Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Welcome Kinders


Thu, Feb 13/14 8:00 pm

Posted: February 8, 2014


Thu, Feb 6/14 8:00 pm

Posted: February 8, 2014

CBC Sochi Winter Olympics

Posted: February 8, 2014

Spellathon Fundraiser- Our annual school spellathon has begun. This is our major fundraiser for our school. Information, pledge sheets and spelling list have been sent home. I encourage all students to collect pledges and study their spelling words. We will be working with our spelling words daily and hope to have all students be top spellers. Good luck boys and girls!   Sochi Olympics- The  Winter Olympics have begun and we will be cheering on our Canadian athletes in class as they go for the gold. As of today, Canada has 3 medals agold, silver and bronze. Way to go Canada! Be sure to watch our Canadain athletes at home with your child.I have included a link to CBC- Sochi Winter Olympics.           To support our Canadian athletes we will be wearing red and white on every Friday (Feb.7th,14th,21st) during the Olympics. GO CANADA GO!

Posted: January 19, 2014

Christmas Concert 2013
Homework this Week- ** Read each night **Print the word of the week **Complete pages in homework book     Show and Tell- This week we will begin our Show and Tell. On Tuesday, the students who sit at Table 1(Amelia, Callie, Cayden, Eddie) and Table 2(Ben,Jacinda, Mya,Rebecca) will do their Show and Tell. On Wednesday the students who sit at Table 3(Abby,Hunter, Kaycea, Regan) and  Table 4(Cameron, Madison, Novalee, Ryan) will do their Show and Tell. Students are asked to bring one item, that is not valuable or breakable and can fit into their bookbag to show and  talk about. Please read the memo which was sent home on Friday January 17th.        Library-On Wednesday we will go to the library to exchange our book.  Don't forget to bring back your book.          Physical Education- We have gym classes every Monday,Thursday and Friday. Please remember to wear comfortable clothing on these days.          Have an awesome week at school girls and boys as you work and play with your friends!                                                                           

Posted: January 13, 2014

Homework- Read each night * Print the word of the week. * Complete 2 writing pages in your homework book. When writing your sentences use the word sheet in the front of your book and sound out the words you are trying to spell.       Library- We have library every Wednesday. Remember to bring back the book you borrowed so that you can get a new book.           Physical Education- We have gym class every Monday, Thursday and Friday. Remember to wear comfortable clothes and shoes.           Skating- We have skating on January 16, 9:4am @ the Civic Center.We will be skating with our grade 8Buddies from Mr. Keating's class.         100th Day od School-We are off to a great 2014. It is hard to belive that we have been at school for 80 days. As the 100th day of school is fast approaching start looking for things to put in your 100th day collection. Information about the 100th day of school celebrations will be sent home soon.

Posted: January 13, 2014

We have skating on Jan. 17th @ 9:40am.Civic Center , We will be skating with our Grade 8 Buddies from Mr. Keating's class.

Posted: January 8, 2014

     Welcome back boys and girls. I hope that you had a great holiday with your family and friends. It is great to be back to school with our friends. I know that this will be an awesome year.      Homework- This week please read your book each night. Remember the reading strategies we have talked about in class. They will help you if you get stuck on a word. Try and figure it out on your own first and if you can't get the word ask for help. Please print the word of the week in your agenda.     Cold Weather- Brrrrr!!!! We have had some very cold weather this Winter. Please remember to dress for the weather and bring your hats, mittens and ski pants to school with you.            Library-We borrowed our first book from the library this Wednesday. The children love to choose their own book. Books about animals certainly seem to be a favourite. Your book is due back every Wednesday.               Phys. Ed.- This week we have gym class on Thursday and Friday. Yeah!!!! We love to go to the gym!           Skating- We will be going skating on January 16th  at 9:40am. This will be a special activity because we get to go with our Grade 8 buddies form Mr. Keating's class. The student's are very excited and can't wait to go.

Posted: December 18, 2013

  Santa Visit- We were very surprised and happy to have a special visit from Santa at our Christmas Dinner on December 12th. The children were very excited and all smiles to get their picture with SANTA.               Please read your Borrow -A-Book each night from Monday to Thursday.                Christmas Concert- The Kindergarten children did an awesome job this morning at the Christmas Concert. Everyone looked lovely and did a wonderful job with their Christmas Alphabet, Greeting, songs Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and the Reindeer Pokey. The audience loved your performance and were certainly feeling the Christmas spirit when they left .                                                                                                                                                                        Friday December 20th is our last day of school before the Christmas break. This is a full day. The K-2 students have a special day planned, with a reading by Mr. Fitzpatrick of the story book, The Polar Express and then we will watch the movie. Be sure to wear your comfy pajams on this day.         I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I hope your holidays are filled with special moments with family and friends.  Have a wonderful Christmas break, everyone!


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