Ms. Sullivan Notes

Welcome To Grade 2!


Posted: November 3, 2021

Here are some activities prepared by our District Math Team that you might like to try if you are looking for some extra activities to do. Look for the K-2 page.

Posted: November 2, 2021

Good Morning Everyone!

I hope you had a good day yesterday and got outside to enjoy the beautiful day!

Here is an outline to follow for today.

Word Work - Sight Words - If you know all of the list A1 & A2 words and can read them without hesitation work on list B1 & B2 today. If you still need work on spelling them, keep practicing on the page in your book. If you have them all start working on spelling the B1 & B2 list in the book. Don't move on to the next list until you can do them all. Try the Sight Word - List A - Word Scramble in your book. This is like the guess my word we do around the classroom. The words are mixed up, you have to figure it out and spell it right. If you get stuck, check your word list.

Reading - Pick one of your levelled books to read. Choose a storybook to read to someone. Make sure you record them on the log sheet that was in the pack.

Writing - Today try the Sight Words - List A - Sentences page in your book. The 10 words from List A are in the boxes. Pick 5 and write one sentence using each word. Make sure your sentence tells a whole idea and begins and ends properly. For an extra challenge see if you can use more than one of the words in the sentence.

Squiggle Park - If you have access to a device go on and play for 15 minutes. Remember your code is on the inside cover of the agendas.

Math - Play a Jack Hartman video for warm up. You can count and exercise and move. Try doing one counting by 2s and a counting backwards one from 30. If you can't get the video, just count and move on your own. Try the second math page in your book. Numbers and Operations - Place Value. We have worked on this in class. Use the ten frames, rods and units, and written words to tell what the number is, or make the number. Play 1 or 2 games from the math board. Maybe try the odd and even card game. These are in the purple folders in your packs and all the materials you will need to play are there too.

Dream Box Math - If you have access to a device, go on and play for 15 minutes. Remember to do the activities with the star first. Your  password is on the inside cover of the agenda.

Outside Time - Take lots of time to get outside, run, play and explore. You might get an idea of something to write about for another day too. Have fun!

Please reach out to me if there is anything I can help out with or you have questions about the material.

Thank you for your support at home! 

Have a good day!

Ms. Sullivan

Posted: November 1, 2021

Here is an outline of activities you can work on today.

Word Work - Start With List A1 & A2 - Make sure you can read each word without hesitation. See if you can spell them on the spelling page in your book. Try the Word Search for the List A words.

Reading - Pick one of your levelled books and read it. Pick a storybook to share with someone. Don't forget to put it down on the log sheet. 

Writing - Journal - There is a notebook in the Home Learning Kit to use for a journal. It's Monday and we usually share and write about our weekend. Talk about it first and retell 3 things you did. If you celebrated Halloween, that would be good to write about too. Write 4 good sentences and remember to make sure they begin with a capital and end with (., ! or ?). Add a picture to go with your writing. 

Squiggle Park - If you have a device and can go on, play for 15 minutes. The class code and password are taped on the front cover of the agendas. A memo was sent home about this earlier.

Math - Play a Jack Hartman Video - There is a link on our page below. Count by 10s and 1s while you exercise. Do the first page in your book. Counting in different ways (1s to 20; 2s to 20; Backwards by 1s from 20; 10s to 100). Play 1 or 2 games from the math board. These are in your purple folders in the kits. All the materails you will need for the games are in the ziplock bag.

Dream Box Math - If you have access to a device go on and play for 15 minutes. Remember to do the ones with the blue star first. The class code and password are taped to the inside of the agendas. A memo went home earlier about this.

Make sure you take time to get outside and play, run and have fun. A lot of learning can be done outside too!

Please e-mail me if you have any questions, or if I can help in any way.

Have a great day!

Ms. Sullivan

Posted: November 1, 2021

Good Morning Everyone!

I hope you had a good weekend and a fun Halloween!

