Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Welcome Kinders

Posted: June 2, 2014


Mon, Jun 16/14 9:00 pm
K-2 Sports Day

Posted: June 2, 2014

Save the Whale Math Game

A fun Math game we like to play that shows combinations to ten. Hope that you have as much fun as we did saving the whales!

Posted: June 2, 2014

Caterpillar counting

This is a fun Math game we played in class. Hope you enjoy it.

Posted: May 20, 2014


Wed, May 21/14 9:00 pm
K-2 students will attend the SHREK Musical at JMH on Thursday May22
Show and Tell - On Tuesday, students from tables 1 and 2 will do Show and Tell and student from tables 3 and 4 will do their Show and Tell on Wednesday.         Library-We go to the Library every Wednesday. Students are reminded to bring their book if they wish to sign out a new book.         Jump Rope For Heart- Permission slips for Jump Rope for Heart were sent home with students on Friday. If you wish for your child to participate in this event, please sign the pemission slip and return to class. The pledge sheet/ envelope will then be sent home with your child.        The Musical -On Thursday May 22nd, the K-2 students will be going to the musical "Shrek" at JMH. If you have not already done so, please send in the $2 with your child.     T-Shirt Orders- Order forms for Kindergarten T-shirts will be sent home on Tuesday May 20th. Should you wish to purchase a shirt for your child, please complete the form amd return it and the money to class by Friday May 23rd.   Phys. Ed. - We have gym classes on Thursday and Friday this week. Please wear comfortable clothing and sneakers.


Sun, May 18/14 9:00 pm

Posted: May 11, 2014

A very Happy Mother's Day to all of our Mother's. May your special day be filled with lots of fun, laughter and special moments with your beautiful children. Have an awesome day, you desrve the best!       Enjoy reading your book each night with your family. Read your story a couple of times as this will help with your fleuncy.      School Book Fair- The school book fair will be held in the library from Monday May 11th to Thursday May 14th. Wednesday May 13th, will be Family night from 5-8pm. Please come out and support the school library.Thanks! Due to the book fair we will not be taking a new book out of the library. Students can return their book next week.     Phys. Ed Classes- We have gym class every Monday,Thursday and Friday. Please dress in comfortable clothing and footwear.         Show and Tell-We will have Show and Tell on Tuesday for students at Tables 1 and 2  and on Wednesday for students at Tables 3 and 4. Please remember to practicewith your family the night before what youare going to tell the class about your item.       Jump Rope For Heart- We will have a presentation about Jump Rope For Heart on Thursday May 15th. If you wish for your child to participate in this fundraising activity, please sign the permission slip being sent home and return it to school. Miss Baldwin will send home a donation envelope with the students who return their permission slip.   Victoria Day- There will be no school on Monday May 19th, the Victoria Day Holiday.

Posted: April 21, 2014

Homework- Please read your book a couple of times each night to someone at home.           HAPPY EARTH DAY-Today, April 22nd is Earth Day. We will be doing a recycling activity today with our Grade 8 Buddies. We will be talking about this very important day and our wonderful planet and the ways that we can take care of it throughout the week. Please take the time to discuss with your child the importance of Earth Day and the ways that you, as a family, can take care of the Earth. LOVE THE EARTH! It is the only home we have. Make every day, Earth Day! Check out the Earth Day activity on Starfall the weblink is below.            Show and Tell- We have Show and Tell on Tuesday for tables 1 and 2 and Wednesday for tables 3 and 4.Please practice what your are going to say  about your show and tell item with your family.        Physical Education- We have gym class on Thursday and Friday this week.Please remember to wear comfortable clothing so you can run and play.       Yearbook - Yearbook orders are due on Friday April 25th. Yearbooks are $20 each.      School Clothing- Orders for school clothing will be taken on Wednesday April 23rd at the school.      Outdoor Clothing- With the very wet weather, our playground still has a lot of snow. It is very important that the children come dressed for the weather, with boots not sneakers, snow pants or splah pants and a warm jacket.           


Thu, May 1/14 9:00 pm

Posted: April 13, 2014

Homework - Please read your book.            Show and Tell- For this week only Students from Tables 1 and 2 will be doing Show and Tell on  Monday instead of Tuesday and students at Tables 3 and 4 will still do their Show and Tell on Wednesday.         Library- We have library every Wednesday and students get to borrow their book for a week. They must return their book the following Wednesday if they wish to get a new book.       Teddy Bear Picnic- On Tuesday April 15th there will be NO SCHOOL  for only the Kindergarten Students due to the Teddy Bear Picnic at our school for the new students who will be coming to our school in the Fall.     There will be No Scool for students on Thursday April 17th due to Professional Development Day for Teachers.       Easter Break- There will be No School on Good Friday, April 18th and Easter Monday April 21st. We will return to school on Tuesday April 22nd which is Earth Day.       Have a very Happy Easter everyone. I hope that the Easter Bunny will leave a special treat in your Easter basket. Enjoy your holiday with your family and friends.                         


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