Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Our Happy Kinders~

Posted: August 31, 2017

I am very excited to start our new school year. I can't wait to see all of you! Remember, Kindergarten is staggered entry as half of our class will be at school on Tuesday September 5th and the other half arrives Wednesday September 6th.

Posted: May 16, 2017

Our school book fair is Monday May 16th to Wednesday May 18th with family night on Wednesday evening from 5-8 pm.

Homework this week: Please read each night. Use the strategies you have learned in class to help identify unknown words. Read your books a couple of times each night.

   *** Every Tuesday-Friday we have Gym class. Please wear comfortable clothing on these days.

   *** Show and Tell-Practice your show and tell at home with your family so you will be comfortable speaking in front of your classmates.

Show and Tell schedule is: Tuesday- red table, Wednesday- purple table, Thursday- blue table, Friday- green table

Homework Book- 2 pages to be completed. Your book goes home on Tuesday and is to be returned on Friday. We are asking students to write about Spring. It is important for the students to write their sentence by sounding out the unknown words. Please do not spell the words for them. When they write what they hear it is easier for students to read their own sentence.

Library - We will exchange our library book this Friday. Students choose their own book and sign it out for the week. The book must be returned each Friday in order to sign out a new book.

There is No School on Monday May 22nd, Victoria Day. Enjoy your long weekend with family and friends. I will see you on Tuesday.



Posted: May 12, 2017


Fri, May 12/17 (All day)

Our School Book fair will be held on Monday May 15th-Wednesday May 17th from 9am to 12 noon in the school library.

Family night Wednesday May 17th from 5-8 pm.

Posted: May 12, 2017

A very Happy Mother's Day to all of our Moms and Grandmothers. Where would we be without our amazing Mommies? We hope that you like our letters, cards, and gifts we made for you. Have a wonderful day, you deserve it! We love you!

Posted: May 12, 2017


Mon, May 22/17 (All day)

Posted: May 12, 2017


Sun, May 14/17 (All day)

Happy Mother's Day to our Amazing Moms!

Hello Everyone and welcome back to school on the first day of May. This will be a short week for students as there is No Shool on Thursday and Friday, May 3rd and 4th due to NBTA meetings and Subject Council for Teachers.

This week please read your book each night. Use the strategies you know to help you figure out the unknown words. Re-read your book. This is excellent practice and will help to improve your fluency.

Homework book- We have three pages in our book. One is on 3D shapes, look around your house for different 3D shapes and draw the picture or write the name of the object in the correct box. See if you can find two different items for each shape. The other two pages you will practice printing, finding and reading the word "in". Plese return your book to school on Wednesday.Thanks!

Show and Tell- Because of the short week we have some changes to our Show and Tell schedule. For this week only, students from red and blue tables will do show and tell on Tuesday and students from purple and green tables will do their show and tell on Wednesday. Please remember to practice what you are going to say about the item you will show. It is best to practice with a parent or family member at home. You should beable to tell us, "Where you got the item, who gave you the item, what the item can do and what you like about the item." This activity is a part of our oral language. The goal is for students to speak freely about their item with little or no prompting from the teacher.  Thanks!

Have a fantastic week at school!




Fri, May 5/17 (All day)


Thu, May 4/17 (All day)

Posted: April 25, 2017

Hi everyone! I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

***Please read your book each night. Remember to use your strategies when you get stuck on a word.

***This week we have 2 pages to complete in our homework book. We are working with the word "is".

***Gym classes are Tuesday-Thursday this week. Wear comfortable clothing.

***This is our final week for Math games. Math games go home on Tuesday and are to be played for two nights. Please return your game with all the pieces in the bag given to class on Thursday. I hope that everyone has enjoyed playing these games at home. What a wonderful learning experience. I have noticed many happy faces on the log sheet, which is great.

**** Book orders go home Tuesday April 25th and are asked to be returned by Thursday April 27. Thank you!

***The K-5 students will be attending the play Beauty and the Beast at JMH on Wednesday April 26th. It would be appreciated if students could bring in a $2. We will be leaving for the play at 8:35am.

***Show & Tell- Tuesday- red table, Wednesday-purple table, Thursday blue and green table


***There will be No School for students on Friday April 28th as this is a PD day for Teachers.

Enjoy your week here at school and I will see you Monday as we start a brand new month....May!


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