Today we begin learning at home and using our Home Learning Kits and other resources. There is a memo about the kits in the pack, but I have uploaded on the teacher page as well. Please check in on our class page each day for activities to be working on. We are only doing a few activities each day and not using everything at once. 

Below you will also find an outline for a virtual classroom that would be helpful to use throughout the day.

I will be available throughout the day to help out if you have any questions. Please e-mail me

Posted: October 25, 2021

Hi Everyone!

Welcome back! I hope you had a good weekend!

Phys. Ed- Our Phys. Ed days this week are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Library - Our library day is on Thursday. Make sure you bring your book back so you can sign out another one.

Homework/Reading - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. The spelling words focus on the short /i/ vowel sound. We will be working on the words each day at school as well. The word work activity is on the short /i/ vowel sound too. Students have to look at the picture and put down the sounds they hear for each one. We are doing some writing again this week. It is important that our sentences tell a whole idea and begin and end the right way. Use the pictures on the page to write a sentence. See if you can use some of this week’s spelling words in the sentence. In math we are working on even and odd numbers and place value to 25. Make sure you read your book each night and record it on the log sheet.

School Clothing Orders - If you would like to order school clothing, you can do so on-line at the link provided. Orders are done by River Signs and will be sent to the school for pick up. Monday October 25th is the last day to place your order.

Fundraising - Our School Fundraising Campaign will kick off on Tuesday October 26th. The fundraising packs will be going home with the students on Tuesday. Please look for this information in the yellow folders.

Spirit Week – This week is our first Spirit Week of the year. There are theme days each week. Tuesday – School Colours; Wednesday – Mismatch Day; Thursday – Black & Orange Day; Friday – Crazy Hair/Hat Day or Costume. Please note that the students can’t wear masks to go with their costume. The school will be providing fruit and veggie trays for each class on Friday.

Pumpkin Contest – If you would like to enter individual pumpkins in the contest, students are asked to take a picture of their entry and e-mail to Mme. Hitchman by Wednesday October 27th.

Picture Retakes/Sibling Pictures - School picture retakes and sibling pictures will be done on October 28th. Please fill out the purple form that was sent home if you would like to have these done.

Literacy - This week we are continuing our spelling program. The word work for the week will focus on the spelling words and the short/i/ vowel sounds. We will be doing lots of work with vowels. Our writing is coming along and we are adding more sentences to the amount we write. Remember that our sentence tells a whole idea and must begin and end the right way. We will start doing work with the 6+1 Writing Traits this week. The first trait is Ideas. We are building on our bank of strategies to help with our reading. It is important that we read every day and use the strategies we are learning.

Math - In math we are working on place value to 25 and representing numbers in different ways, and odd and even numbers. We continue to work on counting by 1s, 2s and 10s forwards and backwards.

Have a fun week!


Posted: October 18, 2021

Hi Everyone!

Welcome back! I hope you had a good weekend!

Phys. Ed- Our Phys. Ed days this week are Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

Library - Our library day is on Thursday. Make sure you bring your book back so you can sign out another one.

Homework/Reading - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. This week we are starting our spelling program. The focus is on the short /a/ vowel sound. We will be working on the words each day at school as well. The word work activity is on the short /a/ vowel sound too. Students have to look at the picture and put down the 3 sounds they hear for each one. We are doing some writing this week. It is important that our sentences tell a whole idea and begin and end the right way. Use the pictures on the page to write a sentence. See if you can use some of this weeks spelling words in the sentence. In math we are working on even and odd numbers and place value to 25. Make sure you read your book each night and record it on the log sheet.

School Clothing Orders - If you would like to order school clothing, you can do so on-line at the link provided. Orders are done by River Signs and will be sent to the school for pick up.


Secret Path Week - This week our school will be participating in Secret Path Week in honour of the legacy of Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack. This will be part of the path to Reconciliaction and learning and helping to build a better Canada. Students and staff are asked to wear purple on Friday, as we will be participating in a Walk For Wenjack. If you have more purple things, you can wear them during the week. 

