Posted: April 6, 2020
Mrs. Dickson invites you to visit her teacher page where she will have fun ways to stay active.
Posted: April 6, 2020
Mrs. Dickson invites you to visit her teacher page where she will have fun ways to stay active.
Posted: April 6, 2020
Please read the link attached carefully. It outlines the steps to use to get your child on the Dream Box site and to their own account. This site will allow your child to practice their math skills at their own pace.
Posted: April 6, 2020
This page contains links that will connect you to some educational sites to assist with home learning. there are many to choose from. Find which ones work best for your child. Have fun!
Posted: April 6, 2020
Good morning everyone! It was so wonderful to connect with all of you last week. I am looking forward to talking with you again soon. Below is a link to your Home Learning for this month. I Hope you have fun and enjoy these activities. There will also be a post with links you can visit to support your child's learning; many of which your child has used or seen at school already. If you have any questions or want to contact me, please send me an email:
Posted: April 6, 2020
Good morning everyone! It was so wonderful to connect with all of you last week. I am looking forward to talking with you again soon. Below is a link to your Home Learning for this month. I Hope you have fun and enjoy these activities. There will also be a post with links you can visit to support your child's learning; many of which your child has used or seen at school already. If you have any questions or want to contact me, please send me an email:
Posted: November 3, 2019
November is here and we will be learning more about Remembrance Day, peace and why we wear a poppy. We have our Remembrance Day celebration on Thursday, Nov. 7 at 10:00am. Everyone is welcome.
We have a hospital tour on Nov. 6. This helps familiarize the students with the hospital and the areas they may visit should they get sick and need to go to the ER or stay over, have an x-ray taken or have to go to physiotherapy.
Please note there is no school for students on November 8th as teachers have a PL day and November 11th for Remembrance day. Please take time to remember those who gave so much for our country and still do. We owe so much to these brave men and women.
Posted: October 21, 2019
Our Book Fair started today. There are so many awesome books for sale! You can send money to school with your child and I will take them to shop at the fair or you can come together as a family. Wednesday is "Family Night". Come between 5-8pm and be entered in a draw to win $25 in free books for your child and $25 in free books for your child's classroom. The last day to purchase books is Thursday morning.
Posted: October 8, 2019
Due to rainy weather, our field trip to Mc Allister's Farm had to be re-scheduled. We will be going on Friday morning. Looking forward to a great trip.
Posted: December 4, 2018
This week I have asked the students to think of an act of kindness they could do for someone at home and at school. I look forward to hearing and seeing what they choose to do :) We are still collection donations for the food bank as well as the "Giving Tree". Any and all donations are much appreciated.
Please remember to get your child to point to each word as they read their book to you each night. This is very important for the children to learn as they begin developing their reading skills.
Pre-orders for the Christmas Dinner are due tomorrow if your child would like to get this. $5.75
Have a great week!
Posted: November 22, 2018
Just a friendly reminder to send in a non-perishable item for the foodbank. Your donation will really be appreciated by those in need. Thank you.
Posted: November 20, 2018
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
*Read your books *Review all Zoo-phonics actions/ letters/sounds. *Practice rhyming. Two more words that rhyme with: back, sack…. bye, my…. me, three….
| *Read your books *Practice Zoo-phonics letter names and sounds a-j *Shape Hunt! See how many 3D Shapes you can find around your home. *Practice zipping your winter coat. | *Read your books *Review all Zoo-phonics actions/ letters/sounds. *Start counting at 1 stop at 5/start at 3 count back to 0. Count from 2-6/6-1 *Pack library book tonight. *Gym
| *Read your books *Practice Zoo-phonics letter names and sounds a-j *Practice before and after. What comes before 2? 6? 5? What comes after 3? 5? 2? *LIBRARY Today *Gym
| *Please return reading books and homework duo-tang. Have a great weekend! |
Posted: November 14, 2018
Tomorrow is National Jeresy day. Wear a team jersey or shirt to school! I didn't get a chance to put a reminder in the children's agendas this afternoon. Sorry about that.
Posted: October 29, 2018
We have been learning about Halloween Safety so we can have fun and be safe while "Trick-or-Treating". Ask your child a rule(s) they have learned. Please refer to the Monday-Friday section in the homework duotang. It gives you an outline of what is expected each night. There is also a place to practice printing your name, the number 2 and to identify rhyming words. Please return these duotangs along with the "Borrow-A-Book" books on Friday. Have a fun, safe and happy Halloween everyone!
Posted: October 22, 2018
On October 24-this Wednesday-our school will be taking part in the "Take Me Outside Day" challenge. We plan to spend an extra hour learning and playing outside on this day. Please check the weather and ensure your child is dressed appropriately. Thank you :)
This week we hope to help families become more aware of the amount of time spent looking at screens as opposed to being active through the "Screen Time Challenge". Our goal for the week is to limit screen time to 2 hours a day OR at least reduce the time we spend on tablets, computers, phones, watching tv etc. Good luck!
Posted: October 22, 2018
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
*Read your books *Count from 1-10 & 10-1 *Practice all Zoo-phonics actions/ letters/sounds. *Gym
| *Read your books *Tell an adult the best part of your day and why. *Practice Zoo-phonics letters and sounds a-f
| *Read your books *Count from 1-10 & 10-1 *Practice all Zoo-phonics actions/ letters/sounds Pack library book tonight. *Gym
| *Read your books *Think of words that begin like francy fish’s Ff *Practice Zoo-phonics letters and sounds a-f *LIBRARY Today *Gym
| *Please return reading books *Costume parade today! *Think of what you will share on Monday when we talk about our weekend. *Gym |