Mrs. Sullivan-Goguen Notes

Our Happy Kinders~


Posted: March 20, 2022

Hi everyone! Well Spring arrived in big splash. It's hard to believe that Spring has sprung.I hope you had a fun weekend despite the messy weather. We had a super fun day on Friday with Mr. Galley and the children loved watching the primary teachers get a pie in the face. Lucky for the teachers the pie was very YUMMY! A pie was worth it for the great job the primary students did raising the most money in our school fundraiser. Awesome job!!

We have a busy week in Kindergarten:

Read your Borrow-A-Book- Read and be read to each night. This week you have a little  book on Penguins and two levelled text. As you read; point to each word, use the pictures for cues, say the beginning letter sound and sound out all letters in an unknown word, identify sight words you know. Please read 1 or 2 books each night and fill in the reading log.Return all borrow-a-books to class on Thursday.

Rock Star Sight Words- Keep up the great work with practicing your sight words this week.Once you know the words quickly, return it to class and I will check to no school, this Tuesday, March 22nd, for our Kinderegarten students only. We will be having On My Way To K for the Kindergarten students who will be starting school in September. 

No School for Students-Friday, March 22nd. This is a PD day for Teachers.

No Library this week- You can keep your book until next week.

Phys.Ed.-We have gym classes on Wednesday and Thursday this week.

Writng- Students will have 2 writing sheets in their folder so they can write about something they do on Tuesday and Friday this week. Draw a good detailed picture.Use your sight word sheets to help write your sentence. Be sure to start your sentence with a capital letter,spaces between words,sound out any unknown words and end your sentence with a period. Return your sheets to school.                                                                                                        Math-complete the St. Patricks "I Spy" sheet on Tuesday and return to class on Friday. Look for and colour each item on the page. Count how many you found and print the numeral in the box.                                                                                                          Outside-The playground is certainly a lot wetter and muddier. Please be sure to pack your snow pants, extra mittens\gloves,pants and socks, so you have dry clothes if you need them.Thanks!

Remember to pack your water bottle.

Let's have a super week in Kindergarten. Smile, share and be kind to each other!!! Take Care Kinders!

Posted: March 13, 2022

Hi there and welcome back! I hope that everyone had a fun and relaxing March Break and are excited to be back to school. This week in Kindergarten:

Read your Borrow-A-Book- Read and be read to each night. This week you have the book on Little Penguin and Leprechaun, Leprechaun, What Do You See?, plus 2 levelled text. As you read; point to each word, use the pictures for cues, say the beginning letter sound and sound out all letters in an unknown word, identify sight words you know. Please read 1 or 2 books each night and fill in the reading log.Return all borrow-a-books to class on Friday.

Rock Star Sight Words- Review and practice printing your sight words during the week.Once your child knows these words quickly, sign the sheet and return it to class. I will check their words and if they are ready, I will send home a new sheet.Thanks!!

Are You Irish?- As we explore and celebrate St. Patricks Day this week, we want to know who in our class is Irish and what your heritage is. Please fill out the sheet,"Your Roots are Showing" with your child and have them draw a picture of a fun tradition your family does each year. Please return the sheet to school for Thusday, March 17th.Thanks!

Happy St. Patrick's Day- On Thursday, March 17th, wear your green as we celebrate St. Patrick's Day.Also we will be trying to catch a leprechaun in class, so please bring in recycables your Kinders can use to make the perfect leprechaun trap.

Math-In honour of St. Patrick's Day play "LUCKY 7" card game. You need a deck of cards, using only cards Ace(1) to 7. Place them face down in the middle of the table.Players will take turns drawing two cards, if they make 7 they keep the cards, if not, turn the cards back over and the next player has a turn.If you draw a 7, it's a "LUCKY 7", you keep the 7 and take another turn. Have fun and may the luck of the Irish be with you! 

Library- We visit the library on Tuesday. Please return your book to class, so you can sign out a new book for the week.

Phys.Ed.-We have gym classes on Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday.Please dress in comfortable clothing on these days.                                                                                                                                                                      Cafeteria Lunch Special – Will now be served on Thursday March, 17th. This will be the only meal served that day.      


Outside-We will be going outside for recess,when weather permits. Please dress warmly on these days and be sure to pack your snow pants, extra mittens\gloves and socks.Students can leave these in their book bags in case they need a dry pair.Thanks!