Picture Retakes/Sibling Pictures - School picture retakes and sibling pictures will be done on October 28th. Please fill out the purple form that was sent home if you would like to have these done.

Literacy - This week we are starting our spelling program. The word work for the week will focus on the spelling words and the short/a/ vowel sounds. We will be doing lots of work with vowels. Our writing is coming along and we are adding more sentences to the amount we write. Remember that our sentence tells a whole idea and must begin and end the right way. We will start doing work with the 6+1 Writing Traits this week. We are building on our bank of strategies to help with our reading. It is important that we read every day and use the strategies we are learning.

Math - In math we have started working on place value to 25 and representing numbers in different ways, and odd and even numbers. We continue to work on counting by 1s, 2s and 10s forwards and backwards.

Have a wonderful week!

Posted: October 11, 2021

Hi Everyone!

Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with your family.

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

Library - Our library day is on Thursday. Make sure you bring your book back, so you can sign out another one.

Homework/Reading - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. We continue to work on our sight word lists. Please remember to sign the sheet once your child knows all the words and we will send the next sheet. The word work activity is on short vowels. We will be doing more work on vowels. The math activities are on increasing patterns and comparing and ordering numbers to 25. Make sure you read a book from the reading bag each night and record it on the log sheet. We will be starting our spelling program next week.

Math - In Math we have started work on place value, representing numbers in different ways and even and odd numbers. We continue to build on counting forwards and backwards by 1s, 2s and 10s.

Literacy - In word work we have been working on building our sight words, vowels and segmenting and blending sounds. Remember that when we make words, every one has to have a vowel. We continue to build on our writing and beginning and ending sentences properly, and adding details. Drawing a detailed picture adds to our writing too. We are learning new strategies to help with our reading and are practising every day. In class we have started the on-line Squiggle Park literacy program on the ipads. We will be sending home the information this week.

School Clothing Orders - If you would like to order school clothing, orders are due by October 25th. All orders are done on-line by River Signs. There is a link added to the weblinks on this page. Orders will be sent to the school.

Nelson Rural School – River Signs

Have a super week!

Posted: October 4, 2021

Hi Everyone!

Welcome back! I hope you had a fun and restful weekend! It is hard to believe that we are into the month of October!

Phys. Ed- Our Phys. Ed days this week are Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

Library - Our library day is on Thursday. Make sure you bring your book back so you can sign out another one.

Homework/Reading - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. This week we are starting work on our Word Work and Math activities. There is one to do each night. Just a reminder that this is work we are doing in class, so your child should be able to do it, and it gives you an idea of what we are working on. We will continue with work on sight words for the next 2 weeks. If you have already done the 8 sheets, a new grade 2 list will go home this week. It has also been uploaded to the documents section on our class page. With Word Work we are working on beginning and ending sounds and vowels. In Math, we are working on counting by 1s/ 2s and 10s; patterns and comparing and ordering numbers to 25. Please remember to read a book each night and record it on the log sheet. Just a reminder that the bag of reading books is due back on Friday.

Literacy - We continue to work on our reading, writing and word work to help build our literacy skills. We are getting better with our sight words. Remember, these will help us with our reading and writing. We continue to work on our vowels and sounds and making sure that every word has a vowel in it. When we write our sentences, we use the words we know, add details and make sure our sentences begin and end properly. Adding a picture adds more detail.

Math - We have started working on increasing patterns and continue to work on comparing and ordering numbers to 25 and counting forwards and backwards by 1s, 2s and 10s.

Thanksgiving Dinner - The cafeteria will be serving a turkey dinner for lunch on Thursday October 7th. This is the only meal being served on this day. 

Terry Fox Walk - Our school will be participating in the annual Terry Fox School Walk on Friday October 8th. Please bring a donation if you can.

Masks and Water Bottles - Just a reminder to bring your water bottle and 2 clean masks each day.

No School - Monday October 11th is Thanksgiving Day and there is no school.

