Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Welcome Kinders

Posted: February 24, 2014


Tue, Feb 25/14 8:00 pm
Wear a pink shirt today for Bullying Awareness

Posted: February 24, 2014


Sun, Feb 23/14 8:00 pm

Posted: February 19, 2014

Homework this Week-  Read each night Study spelling words Print the words of the week   Show and Tell- Students at Tables 1 and 2 do Show and Tell on Tuesday . Students at Tables 3 and 4 do Show and Tell on Wednesday. Students who forgot their Show and Tell can bring it on Thursday.         Library- We have library every Wednesday. Please remember to bring your book so that you can sign out a new book.           Spellathon-Our School Spellathon test will be on Thursday February 20th. This will be a written test and will be done in the classroom. Please study your words each night and practice printing them. All pledge sheets are due Wednesday February 19th.Good luck girls and boys!       Phys. Ed.- We have Phys. Ed. classes on Thursday and Friday this week. Please wear comfortable clothing.        On Thursday and Friday this week wear red and white to cheer on our Canadian Olympic Athletes. GO CANADA GO!!!!!

Posted: February 8, 2014


Tue, Feb 18/14 8:00 pm
Homework this week- *Read each night **Print word of the week ***Study spelling words ****Print your Valentine's to your friends        Show and Tell- Students at tables 1 and 2 do their show and tell on Tuesday and students at tables 3 and 4 will do their show and tell on Wednesday.          Library- Every Wednesday we go to the library. Please remember to bring your book so you will be able to sign out a new book.          Yahoooo! Wednesday is the 100th day of school. We are so excited that this special day is here. Remember to bring in your 100th day collection, can goods for the food bank and a snack for the 100th day soup. We have a lot of fun things planned for this special day.                 It is sure to be a lot of FUN!!!!!!        Physical Education- We have phys.ed classes every Monday,Thursday and Friday. Please wear comfortable clothing.       Happy Valentine's Day-Friday February 14th is Valentine's Day. We will be exchanging Valentine's in class today. The students have printed their class list and will be taking it home on Monday. Please allow the students to print their own Valentine's to their classmates. It is not necessary to send in a snack but if you do please remember to make it nut free.   Valentine Lunch Special - On Valentine's Day the cafeteria will be serving only the Valentine Special. You must preorder by Tuesday February 11th if you wish to have this meal.     Winter Olympics- Remember to wear red and white on Friday to show your support for our Canadian Athletes. GO CANADA GO!!!!         No School- There will be no school for students on Monday February 17th as it is a Professional Learning Day for teachers.       Spellathon- Remember to collect pledges and study your spelling words.  

Posted: February 8, 2014


Sun, Feb 16/14 8:00 pm

Posted: February 8, 2014


Wed, Feb 5/14 8:00 pm

Posted: February 8, 2014


Fri, Feb 14/14 8:00 pm

Posted: February 8, 2014


Tue, Feb 11/14 8:00 pm

Posted: February 8, 2014


Thu, Feb 20/14 8:00 pm


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