Hi everyone! I hope you had a wonderful weekend.
***Please read your book each night. Remember to use your strategies when you get stuck on a word.
***This week we have 2 pages to complete in our homework book. We are working with the word "is".
***Gym classes are Tuesday-Thursday this week. Wear comfortable clothing.
***This is our final week for Math games. Math games go home on Tuesday and are to be played for two nights. Please return your game with all the pieces in the bag given to class on Thursday. I hope that everyone has enjoyed playing these games at home. What a wonderful learning experience. I have noticed many happy faces on the log sheet, which is great.
**** Book orders go home Tuesday April 25th and are asked to be returned by Thursday April 27. Thank you!
***The K-5 students will be attending the play Beauty and the Beast at JMH on Wednesday April 26th. It would be appreciated if students could bring in a $2. We will be leaving for the play at 8:35am.
***Show & Tell- Tuesday- red table, Wednesday-purple table, Thursday blue and green table
***There will be No School for students on Friday April 28th as this is a PD day for Teachers.
Enjoy your week here at school and I will see you Monday as we start a brand new month....May!