that have "at" in the word.Print the date on the page.Take your time with colouring. 

Outdoor Fun- if it is not too cold and you can go out to play, make a snowman, snow angel or stomp the first letter in your name in the snow. How many steps did it take you to make that letter? Go for a walk or just explore. Maybe you see tracks in the snow, can you guess what made them.

Try Sguiggle Park and Boom Cards for 10-15 minutes.

Have a fantastic day Kinders. Smile and be safe!! Call (627-4074) or email ( in you need anything.Hugs Kinders! Take care! I miss you!

Posted: January 16, 2022

Happy Kinders working hard on their learning packets and having fun outside. Great job, Kinders!

Yahooooo!!! It is Friday and we are expecting some snow today. I hope that you can get outside to play and maybe build a snowman or two or a family with a pet. Whatever you build be sure to send pictures to share on our class page.

Today please,

Read your Borrow-A-Book- Read a book from the Jan.10-14th books. Remember to point to each word, look at the pictures for clues and get your mouth ready to sound out any unknown words.Stop reading when you come to the period. Have someone read you a book or listen to a story online.

Happy New Year booklet- You should complete the work in your booklet today.Please take your time with colouring, cutting and gluing the sentence together.

Math- Count forwards and backwards 0-10 and 10-0. Print all of these numbers forwards and backwards in two rows besides each other. If you were to add the 2 numbers in each row together what number would you get? What did you notice about each answer? Play a Math game from either packet or play a Boom Cards game. Have fun!

Sight Words- review your sight words. Try this game.Print all the sight words from your list on a sheet of paper.Cut out each word, fold each paper and put them in a bag. Print the word Brrr!!! twice on a piece of paper and cut them out, fold the paper and put in the bag. Now you are ready to play the sight word freeze game. Play with your family, take turns picking out a sight word . Read the word if you know it you keep it , if you dont it goes back in the bag. If anyone picks the Brrr! card, all the word cards have to go back in the bag.Start again! Have fun!!

Writing-Please write a new sentence today. Tell me about something you did yesterday or plan to do today.Follow the check list on your page for how to make a sentence. Draw a good detailed picture.Try sounding out unknown words on your own,print all the sounds you hear in the word. Read your sentence to someone. 

Home Learning Packet- Try the "at" word page today. You must read,print,colour, build and find the word "at". Can you tell someone 5 words that rhyme with at? Can you print these words on a piece of paper?

Get up and Move- do your count to 100 exercises with Jack Hartman, have a dance party or try this activity on Go Noodle, We have done it before in class.Enjoy!! 

Contact me if you have any questions,concerns or pictures to share. My email ( and school number (627-4074).  

Have a fabulous Friday and fantastic weekend, Kinders! Hugs to all, and be sure to give those who have been helping you with home learning, a big hug and thank you for all of their help this week. I know I certainly appreciate their support!!



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