Mrs. Murphy

Grade 6/7M, 6H & 5/6 English Language Arts

Posted: April 23, 2019

Life Cycle of a Plant

Great help with pronounciation.

Posted: April 23, 2019


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  • 3 livres

  • Le Cycle de vie - Science

  • Les histoire de multiplication


    faits de math addition

    zéro, un, deux et trois fois tables


    histoire de 3X - image

    Problem du jour - fait ton corrections


    Students should be reading through their science notes on a nightly bases. This will give them practice reading in French as well as help them to retain the information. Reviewing notes frequently is a good study strategy.

    We will be moving onto the 4X tables tomorrow so students should be memorizing the 0-3 times tables.

    The following is the video we will watch in class tomorrow. This is an excellent way to check pronunciation as your child reads to you.


Posted: April 18, 2019

Posted: April 18, 2019

Students were aked to bring home their easy books to practice reading over the week-end.

It looks like we are going to have lots of rain so this would be a good time to put on an old favorite movie on Netflix with the language and sub-title preferences changed to French to enjoy with the family.


Posted: April 17, 2019

Multiplication Practice

Posted: April 17, 2019

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  • 3 livres

  • les plantes - We added to the notes today. It is a good habit to go over notes nightly to help solidify and retain the information.


    faits de math addition

    zéro, un, deux et trois fois tables



    jouer au jeu de l'argent – Students are to bring this game back to school but will bring it home to play frequently to practice counting money.

    Problem du jour - fait ton corrections – I conferenced with students again today with these duo-tangs so they should know what to do. If the page does not have a sticker they need to make a change.

    signe le quiz et fais ton correction

    The following website is a good tool to use to practice multiplication facts. If student use this page they should read the equations out loud in French as they play.

Posted: April 16, 2019

counting money

Posted: April 16, 2019

counting money

Posted: April 16, 2019

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  • 3 livres

  • Où se cache l'oeuf? – This book should be completed.

  • les plantes – science duo-tang – We took some notes in the first block but students will be given more time tomorrow to get them down.


    faits de math addition et soustraction

    zéro, un et deux fois tables

    comptant par trois


    histoire de 3X - écriture

    Problem du jour - fait les corrections – I didn’t get a chance to look at these today.

    signe le quiz et fais ton correction


    If your child needs extra practice counting money the following two sites are English but they could be used at home to practice.

Posted: April 15, 2019

Tomorrow is twin day. Twins do not need to be in the same class.


We have started a science unit on plants. The reading passage they have is difficult but we read it several times this afternoon and discussed it for comprehension. We will practice it again in class tomorrow and the more they see and use the vocabulary in different contexts the easier it will get.


Students have high frequency words in their reading journal which they should be practicing nightly. As in English students need to know these words at a glance to be able to read fluently.


We have started the 3X tables today. Students should be studying the 0-2X tables and practice counting by 3’s to 36.


Again students should be making corrections in their problem of the day scribbler and all problems in that duo-tang should be completed with an equation and the answer in a sentence.  




lire et partager


  • 3 livres

  • Où se cache l'oeuf?

  • Qu'est-ce que les plantes?


    faits de math addition

    zéro, un et deux fois tables

    comptant par trois


    histoire de paire - image

    Problem du jour - fait ton corrections

signe le quiz et fais ton correction


Image Galleries

Added: Thu, Nov 4 2021


Added: Fri, Dec 25 2020