Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Our Happy Kinders~

Posted: October 26, 2014

Homework - Read each night             - Review Zoophonics letters actions and sounds this week             - Read a rhyming book this week       Phys. Ed.- We have gym class every Monday-Thursday. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothing for exercising, playing and having fun.     Cafeteria- Pre-orders for the Halloween Lunch Special are due on Tuesday Oct. 28th. The lunch speacial will be served on Halloween, Friday Oct. 31st. This will be the only meal served on that day.     Library- Every Wednesday we have library. Please remember to return your library book so that you will be able to borrow a new book.        Pumpkin Carving Contest- The Home & School is having their annual pumpkin carving contest on Wednesday Oct. 29th. Students carve a pumpkin and bring it to school with them. All pumpkins will be put on display at the front of the school. Parents are invited to come in and have a look at the creative carving ideas our students come up with. All pumpkins must be taken home by Oct.31st.       K-2 Halloween Movie Night- The Home & School will be having a Halloween Movie Night at the school for the K-2 students on Wednesday Oct. 29th at 6:00pm. Come out and enjoy the fun!       We will be celebrating Halloween in our classroom on Friday Oct. 31st. It is not necessary for parnts to send in anything as I will be having a little treat for the children. Should you wish to send in a treat please remember that all treats must be peanut and nut free. Students are ask to dress in orange and black. No costumes please.   Have a very Happy Halloween girls and boys! Stay safe and have fun as you go out trick or treating.

Posted: October 26, 2014

Posted: October 26, 2014


Tue, Oct 28/14 9:00 pm

Posted: October 26, 2014


Thu, Oct 30/14 9:00 pm

Posted: October 15, 2014

Library - We have library every Wednesday afternoon. Please rememeber to return your book so that you will be able to sign out a new book.    Phys. Ed.- We have gym classes every Monday to Thursday. Please dress in comfortable clothes so that you can run, play and have fun.   Citizen Day- This  Friday October 17th please wear red and white to show your pride for our wonderful country.    

Posted: October 4, 2014

 Happy Fall- I hope that everyone has been enjoying the lovely Fall weather we have been having. The trees look so beautiful this time of year. With the cooler weather in the morning it is important for the children to wear the proper outdoor clothing such as hats, mittens and warmer coats.    Homework- Read your Borrow-A-Book each night           - Review the Zoophonics actions and beginning letter sound        Phys. Ed.- We have Gym class every Monday to Thursday. Please wear comfortable clothing and sneakers so you can run, exercise and have fun.     This is Fire Safety Week. Members of our city Fire Department will be at school on Monday Oct. 6th to talk to the children about the importance of following the safety rules in case of a fire. We have practiced fire drills here at school and learned about the fire safety rules. Please read the material being sent home today with your child. Practice a fire drill at home with your children, check your smoke detectors and designate a meeting place in case of a fire.   Library- We have library every Wednesday. Students need to return the book they borrowed if they wish to get a new book.   There will be No School for Students on Thursday Oct. 9th and Friday Oct.10th due to PD Meetings for Teachers.   Happy Thanksgiving- I hope everyone will enjoy their Thanksgiving Day Celebrations on Manday October 13th with family and friends. Have a fun long weekend and I will see you in class on Tuesday.    Spirit Week-  This week at school Oct. 6-8th is School Spirit Week. On Monday students are asked to wear our school colours burgandy\maroon & gold. We are collecting donations to the food bank all week.


Thu, Oct 9/14 9:00 pm


Wed, Oct 8/14 9:00 pm

Posted: September 30, 2014

Posted: September 28, 2014

Borrow-A-Book- On Monday Sept. 29 th our borrow a book program will begin. Each night students will bring a home a book, which they are to read to someone. A memo describing the program and the important steps parent's can take to help their child read thier book  will be sent home and should be read before your child begins to read their book. Please fill out the reading log each night and return the book in it's bag to school so your child will recieve a new book each night.    Phys. Ed.Class   - Every Monday - Thursday  we have gym class. Please wear comfortable clothing and sneakers.       Library - Every Wednesday we will visit the library. Students will choose a book which they would like to have read to them. The book can be kept home for the week and must be returned by the following Wednesday.  Picture Retakes will be Friday Oct. 3rd.     Happy Fall Everyone !                                                                                                                                                       


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