Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen

Welcome Kinders

Posted: June 5, 2022

The children did a great job with paint sticks to create these colourful boots. 

Posted: June 3, 2022


Fri, Jun 3/22 (All day)

THe cost of the Nacho Special is $7.

Posted: May 29, 2022

Wow what a beautiful last Sunday in May and now we are welcoming June. Where does the time go? I am excited for another fun week in Kindergarten.

Literacy-Read your Borrow-A-Book- Read and be read to each night. You have three levelled books and a student coloured book on the Frog Life Cycle.We are exploring frogs and this book follows a frogs life.  Remember to use the pictures for cues,say the beginning letter sound and sound out all letters in an unknown word, identify sight words you know. Read 1 or 2 books each night and please remember to record the book title and print your name on the reading log.Read your books each night and return them to class on Friday. 

Rock Star Sight Words- Keep up the great work with your sight words.Be sure to review, print and this week use your words to make a sentence or two.When you know the list of words quickly, return the signed sheet to class and I will check your knowledge and send home the next sheet. 

Library- Tuesday is our library day,be sure to pack your book so you will be able to sign out a new one for the week

Phys.Ed.-Our gym classes are Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday. Be sure to wear your sneakers, as with the nice weather, you may be going outside for class.

Math Dice Game- Play Fish Out Of Water dice game. We are having fun playing in class. Each player needs 20 counters, you can use macaroni or gold fish crackers, or any little items you have at home.The object is to take turns rolling the dice and be the first to put all 20 fish in your bowl. Have fun!!                     

Don't forget to pack your water bottle daily.

Let's have a great week in Kindergarten.Smile and be kind to each other!!! Take Care, Kinders!

Posted: May 29, 2022

Thinking of Evan, his family, friends  and the Gretna Green School staff and students. Hugs and prayers!

Posted: May 29, 2022

On Thursday, our Kinders planted spinach and lettuce in our school gardens.They were very happy to help Mrs. Dickson. Now we must do our part to keep everything watered.Nice job, Kinders!!

Posted: May 26, 2022


Fri, May 27/22 (All day)

Please wear a jersey in memory of Evan.Thank you!

Posted: May 23, 2022

Happy Victoria Day everyone. I hope you are enjoying your May long weekend with family and friends.Here is our Kindergarten news for the week,

Read your Borrow-A-Book- Read and be read to each night. You have three levelled books and a student coloured book on the 5 Senses.We are exploring our 5 senses so this book follows a long with our theme.  Remember to use the pictures for cues,say the beginning letter sound and sound out all letters in an unknown word, identify sight words you know. Read 1 or 2 books each night and please remember to record the book title and print your name on the reading log.Read your books each night and return them to class on Friday. 

Rock Star Sight Words- Continue to review and print your sight words.These words are explored daily at school and the students have been doing a great job learning their sight words.When you know the list of words quickly, return the signed sheet to class and I will check your knowledge and send home the next sheet. 

Library- Tuesday is our library day,be sure to pack your book so you will be able to sign out a new one for the week

Phys.Ed.-Our gym classes are Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday. Be sure to wear your sneakers, as with the nice weather, you may be going outside for class.                     

Don't forget to pack your water bottle daily.

Can't wait to see all of my little Kinders. It will be a short but busy week in Kindergarten.Smile and be kind to each other!!! Take Care, Kinders!

Hi there Kinders and families. What a lovely weekend to be outside and enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of Spring.Here's what is happening this week in Kindergarten,

Read your Borrow-A-Book- Be sure to read and be read to each night. You have three levelled books this week. Remember to use the pictures for cues,say the beginning letter sound and sound out all letters in an unknown word, identify sight words you know. Read 1 or 2 books each night and please remember to record the book title and print your name on the reading log.Read your books each night and return them to class on Friday. 

Rock Star Sight Words- Continue to review and print your sight words.These words are explored daily through games, word work, morning message and writing.When you know the list of words quickly, return the signed sheet to class and I will check your knowledge and send home the next sheet. 

Kindergarten Yahtzee- We have been having a lot of fun playing this math game in class.Please play it this week at home with your Kinder. You will need 2 dice. The object is to add the 2 dice together and colour the number on your game card. The first person to colour all numbers yells, "Yahtzee". Please ensure that students do not count each dot on the dice but, count on from the biggest dice rolled.Have fun!!

Library- Tuesday is our library day,be sure to pack your book so you will be able to sign out a new one for the week.

Phys.Ed.-Our gym classes are Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday this week. Be sure to wear your sneakers, as with the nice weather, you may be going outside for class.                     

Don't forget to pack your water bottle daily.

It's going to be another lovely week, so be ready Kinders for a week of fun at school.Smile and be kind to each other!!! Take Care, Kinders!

Enjoy your long weekend as we have no school,Monday,May 23, Victoria Day. Have fun, I will see you Tuesday!

Posted: May 12, 2022

We had an awesome time drumming with the students from JMH Leadership class.We were winners of the active students challenge.The Kinders learned quickly to follow the lead of the older students,feel the music and...

Posted: May 8, 2022

Welcome Back Everyone! I hope you had a lovely weekend celebrating with your Moms and Grandmothers. What a beautiful weekend it was. It was lovely to be able to sit outside in the sunshine.

Here's what is happening in Kindergarten this week,

Read your Borrow-A-Book- Read and be read to each night. We have three levelled books this week. Look at the pictures to know what is going on in the story, say the beginning letter sound and sound out all letters in an unknown word, identify sight words you know. It is very important for the children to read 1 or 2 books each night and please remember to record the book title and have your child print their name on the reading log.Read your books each night and return them to class on Friday. 

Rock Star Sight Words- Continue to review and print your sight words.This week practice printing the words from your list.We have been reviewing these words daily in class. Review your sight words and once you know the words quickly, return the signed sheet to class and I will check your knowledge and send home the next sheet. 

Library- Tuesday is our library day,be sure to pack your book so you will be able to sign out a new one for the week.

Phys.Ed.-Our gym classes are Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday this week. Be sure to wear your sneakers, as with the nice weather, you may be going outside for class.                     

Don't forget to pack your water bottle daily.

Can't wait to see all of my little Kinders tomorrow.Looking forward to a fantastic week at school!! Smile,be kind to each other!!! Take Care, Kinders!


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