Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Welcome Kinders


Thu, Jun 18/15 9:00 pm
Wow! Can you believe that it is June already? We have a very busy month ahead of us. Have fun and enjoy your last month in Kindergarten.    Homework- Read each night- Students are now choosing their own book. As this is their first time reading this  book,students are encouraged to use their reading strategies if they get stuck on a word. Please read your book 2 or 3 times to build your fluency.            - Complete 2 pages in your homework book. Return your book on Friday.     We have Gym Classes are every Monday to Thursday. Please remember to wear  your sneakers .     Our Timeline  project goes home on Tuesday and are due Monday June 8th. Please help your child by sharing with them what they were like as babies and toddlers. Students will present their timeline in class.        Wednesday will be our last library visit. Please return your books as all library books are do by June 5th.      Our final Show and Tell is on Wednesday. Please practice at home with your family what you are going to say, before you share with the class.     Please wear red on Thursday June 4th in memory of the Moncton R.C.M.P Officers.      Have an awesome first week of June in Kindergarten,everyone!  Smile, Smile, Smile!!!! 

Posted: May 18, 2015

Enjoy your Victoria Day Holiday, May 18th with your family.        Read each night.Complete 2 pages in your homework book. Return the book on Friday.      We will go to the library on Wednesday afternoon. Remember to bring your book so that you can sign out a new one.     Bring your Show and Tell on Wednesday to share with the class.         We have gym class every Monday to Thursday. If the weather is nice you may be going outside, so remember to wear sneakers so that you can run and play.     Have a fun week at school girls and boys as you work and play with your friends.     


Tue, May 12/15 9:00 pm

Posted: May 7, 2015

Welcome May- It has been wonderful to see the sun and say good-bye to the snow.Even with the warmer weather,it is still a bit chilly in the mornings. Please be sure to wear a jacket or sweater to school just in case it is too cold.    Homework- Read each night           - Complete 2 pages in book- return  homework book on Friday       Gym Class- Every Monday to Thursday.       Show and Tell  is every Wednesday     Library- We have library every Wednesday. Please return your book so that you can sign out a new one.    This is Canadian Paralympic week. In honour of these amazing athletes please wear red and white on Friday.         HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY- To all Mom's and Grandmother's a big thank you for everything you do. Have a fantastic day on Sunday. The children have worked very hard on their gifts and are very excited to celebrate with you.           

Posted: May 7, 2015


Sun, May 17/15 9:00 pm

Posted: May 7, 2015


Sun, May 10/15 9:00 pm
School Book Fair - May 11th-14th with family night on Wednesday May 13th in the school library.

Posted: May 7, 2015


Sat, May 9/15 9:00 pm
Homework- Read your book twice each night to build your fluency.-Permission slip for Hospital Tour goes home on Monday April 20th. Please sign and return your slip on Tuesday April, 21st.    We have Gym classes every Monday-Thursday. Please dress appropriately.         Math games go home on Tuesday and are to be returned on Thursday. Don't forget to sign your log sheet and let me know if you liked the game.Have fun playing with your family.        Happy Earth Day everyone! Earth Day is on Wednesday April 22nd. In celebration of our amazing planet please wear blue and green. We are also asking students to bring a litterlss lunch on Wednesday. The goal is to throw out less garbage at lunch time.       Hospital Tour-On Wednesday April 22nd,the Kindergarten students will be touring our local hospital. The goal of this visit is to familarize the students with their hospital and the different departments which they may have to visit if they go to the hospital. We will be leaving the school at 9:00am and return around 11:00am. Please remember to sign and return the permission slip that was sent home on Monday.    We have library every Wednesday afternoon. You must return your library book if you wish to sign out a new book.       We have Show and Tell on Wednesday. Please remember to practice telling your family about your Show and Tell item before you share with the class.     Have a great week at school everyone. Smile and have fun!

Posted: April 20, 2015


Tue, Apr 21/15 9:00 pm
Wear Green and Blue and bring a litterless lunch in celebration of Earth Day.


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