Please don't forget to pack your water bottle. 

I am very excited to see all of my little Kinders.We are in for a fun filled week. May the luck of the Irish be with you this week! Take care, Kinders! Smile!!!

Posted: February 27, 2022

Hi everyone! Hard to believe this is the last day of February and the beginning of March. As the last week before March Break, we will be celebrating School Spirit Week. So let's show our Raiders pride, Kinders and dress up for each theme day.Here is a list of the daily themes:                      Tuesday- Mis-Match Day                                                                            Wednesday- School Colours Day                                                                      Thursday- Crazy Hair\Hat Day                                                                      Friday- PJ's or Jersey Day

Borrow-A-Book- Read and be read to each night. As you read; point to each word, use the pictures for cues, say the beginning letter sound and sound out all letters in an unknown word, identify sight words you know. Please read 1 or 2 books each night and fill in the reading log.Return your borrow-a-books to class on Friday.

Rock Star Sight Words- Review and practice printing your sight words during the week.Once your child knows these words quickly, sign the sheet and return it to class. I will check their words and if they are ready, I will send home a new sheet.Thanks!!

Math-We have had a lot of fun playing the math card game. "LUCKY 7" in class.So, this week I would like for the students to show you how to play the game at home. The game is similar to the Magic 6 card game. You need a deck of cards, using only cards Ace(1) to 7. Place them face down in the middle of the table.Players will take turns drawing two cards, if they make 7 they keep the cards, if not, turn the cards back over and the next player has a turn.If you draw a 7, it's a "LUCKY 7", you keep the 7 and take another turn.This is a fun way to learn the number partners for 7. Have fun!! The instructions for the game are attached.

Library- We visit the library on Tuesday. Please return your book to class, so you can sign out a new book for the week.

Phys.Ed.-We have gym classes on Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday.Please dress in comfortable clothing on these days.

Outside-We will be going outside for recess,when weather permits. Please dress warmly on these days and be sure to pack your snow pants, extra mittens\gloves and socks.Students can leave these in their book bags in case they need a dry pair.Thanks!

Please pack your water bottle and extra clean mask, daily. 

It should be a fun week at school, our last week together before March Break which is the 7th-11th. I hope everyone has a very fun and relaxing break.

Be kind to each other. Take care, Kinders! Smile!!!

Posted: February 21, 2022

Happy Family Day everyone! What a beautiful day to celebrate our families. I hope everyone had a wonderful day together.

Borrow-A-Book- Read and be read to each night. As you read; point to each word, use the pictures for cues, say the beginning letter sound and sound out all letters in an unknown word, identify sight words you know. Please read 1 or 2 books each night and fill in the reading log.Return your borrow-a-books to class on Friday.

Rock Star Sight Words- Review and practice spelling your sight words during the week.Once your child knows these words quickly, sign the sheet and return to class. I will check their words and if they are ready, I will send home a new sheet.Thanks!!

Library- We visit the library on Tuesday. Students must return their book to class, if they wish to sign out a new book. Students keep their book for a week.

Lunch Special Cancelled- The cafeteria lunch special scheduled for Wednesday. Feb.23rd, is cancelled and will be served on a later date after March Break. 

School Cafeteria Closed on Tuesday,Feb.22nd and Wednesday Feb.23rd of this week. Service will resume on Thursday, Feb.24th.

Phys.Ed.-Our gym classes are every Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday.Wear comfy clothing on these days.

Pink Shirt Day- Wear pink today, Wed. Feb. 23rd, to stand up against bullying. Together we can make a difference.Spread KINDNESS to everyone! 

Outside-When weather permits, we will be going outside for recess. Please ensure your child is dressed warmly and send extra mittens\gloves and socks.Students can leave these in their book bags in case they need a dry pair.Thanks!

Please pack your water bottle and send in 2 extra clean mask,that fit the children properly. 

Looking forward to seeing all of my Kinders on Tuesday morning. Lets have a wonderful week in Kindergarten. Be kind to each other. Take care, Kinders! Smile!!!

Posted: February 13, 2022

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! We have a busy week in Kindergarten and are looking forward to celebrating!

Valentine Exchange-On Valentine's Day,Monday, Feb.14th, we will be exchanging valentines with our friends. We will be having a healthy snack of fruit and veggies, so no need to send in any treats.Don't forget to wear red or pink today.

