Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Welcome Kinders

Posted: April 4, 2022


Wed, Apr 13/22 4:00 pm

Posted: April 4, 2022


Mon, Apr 11/22 2:00 pm

Posted: April 4, 2022


Fri, Apr 15/22 (All day)

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Here is what is happening this week in Kindergarten:

Read your Borrow-A-Book- Read and be read to each night. This week we have a student reader called In the Basket and three levelled text. As you read; point to each word, use the pictures for cues, say the beginning letter sound and sound out all letters in an unknown word, identify sight words you know. Please read 1 or 2 books each night and fill in the reading log.Return all borrow-a-books to class on Friday.

Rock Star Sight Words- Continue to review and print your sight words this week.We have been reviewing the word lost daily and are focused on spelling the words from their list. Please continue to work on this as you practice your sight words.Once you know the words quickly, return it to class and I will check your knowledge and send home the next sheet. 

Library- Please return your book to school on Tuesday so you will be able to sign out a new book for the week.

What's in my egg?- Tuesday, April 5th, your child will be taking home a plastic Easter egg. They are to find something to put in the egg and will need help to write 3 clues,so the class can guess what is inside. Students should use words from their list and sound out unknown words, so they will be able to read them to the class. The clues can be written as basic sentences such as, 1. It is _?_,  2. It can _?_ 3. It has _?_ etc. Please return your egg and clues by Friday, April,8th.Shhh, it's a secret, so don't tell anyone what is inside your egg.Thanks and have fun!!

Phys. Ed.-We have gym classes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week.Wear your comfy clothes.                                                                 

Outside-We still have a lot of snow and some hills on the playground so please continue to send your child to school with snow pants, extra mittens\gloves, pants and socks.Thanks!

Remember to pack your water bottle daily.

Let's have a fun week at school.We have lots of fun Easter activities planned! Smile, share and be kind to each other!!! Take Care, Kinders!


Wow, our last week of March. Where does the time go?This week in Kindergarten:

No School Monday March 28th-this is the re-scheduled PD day for Teachers.

Read your Borrow-A-Book- Read and be read to each night. This week you have a student coloured book on Spring and two levelled text. As you read; point to each word, use the pictures for cues, say the beginning letter sound and sound out all letters in an unknown word, identify sight words you know. Please read 1 or 2 books each night and fill in the reading log.Return all borrow-a-books to class on Friday.

Rock Star Sight Words- Continue to review and print your sight words this week.Once you know the words quickly, return it to class and I will check your knowledge and send home the next sheet. 

Library- Return your book to school in order to sign out a new book for the week.

Phys.Ed.-We have gym classes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week.Wear your comfy clothes.                                                                                     

Outside-We still have a lot of snow and some hills on the playground so please continue to send your child to school with snow pants, extra mittens\gloves, pants and socks.Thanks!

Remember to pack your water bottle daily.

Looking forward to see all of my little Kinders, Have an awesome week. Smile, share and be kind to each other!!! Take Care Kinders!


Mon, Mar 28/22 (All day)

Please note, there will be NO SCHOOL for Students on Monday, March 28th, this is now the previously scheduled PD Day for Teachers.

Posted: March 20, 2022

Hi everyone! Well Spring arrived in big splash. It's hard to believe that Spring has sprung.I hope you had a fun weekend despite the messy weather. We had a super fun day on Friday with Mr. Galley and the children loved watching the primary teachers get a pie in the face. Lucky for the teachers the pie was very YUMMY! A pie was worth it for the great job the primary students did raising the most money in our school fundraiser. Awesome job!!

We have a busy week in Kindergarten:

Read your Borrow-A-Book- Read and be read to each night. This week you have a little  book on Penguins and two levelled text. As you read; point to each word, use the pictures for cues, say the beginning letter sound and sound out all letters in an unknown word, identify sight words you know. Please read 1 or 2 books each night and fill in the reading log.Return all borrow-a-books to class on Thursday.

Rock Star Sight Words- Keep up the great work with practicing your sight words this week.Once you know the words quickly, return it to class and I will check to no school, this Tuesday, March 22nd, for our Kinderegarten students only. We will be having On My Way To K for the Kindergarten students who will be starting school in September. 

No School for Students-Friday, March 22nd. This is a PD day for Teachers.

No Library this week- You can keep your book until next week.

Phys.Ed.-We have gym classes on Wednesday and Thursday this week.

Writng- Students will have 2 writing sheets in their folder so they can write about something they do on Tuesday and Friday this week. Draw a good detailed picture.Use your sight word sheets to help write your sentence. Be sure to start your sentence with a capital letter,spaces between words,sound out any unknown words and end your sentence with a period. Return your sheets to school.                                                                                                        Math-complete the St. Patricks "I Spy" sheet on Tuesday and return to class on Friday. Look for and colour each item on the page. Count how many you found and print the numeral in the box.                                                                                                          Outside-The playground is certainly a lot wetter and muddier. Please be sure to pack your snow pants, extra mittens\gloves,pants and socks, so you have dry clothes if you need them.Thanks!

Remember to pack your water bottle.

Let's have a super week in Kindergarten. Smile, share and be kind to each other!!! Take Care Kinders!


Fri, Mar 25/22 (All day)


Tue, Mar 22/22 (All day)

Posted: March 20, 2022

The K-2 teacher's challenged our students to raise the most money for our school fundraiser and they did. The teachers agrred to let one student pie their teacher. Aeson was our lucky winner. Thanks Aeson your pie...


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