Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Welcome Kinders

Posted: March 18, 2014

Parent\Teacher Interviews 4-6pm

Posted: March 18, 2014


Mon, Mar 17/14 9:00 pm

Posted: March 18, 2014


Sun, Mar 16/14 9:00 pm

Posted: February 27, 2014


Sun, Mar 9/14 9:00 pm

Posted: February 27, 2014


Thu, Mar 6/14 8:00 pm

Posted: February 27, 2014


Sun, Mar 2/14 8:00 pm

Posted: February 24, 2014

Homework this week- Read each night and complete the pages in your duotang.        Spellathon-  Yahooooo!!!! I am so proud of all of my students, everyone in  our class is a  "Top Speller". Each student spelt all of our ten spelling words and the bonus word, Canada correctly. Way to go Kindergarten! Awesome job! The spelling test and pledge sheets go home today Monday February 24th. Please collect your pledge money this week and return it to class by Friday February 28th. Thank you very much to all of our family and friends who helped support our school Spellathon.     Winter Wellness Week- On Friday February 28th, the K-2 students will be having a Winter Fun Day. We have a whole day planned of fun activities for the children to participate in. A memo went home on Monday to inform parent's of the events planned. We will be ordering pizza on Friday for lunch. Please fill out the pizza order form for your child and return the form and money to school by Wednesday February 26th. Some activities for Winter Wellness Week will be: Wednesday Feb.26- Pink Shirt Day- Wear a pink shirt fo Bullying Awareness Thursday Feb. 27-PJ's Day- Wear your pajama's to school Friday Feb.28- Winter Wellness\School Colours Day- Wear maroon and gold - Pizza for lunch. The cafeteria will be closed.                                                                                                  March Break-Enjoy your March Break (March 3-7th) girls and boys. I hope that everyone will have a fun and relaxing week. I will see you back at school on Monday March 10th.                  Spellathon Pledge Money-Just a reminder that all Spellathon Pledge money is due Friday Feb. 28th. A huge thank you to everyone for your suppport! We appreciate your contribution to our school. 

Posted: February 24, 2014


Thu, Feb 27/14 8:00 pm
All pledge money for the school Spellathon is due today. Thank you very much for your support!

Posted: February 24, 2014


Thu, Feb 27/14 8:00 pm
Winter Wellness and School Colour Day- wear our school colours today, maroon\burgundy and gold\yellow

Posted: February 24, 2014


Wed, Feb 26/14 8:00 pm
PJ's Day- Wear your pajama's to school today


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Added: Sun, Apr 23 2023