Flag Day- We will be celebrating our Canadian flag on Tuesday, Feb. 15th. To show your Canadian spirit, wear red and white or a Canadian shirt!! We love Canada!!

Lunch Special- Pre-orders for the cafeteria lunch special of pancakes and ham are due on Tuesday, Feb. 15th. The cost is $7.This will be the only meal served on Thursday Feb.17th. 

Borrow-A-Book- Read and be read to each night. As you read; point to each word, use the pictures for cues, say the beginning letter sound and sound out all letters in an unknown word, identify sight words you know. Please read 1 or 2 books each night and fill in the reading log.Return your borrow-a-books to class on Friday.

Rock Star Sight Words- Review and practice spelling your sight words during the week.Once your child knows these words quickly, sign the sheet and return to class. I will check their words and send home a new sheet if they are ready.Thanks!!

Library- Our library day is on Tuesday. Students must return their book to class, if they wish to sign out a new book. Students will keep their book for a week.

Phys.Ed.-Our gym classes are every Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday.Wear comfy clothing on these days.

Outside-When weather permits, we will be going outside for recess. Please ensure your child is dressed warmly and send extra mittens\gloves and socks.Students can leave these in their book bags in case they need a dry pair.Thanks!

Please pack your water bottle and send in 2 extra clean mask,that fit the children properly. 

No School-Family Day, Monday, Feb.21st. I hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend celebrating with family and friends. 

Have a fun, fun week in Kindergarten. Be kind to each other. Take care, Kinders! Smile!!!

Posted: February 6, 2022

Hello everyone!WOW, a lot of snow fell on the weekend. I hope everyone had a safe and fun weekend.

Here is what is happening this week in Kindergarten!

Borrow-A-Book- Read and be read to each night. As you read; point to each word, use the pictures for cues, look at the beginning letter and souund out all letters in an unknown word, you should recognize sight words from your list and beable to read them. Please read 1 or 2 books each night and fill in the reading log,by printing your name neatley.Use a capital letter to start your name, and lower case letters for the rest of your name.Return your borrow-a-books to class on Friday.

Rock Star Sight Words- Throughout the week,please review your sight word list. Have students spell each word from all list.Practice so many words each night. Sign the sheet and send it in once your child can quickly identify the words. I will test them and send home a new sheet if they are ready.Thanks!!

Library- Every Tuesday we visit the library. Students must return their book if they wish to sign out a new book. Students keep their book for a week.

Phys.Ed.-We have gym classes every Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday.Please, wear comfortable clothing on these days.

Outside-we will be going outside for recess and lunch recess when weather permits. Please ensure your child is dressed warmly and send extra mittens\gloves and socks.Students can leave these in their book bags in case they need a dry pair.Thanks!

Hockey Jersey Day- This Friday, Feb.11th, please wear a hockey jersey in support of our Miramichi Timberwolves hockey team.

Valentine Exchange-Valentine's Day is Monday, Feb.14th. We will be exchanging valentines in class with our friends. We have 13 students in our class and I would love for the children to write a valentine to their friends. If you could do a few valentine cards each night, I am sure the children will be able to complete them on their own. I will attach a class list to this note! Thanks so much! Please wear red or pink today.

Please pack your water bottle and send in 2 extra clean mask,that fit the children properly.        

February is a very busy month at school. There is lots to celebrate;the Olympics, Valentine's Day, Flag Day, Family Day and Pink Shirt Day. Much to explore and enjoy!.So lets be kind to each other and have a wonderful week at school!! 


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Posted: January 31, 2022

Hi,there and welcome back,Kinders! I was so happy to see my Kinders this morning. We had a fun day together. Lots of laughs and chats. I sure did miss that!

Borrow-A-Book- This week, students will have 4 books to read. As students read: they should; point to each word as they read it, look at the pictures, as well as the beginning letter sound to help figure out an unknown word, recognize sight words from their list. Please read 1 or 2 books each night and fill in the reading log, have students print their own name.Return your borrow-a-books to class on Friday.

Groundhog Day Survey-Groundhog's Day is Feb.2nd. We discussed the tale of the groundhog today and students made their predictions.Students have a survey to ask family members,"Will the groundhog see his shadow?Yes or No?" Please return the survey to class on the 2nd. Thanks! 