Wishing all of my students and their families a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! Enjoy your time together.

Have a fabulous week!

Posted: September 27, 2021

Hi Everyone!

Welcome Back! I hope you had a fun weekend!

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

Library - Our library day is on Thursday. Make sure you bring your book back so you can sign out another book.

Orange Shirt Day - This week is Truth and Reconciliation Week in ASD-N. We will be observing Orange Shirt Day on Thursday September 30th. Students and staff are asked to wear an orange shirt on Thursday in honour of Residential School survivors and for those children who did not make it home. This week we will be finding out more about this topic and how we can help to make a change.

Thanksgiving Meal Pre-Orders - The cafeteria will be offering a Thanksgiving meal on Thursday October 7th. The meal will be a turkey dinner with a milk and dessert for $7.00. If your child would like to order this meal, they are asked to pre-order by Friday October 1st. A memo went home with the order form.

Homework/Reading - We are going to continue with our sight words and reading for homework this week. We can use a little more practice with our sight words. There are 8 different sheets all together, front and back. Once your child knows all words, please sign it so I can send home the next sheet. If they have already done all lists, then choose one each night to practice. Remember with sight words they should be able to say the word right away without hesitation. A new bag of reading books went home today. There are 4 books in the bag. The students are asked to pick one book each night to read. Please remember to record the book on the log sheet. Sight Word Lists F-H have been uploaded to the documents section on our class page. We will start our spelling words next week.

Masks/Water Bottles - Just a reminder that due to Covid-19 Protocols students have to wear their masks during the day inside the school. We ask that you send 2 clean masks each day. As we can not use the fountains to drink out of, students are asked to bring a water bottle with them to school. They are able to refill their bottles during the day.

Literacy - We are working on sight words, vowels and sounds in our word work. Remember that every word has to have a vowel in it. We are starting to add more to our writing. We are doing 3 sentences now and making sure we tell good details and that every sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a (., ?, or !). When we draw a picture with detail that adds to our writing too. We are getting back into reading every day and using the strategies we worked on to help out with words we don't know. Make sure you look at the beginning letter and read across the whole word.

Math - We are doing better with counting by 1s to 30 and backwards from 30; by 10s to 100 and backwards from 100; by 2s to 20 and backwards from 20. We are working on increasing patterns and comparing and ordering numbers to 25.

Have a fantastic week!

Posted: September 20, 2021

Hi Eveyone!

Welcome back! I hope you had a fun weekend and enjoyed the beautiful weather!

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

Library - Our library day is on Thursday. Make sure you bring your book back so you can sign out another one.

Field Trip - On Wednesday September 22nd, our class will be going to Fletcher's Farm for a Field Trip. We will be walking to and from the farm. Students will need to bring their lunch on this day, as we will be eating when we get there. (Nothing that needs to be heated up please.) It would be a good idea to bring a water bottle too. Please dress for the weather. Remember to sign and return the orange permission slip in the yellow folders.

Homework/Reading - This week we continue to work on our sight word lists. Once your child knows all the words on both sides of the sheet, please sign it so I know you are ready for the next list. The orange homework folders should be returned to school each day. Students are sent home a new bag of books at the beginning of each week. There are 4 books in the bag and a log sheet. Your child should read one book each night and then record it on the log sheet. They can choose what book they want to read each night. It is okay to read the same book twice. The bag of reading books is returned to the school at the end of each week, so we can get new ones ready for the next week. The Sight Word Lists A-E have been uploaded to the Documents tab on our class page.

Literacy - As we get back into the school routine we are working on reading, word work and writing. It is important for the students to read each day, a book that is easy for them and that they can use their strategies to figure out unknown words. With word work we are working on beginning and end sounds and vowels, to make sure we know all of our sounds. We are gradually getting back to writing every day. We started out with one sentence and are now writing two sentences about a topic or idea. If the students are able to they can write more. We will keep adding on to our sentences. Adding a picture is a good way to add detail to our ideas.

