Kinder Korner Wednesday Jan. 19th

Posted: January 18, 2022

Wonderful Wednesday Wishes to my little Kinders!! Another very cold morning.Hopefully it will warm up so you can get outside to play.

Here is what I would like for you to work on today;

Borrow-A-Book- Read one of your books today. Point to each word as you read,look at the pictures for cues,sound out any unknown words, look for sight words you know. 

Math- Count from 0-10 and 10-0.As you count hop forward and hopbackwards when you count backwards. We are working on the number 6. Listen to the Jack Hartman song, "I can say my number pairs 6", Now,show what you learned. Using the sheet attached,(build a snowman 6) or use any paper from home. Roll a dice print the number you rolled in the first snowman's first snowball. How many more do you need to make 6? Print that number in the snowman's second snowball.Roll the dice until you have all the number pairs for 6. 

Sight Words- Continue to review your sight words today. Play the Brrr, or  "Read for Speed" sight word gsme.

Writing- Today, please write using this topic, what can you do in the snow? Draw a detailed picture of what you can do in the snow. Start your sentence, "In the snow I can..... use your sight words and names you know and sound out unknown words. Read your sentence to someone.

Home Learning Packet- Practice your sight words (like, see,can,we,my,the,look) by doing the colour by sight word picture page.Take your time with colouring.Do the snowflake beginning letter sound sheet.Look at the picture in the snowflake,say the word, print the beginnning letter sound you hear.For a challenge, try and print the middle and ending letter sounds you hear. 

Outdoor Fun-It is suppose to snow today and tomorrow ,so if it warms up and you are outside playing, see if you can catch some snowflakes on your mittens. It's neat to look at snowflakes on a coloured piece of paper.Look closely, you may be able to count how many sides a snowflake has.Here is a hint,it's the number we were making today.Did you know that no two snaowfakes are alike?Each snowflake is unique, just like you!  Can you catch snowflakes on your tongue?Have fum! Check out this book by Sheree Fitch, "No Two Snowflakes". Sheree is one of my favourite authors, she lives in Nova Scotia. Sheree has written a lot of books and poems. We were very lucky at Nelson Rural when Sheree came to our school for a visit.It was awesome! I hope you enjoy her book!

Art- Now that you have explored snowflakes, design your own snowflake.Remember, no 2 snowflakes are alike, so be creative, use any material you have at home. paint, crayons yarn, styrofoam, sticks etc.Whenever you get your project complete,please be sure to send me a picture of your special snowflake. I will make one too, and we can display them on our class page. 

Enjoy your Wednesday, Kinders!! Reach out if I can help in anyway. Take care!Smiles and Hugs!! I sure do miss you!

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