Rock Star Sight Words- I checked students sight words and sent home their sheets.Continue to review your words and students should also be writing\spelling the words.

Library- Tuesday is our library day. We will be signimg out a new book.Students will keep their book for the week.

Phys.Ed.-Our classes are every Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday.Be sure to wear comfy clothes on these days.

Please pack your water bottle and send in 2 extra clean mask,that fit the children properly. We will be going outside when weather permits. Please ensure your child is dressed warmly and send extra mittens\gloves and socks.Thanks!

It is great to be back in Kindergarten!! A HUGE thank you to all families for your amazing support with Home Learning.You did a FANTASTIC job!!!Smile,Kinders,we are back! Let's have a great week as we work,learn, play and have fun together! Take Care and be kind to each other!


Posted: January 27, 2022

Yahoo, it's Friday! Wishing all of you a fantastic day as you work and play.Please try these activities today;

Borrow-A-Book-Choose two of your books to read today. Point to each word as you read,look at the pictures for cues,sound out any unknown words, look for sight words you know. If you did not listen to the book, The Mitten Tree, yesterday, please listen today. If you heard the book, have someone read you a favourite book.

Writing-Write about your favourite toy, you love to play with at home?Tell me why you love to play with this toy?Draw a detailed picture of you playing with your toy. Begin your sentence with a capital letter, use spaces between your words, use the sight words and names you know and sound out unknown words, use a period to end your sentence.Read your sentence to someone.

Home Learning Packet-We are working on the Snow globe rhyming page today. Colour, cut and glue the snowglobe to it's matching rhyming picture.Can you say another word that rhymes with each rhyming pair? 

Math- Count forwards and backwards 0-10 and 10-0.Today you are playing the math game,"Tens Go Fish". You will need a deck of cards.This is good practice for making pairs of 10. As you pick a card,see if you can identify which card you will need to pick next to make 10. The instructions are attached.Have Fun! Don't forget the Count to 100 exercises. 

Art-Design your pair of mittens today if you have not done so.Be creative and send me a picture of your mittens when they are done.Remember to bring your mittens back to class and we will make a mitten tree.

Squiggle Park & Boom Cards- spend 10-15 minutes playing literacy and math games today.

If it's not too cold you may beable to go outside and play. If you are inside try Cosmic Yoga for Kids- Squish the Fish- 

Thank you Kinders for a great week of learning. Be sure to say thank you to all of those special people, who have helped you with home learning this week. Should you need anything today please email (joan.sullivan-goguen@nbed.nb.caor call me at school (627-4074).

We are in for some messy weather on the weekend so please be safe and stay warm! We will be back together in class very soon.I am so excited to see everyone!Until then,big hugs are sent to you. Take care, Kinders!Smile! 


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A terrific Thursday greeting to everyone.Today, please complete these activities and remember, try your best, you are doing a wonderful job!

Borrow-A-Book-Read a levelled text. Point to each word as you read,look at the pictures for cues,sound out any unknown words, look for sight words you know. Read you book twice.

Sight Words- Review your sight words today. Try spelling the words out on a piece of paper today.How did you do? If you have trouble spelling any words, use your magnetic letters to build the words. Mix the letters up and then build the word again. 

Writing-Tell me about your favourite stuffy.What type of animal is it? What colour is it? How long have you had?Does your stuffy have a name?Where do you keep it?How does it make you feel?Draw a detailed picture of you and your stuffy. Begin your sentence with a capital letter, use spaces between your words, use the sight words and names you know and sound out unknown words.Read your sentence to your stuffy.Please take a picture of you and your stuffy, I would love to see your special friend.

Home Learning Packet-Please complete the snowman CVC words. Look at the picture on the snowman, sound out the begining, middle and ending letter sounds you hear. On one sheet, the vowel sound is "a", on the other sheet, the vowel sound is "o". Use your pencil and take your time printing the letters. 

Math- Today in math, do your Count to 100 exercises. Count forwards and backwards 0-10 and 10-0.Play the "Roll and Cover One More" math game.Similar to yesterdays game but this time you cover one more than the number you rolled. If you roll a 6 cover a 7.Have Fun! 