Math - We are working on counting by 1s to 25 and backwards from 25. Counting by 2s to 20 and backwards from 20. Counting by 10s to 100 and backwards from 100. As well we are working on patterns and comparing and ordering numbers to 25.

Have a fantastic week !

Posted: September 13, 2021

Hi Everyone!

I hope you had a fun weekend!

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

Library - Our library day is Thursday and we will begin this week. Students will be able to sign out a book to take home each week. Books are due back on Thursdays and must be returned before they can sign out another book.

Picture Day - Our school picture day is on Tuesday September 14th. Make sure you wear your smile!

Homework/Reading - These programs will begin on Monday September 14th. A memo was sent home today outlining both programs and as well it has been uploaded to the document section on our class page. This week students will have a book to read each night which can be found in their reading bag. Make sure you record the book on the log sheet. The first sight word list is going home today as well. Once students know the lists on both sides of the sheet, sign it and we will send the next sheet. For the first 2 weeks we will just be doing sight words and reading.

Student/Agenda Fee - Just a reminder to please send in the student/agenda fee if you have not already done so. For K-2 students the fee is $10.00.

Information Sheets/Permission Slips - There were 2 sheets sent home last week that need to be filled out, signed and returned to the school. If you have not sent them back yet can you please sign and return them this week.

Home Learning Kits - The Grade 2 Home Learning Kits will be going home this week. There will be a Memo sent in the yellow folders outlining the kits. Please do not open them unless they are needed. They are only to be used if schools are shut down due to Covid-19 protocols.

Masks/Water Bottles - Just a reminder that students should bring 2 clean masks with them each day. One to wear during the day, and a spare in case they need to change it. As we can not drink from the fountains, students are asked to bring a water bottle that they can use at school.

Have a great week!

Posted: September 8, 2021


Hi Everyone!

Welcome back to a new school year!! Also a special welcome to new families to our school! We are happy to have you here!! It is hard to believe that the summer has come and gone! I hope that everyone had a fun and restful vacation.

Our class page will be updated weekly. Make sure you check back each week to find out what is happening at our school and what we have been doing in our class.

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this year are on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday with Mrs. Dickson.

Library - Our library day will be on Thursday and this will start next week. The students will be able to sign out a book to take home each week.

Agendas/Yellow Folders - The students will be bringing home a yellow folder with their agenda each day. I will be using the folders to send memos, notices and permission slips. I would also ask that you use the folder to return signed items in as needed. You can use the parent side on the agenda page if you have a note for me or send one in the folders. These will be sent home each day and are to be returned the next day so we have them to use. There are different memos and permission slips going home this week.

Homework/Reading Programs - These will be starting next week, Monday to Thursday. A Memo will be going home next Monday to outline both programs.

Home Learning Kits - We will be sending Home Learning Kits soon. These are only to be used in the event of a school shut down because of Covid-19 Protocols and we have to move to On-line/At Home Learning. A memo will be going home with the kit to explain the use. I would ask that they be left in the students bookbags and only taken out if needed. That way we can add items to the kit if needed.

Cafeteria - The cafeteria menu for the month of September went home this week. We take the cafeteria orders in the morning so staff knows how much food to prepare. There will be a menu going home for each month. Some items are served every day, but the main meal and soup choices change daily, so please check the menu.

School Picture Day - Picture day for our school is on Tuesday September 14th. This is for all students K-8. Make sure to wear your smile!

Student/Agenda Fee - The student/agenda fee for K-2 students is $10.00. Please send this in when you can if you have not already done so. There is a maximum charge of $40.00/family. (K-2 - $10.00/ 3-5 - $20.00/ 6-8 - $30.00 - Maximum - $40.00/family)

We had a great first day and are looking forward to a wonderful year!!

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Posted: June 20, 2021

Hi Everyone!

I hope you had a fun weekend! It is hard to believe but we are at our last week of school! The year went by fast!

