Mrs. Murphy

Notes for 6W, 7H, 8M, 8MFI & 8P

Posted: April 29, 2019

lire et partager

  • 3 livres

  • Où se cache l'oeuf?

  • les parties d'une plante – If they did not finish drawing and labeling a picture of a flower they are to finish it for homework.

  • Les sons - Mademoiselle Allain


    faits de math addition

    0 - 4 fois tables


    Problem du jour - fait ton corrections – I expect that students write out their corrections 10X each. Keep in mind that many of the facts were repeated today so they will not need to do them more than once. They had 10 minutes to complete this in class which should have been enough time. As a rule of thumb they should be able to give the answer in about 3 seconds.

    finis le poème – We did not get to this today sot hey will be unable to finish it!

    signe le quiz et fais ton correction


    Don’t forget there is no school for students on Thursday or Friday of this week.

    Students have a memo in their agendas.

Posted: April 24, 2019

Posted: April 24, 2019



Pareil qu,heir – the same as yesterday

Recettes pour poissons blancs – We are still looking for white fish recipes for our cookbook.

We had a busy day starting with Sam from BBBS and the SNAP program and ending with the grade 8 coding mentors.

Our quiz tomorrow will be science related so students should be studying the Life Cycle of a Plant – Le cycle de vie d’une plante

Posted: April 24, 2019

Posted: April 24, 2019

Posted: April 23, 2019

Life Cycle of a Plant

Great help with pronounciation.

Posted: April 23, 2019


lire et partager

  • 3 livres

  • Le Cycle de vie - Science

  • Les histoire de multiplication


    faits de math addition

    zéro, un, deux et trois fois tables


    histoire de 3X - image

    Problem du jour - fait ton corrections


    Students should be reading through their science notes on a nightly bases. This will give them practice reading in French as well as help them to retain the information. Reviewing notes frequently is a good study strategy.

    We will be moving onto the 4X tables tomorrow so students should be memorizing the 0-3 times tables.

    The following is the video we will watch in class tomorrow. This is an excellent way to check pronunciation as your child reads to you.


Posted: April 18, 2019

Posted: April 18, 2019

Students were aked to bring home their easy books to practice reading over the week-end.

It looks like we are going to have lots of rain so this would be a good time to put on an old favorite movie on Netflix with the language and sub-title preferences changed to French to enjoy with the family.


Posted: April 17, 2019

Multiplication Practice


Image Galleries

Added: Thu, Nov 4 2021


Added: Fri, Dec 25 2020