Art-Listen to the story,"The Mitten Tree" by Candace Christiansen, a nice story about kindness and mittens! Sarah was so kind all of those mittens for the children.What kind of mittens would you pick from the Mitten Tree?a blue stripped pair?a bright red pair?Or would you like a pair with colourful stripes? or different patterns or shapes like hearts and stars? In your home learning pack, you will find a sheet with a pair of mittens.Design the pair of mittens you would love to have Sarah knit for you.Use any material, paint, crayons, markers, pastels etc. Be creative and remember, your mittens should like exactly the same. Send me a picture of your mittens.Then bring your mittens back to class and we will make a mitten tree.

It is going to be another chilly day, so check out the activities Mrs. Dickson has posted on her teacher page, There are lots of fun exercises to choose from or play the exercise roll and do game again. 

Have a terrific Thursday,Kinders. Send me a note by email (joan.sullivan-goguen@nbed.nb.caor call me at school (627-4074). Stay safe and warm! Big hugs are sent your way.Smile! Hope to see you really soon!


Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday. WOW, Wednesday already! The week is really going fast.

Here is your daily plan;

Borrow-A-Book-Colour and read your paper book titled,"My Little Snowman"or "Look at Winter". You will have to fill in the word Look at the begining of each page. Point to each word as you read,look at the pictures for cues,sound out any unknown words, look for sight words you know. 

Sight Words- Practice your sight words throughout the week.On your list of words circle any of the sight words that are in the book you read.

Writing-Today you can write another note to a special family member. Choose someone different this time. Begin your sentence with a capital letter, use spaces between your words, use the sight words and names you know and sound out unknown words. Draw a detailed picture of you  and that special person. Read them your note.

Home Learning Packet-Review the Ll, by visiting Starfall, Letter L (  When you are on Starfall read the story Zac the Rat.Zac the Rat (  It is interactive and fun and it reviews the amazing "at" family words that you worked on last week. Please complete the snowman, beginning and ending picture pages.Look at the picture on the snowman, circle the begining letter sound you hear. On the line beside the snowman, print, with a pencil, the letter sound you hear at the end of the word. There are 3 sheets.

Math- Today in math, do your Count to 100 exercises. You can play the Roll and Do snowman exercise page, attached to this note and found in your packet.Also,play the "Roll and Cover One Less" math game.You will need to find your own objects at home, macaroni, buttons,pennies lego pieces,etc. Good luck! Try to play a few games.

If the weather is nice, go outside to play and explore. 

Enjoy your Wednesday,Kinders. Hugs and smiles to all! Please let me know if you need anything, call the school (627-4074) or email ( Take care and stay safe! I miss you!

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Good Morning Kinders and families.

This is your daily plan for Tuesday;

Borrow-A-Book- Read a new levelled book today. Point to each word as you read,look at the pictures for cues,sound out any unknown words, look for sight words you know. Have someone read you a book or listen to a story book online.

Sight Words- Practice your sight words throughout the week.On your list of words circle any of the sight words that are in the book you read.

Writing-Yesterday you read the book "Play in the Snow".Write the next page for that book. What would you play in the snow? Build a snowman or fort, slide, snowshoe, ski-doo,ski,make snow angels.Use the sentence starter, "I can play __?___ in the snow. Begin your sentence with a capital letter, use spaces between your words, use the sight words and names you know and sound out unknown words. Draw a detailed picture of what you play in the snow. Read your sentence to someone.

Home Learning Packet-We are working on the letter Ll- Lizzy Lizard. Lizards are reptiles and there are many different types and colours.Learn about lizards, Types of Lizards | Animal Pictures and Facts | and then tell someone 2 facts you learned about lizards. Colour, cut and glue your lizard puppet onto the paper bag. Print the letters Ll, in the lizard belly with a marker before you colour your puppet. Complete the letter Ll picture page, from your packet. Colour, cut, and glue the 4 pictures that start with Ll.Trace and make the letters Ll with your pencil.

Math- Complete the snowballs ten frame math sheet in your packet. Look at the numeral in the snowball, colour that many squares on the ten frame. Colour each square in the 10 frame, one square at a time.Fill in the top row first and then go to the second row of the 10 frame. 

Do your Count to 100 exercises.Try this video today, Have fun!

Take time to play and have fun outside. Maybe you can get to do your favourite activity you like to play in the snow, like the one you wrote about today.

Have a terrific Tuesday,Kinders. Hugs and smiles, I send your way!  Contact me at school (627-4074) or email ( if you need help with anything.Remember, you are missed! Take care and stay safe!