Grade 2 Fun Day - Tuesday June 22nd - We will be doing lots of fun activities both inside and out. We will be ordering lunch for the class today, so they won't need to bring one. You might want to apply sun screen and bug spray at home before they leave for school and bring a hat too.

K-2 Sports Day - The K-2 classes will be having our Sports Day on Wednesday June 23rd - The events will be both inside and outside. If there is rain, we will move them all inside. Please make sure that you have sneakers, a hat and a water bottle. It would be a good idea to apply sunscreen and bug spray at home. We are ordering pizza for lunch on this day. A memo was sent home with an order form. Lunch orders are due back on Monday June 21st. If your child does not want the pizza, they will have to bring their lunch.

Homework/Reading - Students can read a book from home during the week. It will be very important for students to keep up with their reading over the summer.

Last Day Of School - The last day of school for students is on Friday June 25th. This will be a full day of school. Dismissal at regular time. Report Cards will go home on this day.

It is hard to belive that our year has come to an end! It was a challenging and very different year, but we made it through! All of you did a great job with following the changing protocols, sanitizing and washing your hands and wearing your mask when needed. I have enjoyed being your teacher this year and watching you learn and grow. Derrica, Violet, Kassidy, Jozee, Lincoln, Mariah, Albion, Gabe, Jepsen, Emerson, Reid, Dax, Hayden, Harlan and Jones, I wish you a relaxing, fun and safe summer!! Enjoy!!

Posted: June 13, 2021

Hello Everyone!

Welcome back! I hope you had a fun weekend and got outside to play in the sunshine! We are down to our last two weeks of school!

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Library - Just a reminder that last week was our last library day. If you still have a book out, try to return it this week.

Homework/Reading - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folder. Our spelling words this week focus on /ight/ words. The word work activity focuses on the spelling words too. In Math we have word problems with 2-Digit numbers, adding and subtracting with and without regrouping. Use the strategy that works best for you. There is also an activity on increasing patterns. An increasing pattern goes up by the same amount each time. We have been learning lots of strategies to help with reading comprehension. Use these strategies to help with the story. Read carefully and answer the questions. Make sure you read your book each night and record it on the log sheet.

Cafeteria Lunch Special - The Nacho Lunch Special is on Thursday June 17th for those students who ordered. This will be the only meal served on that day.

Father's Day - Wishing all Dads and Grandfathers a very special day!

Have an awesome week!!

Posted: June 6, 2021

Hi Everyone!

I hope you had a fun weekend and enjoyed the sunshine and warm days! We are down to our last 3 weeks of school!

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Library - Our library day is on Tuesday. This will be the last library day of the year. Please make sure that all books are returned.

Homework/Reading - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. Our spelling words this week focus on /ow/ words. The word work activity is working with the spelling words as well. In Math we continue to work on adding and subtracting 2-Digit numbers with and without regrouping. We have looked at different strategies to use and the students are finding the ones that work best for them. In You and Your World we are finding out about life cycles and how things grow. We have a story to read this week about the life cycle of a butterfly. Read carefully and answer the questions. Make sure you read your book each night and record it on the log sheet. Use the strategies we have been working on to help with your reading.

Student Appreciation Day - Wednesday June 9th is Student Appreciation Day in our District. This has been a very different year, one like no other. There have been lots of new protocols in place throughout the year, and ones that are constantly changing. Through it all our students have been resilient and very adaptable! They have worn their masks when needed and continuously keep those hands sanitized! This is our chance to say Thank You for doing your part! We will be doing different activities on Wednesday and throughout the week to show our appreciation.

Thank you Derrica, Violet, Kassidy, Jozee, Lincoln, Mariah, Albion, Gabe, Jepsen, Reid, Dax, Emerson, Jones, Harlan and Hayden!!!

Hat Day - The K-2 classes will be having Hat Day on Wednesday June 9th as part of our Student Appreciation Day.

Cafeteria Special - If you would like to order the nacho special for June 17th, orders must be in by Friday June 11th.

Have a wonderful week!