Hi there Kinders and families. I hope you had a nice weekend and despite the cool weather you were able to get outside for a little bit. Today we went for a lovely walk in the woods. It was a nice day for a walk. What did you do? As we start another week of home learning, I want to extend my gratitude to everyone for all you are doing to help your little ones learn at home.Keep up the great work.

Here is the daily plan for Monday;

Borrow-A-Book- Today please colour and read the book, "Play in the Snow."This book is in the borrow-a-book bag. Take your time with colouring. Read your book to someone.Point to each word as you read,look at the pictures for cues,sound out any unknown words,look for sight words you know. Circle all the sight words you find on each page,say the word. Record your name and book title on the reading log.

Writing-Using the writing sheet "My Weekend",draw a detailed picture of a fun activity you did this weekend.Start your sentence with a capital letter, use spaces between your words. Use your sight words and sound out unknown words.End your sentence with a period. Read your sentence to someone.

Math- Count forwards and backwards 0-10 and 10-0. As you count,walk forward 11 steps.As you count down from 10 to 0 walk on tip-toes 11 steps back to where you started. Did you end up in the same place?Why\Why not?Today I have a new math game for you to play called, "Snowy Bump". The instructions are attached to the game page in your packet and I have also attached them to this note.Let me know what you think.Have fun!!

Sight Words- Review your sight words today.I have added the next sheet in your packet. Check these words with your child and see if they recognize any new sight words. Students can use these words in their daily writing,as well. I have added all sight word list on my documents page.Remember, students must consistently recognize the words before moving on to a new list. I will check their recogntion when we are back in class.

Squiggle Park and Boom Cards- Spend 10-15 minutes. Try a new literacy and\or math game on Boom Cards.

Brain Break-get up and move today.Do your Count to 100 exercises and try this Disney brain break dance and yoga poses. HAVE FUN!

Outdoor Fun-Hopefully it will warm up enough to go outside and get some fresh air.Explore, smile, laugh and play.Enjoy!

Have a magnificent Monday,Kinders!Send me an email ( you need anything. Please send pictures. I love to see what my little Kinders are doing.

Take care! Smiles and Hugs to all my Kinders!! Miss you,LOTS!!

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Posted: January 20, 2022

Happy,happy,Friday,everyone!! Wishing you a fantastic day!Here is your daily plan.

Borrow-A-Book- Read one of your books today. Point to each word as you read,look at the pictures for cues,sound out any unknown words,look for sight words you know. Record your name on the reading log.

Writing-Write a special note to someone at home. Draw a detailed picture of you with that person. Follow the checklist on your page. Use your sight words and sound out unknown words. Read your note to that special person.

Math- Count forwards and backwards 0-10 and 10-0. As you count do an action pattern, raise your hands,touch your toes or stomp your feet, do arm circles. Play your favourite math game from either packet.Have fun!!

Home Learning Packet- Today, complete any pages you have not done. If you finished all sheets, great job! Go to the colour by sight word page that has the words (like,see,can,we,my,the look).  On the back of your page use 2,3or more of the sight words in a sentence. Draw a picture to go with the sentence.

Squiggle Park and Boom Cards- take some time to play a game or two. I have added some new games to boom cards.

Art- Create your snowflake and when it is done, please send me a picture to add to our class page. 

Get up and move- It's Friday!! Yahoooo!! It's time to dance and freeze,  Do your count to 100 exercises,

Go outside run, play, slide, build and explore. Hopefully it won't be too cold.

It's the end of a busy week Kinders. You did a terrific job. Be sure to give those who have helped you this week a big hug and say thank you! We are so lucky to have family and friends to help us learn each day!

Enjoy your Friday and have a fantastic weekend.Take care! Smiles and Hugs!! Can't wait to see you!!

Posted: January 19, 2022

Wow, Thursday already and another chilly day. You have been doing a great job Kinders, keep it up the good work with todays activities.

Borrow-A-Book- Read one of your books today. Point to each word as you read,look at the pictures for cues,sound out any unknown words, look for sight words you know.

Writing-For todays writing ,can you follow the pattern in your borrow-a-book and write a new page for your book? Draw a detailed picture. Start your sentence, the same way the other sentences begin in your book. Use your sight words and sound out unknown words. I can't wait to see what you come up with.

Math- Count forwards and backwards 0-10 and 10-0. Review your number facts of 6 by playing this card game, Magic 6's.Use only cards 1-6. Turn all cards face down. Players take turns turning over 2 cards, if the cards total 6,(1 and 5,2 and 4,3 and 3) the player keeps the cards, if the cards don't make 6, turn the cards face down again. The next player takes a turn. If one of the two cards you turn over is a 6, they yell Magic 6, keep that card and choose another card to try and match with the one you have in your hand.Once all the cards have been turned over the player with the most pairs and 6's win. On a piece of paper print your number pairs for 6, ex 1 and 5 is 6, 0 and 6 is 6.Have fun!!

Home Learning Packet- Complete the sight word 'like" page today. Trace, print, colour, fill in the blanks, circle the word and build the word. On the back of your page use the word like in a sentence.

"No Two Snowflakes" by, Sheree Fitch. Listen to this read aloud of the story  Yesterdays read aloud was more of a book and talk review, and didnt actually read the whole story.Sorry about that, I am sure you will enjoy this story.

Art-Continue to work on your snowflake projects.Watch this video that explains how snowflakes are formed. Remember to send a picture of your special snowflake. 

Get up and move- be sure to take breaks throughout the day to stretch and move your body. Do your count to 100 exercises, dance, count the steps you take from the kitchen to the living room, or to your bedroom, basement etc. If you can go outside and get some fresh air, go for a wolk around your home,can you see, hear, smell or touch anything unique, like ice crystals on the trees or in the snow.

Have a fantastic Thursday everyone. Keep up the great work Kinders!! Take care! Smiles and Hugs!! You are missed!

Posted: January 18, 2022

Wonderful Wednesday Wishes to my little Kinders!! Another very cold morning.Hopefully it will warm up so you can get outside to play.

Here is what I would like for you to work on today;

Borrow-A-Book- Read one of your books today. Point to each word as you read,look at the pictures for cues,sound out any unknown words, look for sight words you know. 

Math- Count from 0-10 and 10-0.As you count hop forward and hopbackwards when you count backwards. We are working on the number 6. Listen to the Jack Hartman song, "I can say my number pairs 6", Now,show what you learned. Using the sheet attached,(build a snowman 6) or use any paper from home. Roll a dice print the number you rolled in the first snowman's first snowball. How many more do you need to make 6? Print that number in the snowman's second snowball.Roll the dice until you have all the number pairs for 6. 

Sight Words- Continue to review your sight words today. Play the Brrr, or  "Read for Speed" sight word gsme.

Writing- Today, please write using this topic, what can you do in the snow? Draw a detailed picture of what you can do in the snow. Start your sentence, "In the snow I can..... use your sight words and names you know and sound out unknown words. Read your sentence to someone.

Home Learning Packet- Practice your sight words (like, see,can,we,my,the,look) by doing the colour by sight word picture page.Take your time with colouring.Do the snowflake beginning letter sound sheet.Look at the picture in the snowflake,say the word, print the beginnning letter sound you hear.For a challenge, try and print the middle and ending letter sounds you hear. 

Outdoor Fun-It is suppose to snow today and tomorrow ,so if it warms up and you are outside playing, see if you can catch some snowflakes on your mittens. It's neat to look at snowflakes on a coloured piece of paper.Look closely, you may be able to count how many sides a snowflake has.Here is a hint,it's the number we were making today.Did you know that no two snaowfakes are alike?Each snowflake is unique, just like you!  Can you catch snowflakes on your tongue?Have fum! Check out this book by Sheree Fitch, "No Two Snowflakes". Sheree is one of my favourite authors, she lives in Nova Scotia. Sheree has written a lot of books and poems. We were very lucky at Nelson Rural when Sheree came to our school for a visit.It was awesome! I hope you enjoy her book!

Art- Now that you have explored snowflakes, design your own snowflake.Remember, no 2 snowflakes are alike, so be creative, use any material you have at home. paint, crayons yarn, styrofoam, sticks etc.Whenever you get your project complete,please be sure to send me a picture of your special snowflake. I will make one too, and we can display them on our class page. 

Enjoy your Wednesday, Kinders!! Reach out if I can help in anyway. Take care!Smiles and Hugs!! I sure do miss you!

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