Ms. Sullivan Notes

Welcome To Grade 2!


Posted: May 30, 2021

Hi Everyone!

Welcome back! I hope you had a fun weekend and enjoyed some time outside! It is hard to believe, but we are starting the month of June and the last month of school!

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Library - Our library day is on Tuesday. Make sure you bring your book back so you can sign out another one.

Homework/Reading - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. Our spelling words this week focus on question words and some begin with /wh/. The word work activity is using the question words to write questions. Remember to begin with a capital and end with a question mark (?). In math we are working on adding and subtracting 2-Digit numbers using a strategy that works best for us. Remember to show your work. We continue to work on reading comprehension strategies, so we have another story to work on. Make sure you read a book each night and record it on the log sheet. Use the strategies we have been working on to help with your reading.

Have a great week!

Posted: May 24, 2021

Hi Everyone!

Welcome back! I hope you had a fun long weekend!!

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Wednesday and Thursday.

Library - Our library day is Tuesday. Make sure you bring your book back so you can sign out another one.

Homework/Reading - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. The spelling words this week focus on /ed/ word endings. The word work activity is on this focus as well. In math we have been working on adding and subtracting 2-Digit numbers and using the strategy that works best. We have been making gains with using comprehension strategies and have another story to work on this week. Please make sure you read your book each night and record it on the log sheet. Remember to use the strategies we have been working on to help with your reading.

Have a great week!

Posted: May 16, 2021

Hi Everyone!

I hope you had a fun weekend and enjoyed the beautiful weather!

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Library - Our library day is on Tuesday. Make sure you bring your book back so you can sign out another one.

Homework/Reading - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. This is a review week for our spelling, so they are words that we already had. We are doing some more work with contractions, so the word work activity is on this. When you are writing your sentences make sure that you add details and begin and end them the right way. In math we have started working on adding and subtracting 2-Digit numbers. Use the strategy that works best for you. We are doing more work with strategies for reading comprehension, so we have another story to work on. Make sure you read your book each night and record it on the log sheet. Use the strategies we have been working on to help with your reading.

Have a wonderful week!

Posted: May 9, 2021

Hi Everyone!

Welcome back! I hope you had a fun four day weekend and enjoyed Mother's Day with your mom!

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Library - Our library day is on Tuesday. Make sure you bring your book back so you can sign out another one.

Homework/Reading - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. Our spelling words and word work activity focus on contractions. We use an apostrophe in words like I'm and it's. Contraction are made up of two words. The apostrophe takes the place of some letters from the words. When you are writing your sentences make sure that you begin and end them properly and add good details. In math we are starting work on adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers. We are starting with adding and subtractiing 10s. Knowing your strategies will help with this, so keep working on them. As well we are counting in different ways starting at different numbers. When you are doing your reading comprehension, remember to read twice and highlight or underline the answers in the story. This week there is a poem to read. Make sure you read your book each night and record it on the log sheet. Use the strategies we have been working on to help with your reading.

Have a fun week!


Posted: May 2, 2021

Hi Everyone!

I hope you had a fun weekend! We are into the month of May!! This is only a three day week for students. There is no school on Thursday and Friday.

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Monday and Wednesday.

Library - Our library day is on Tuesday. Make sure you bring your book back so you can sign out another one.

Homework/Reading - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. As it is a short week, we will not be working on a spelling list. We are going to focus on Sight Word List 3 this week. Go over the words each night. How many can you say right away? Keep working on the ones you don't know. In math we are working on 3D shapes. We continue to work on our reading comprehension strategies, we have another story to work on. Remember to read the story twice, read the questions and highlight or underline the answers in the story. Make sure you read your book each night and record it on the log sheet.

No School - There is no school for students this week on Thursday May 6th and Friday May 7th.

Wishing all moms a very Happy Mother's Day on Sunday May 9th!!

Have a great week!

Posted: April 25, 2021

Hi Everyone!

I hope you had a fun weekend and got out to enjoy the beautiful sunshine! It is hard to believe that we are at the last week of April!

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Library - Our library day is on Tuesday. Make sure you bring your book back, so you can sign out another one.

Homework/Reading - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. This week our spelling words focus on /ing/ endings. Sometimes we have to drop the /e/ and add /ing/ and other words we double the last letter and add /ing/. The word work activity is on the spelling words as well. When you write your sentences, make sure they tell good details and begin and end the right way. In math we have started working on 2D and 3D shapes and continue to work on adding and subtracting using strategies. What 2D shapes can you find at home? We are doing more work with reading comprehension and reading for details. There is another story to work on. Remember to read eah night and record your book on the log sheet. Use the strategies we have been working on to help with your reading.

Earth Day - We had a virtual presentation this year from Melanie at Greater Miramichi Solid Waste Commission. We learned lots of good ways we can help the earth and Melanie dropped off lunch cans, reusable straws and forks and spoon sets. These are great items we can we reuse every day. As well we sent home seeds for trees and flowers for you to plant at home. If we all do our part we can make a difference!

Have a wonderful week everyone!

Posted: April 18, 2021

Hi Everyone!

Welcome back! I hope you had a fun long weekend! We are back to a 5 day week.

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Library - Our library day is on Tuesday, so make sure you bring your book back, so you can sign out another one.

Homework/Reading - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. Our spelling words focus on compound words. Putting together two smaller words, to make one word. The word work activity is on this as well. When you are writing your sentences, make sure to tell good details and begin and end your sentences properly. With Earth Day coming up this week, we are finding out about ways we can help take care of our planet. The reading comprehension story is about Earth Day. Remember to read the story twice, highlight or underline the answers in the story and circle the right answer. In math we are doing more work with mental math strategies to help with adding and subtracting and continue to work on counting in different ways from different starting points. Use your strategies to solve the number problems, then use the chart to break the code and reveal an Earth Day message. Make sure you read your book each night and record it on the log sheet.

Literacy/ Math For Home - This week I am sending home: Math strategies and fact sheet; number line and 100 chart; sight word sheets. These are for you to keep at home and work on and use for the rest of the year. The Grade 2 Sight Word list is one that I sent home earlier in the year, but am resending. Lists #3 & #4 are new lists. You will notice that some words are repeated from other lists that we had, but it is good practice, to make sure they know them well. The math strategies are ones we have been using at school, so you have an idea of what the students are working on and how they are solving addition and subtraction number sentences. We will be starting 2 digit addition and subtraction next month, knowing the strategies will help with this.

Earth Day - Earth Day is on Thursday April 22nd. We are reading, writing and doing art work about ways we can help to take care of our planet. You can wear blue and or green on this day to help celebrate. If possible try to bring a litterless lunch. We are trying to throw out as little garbage as we can on that day. Every little bit helps!

Have a fabulous week!

Posted: April 11, 2021

Hi Everyone!

I hope you had a fun weekend!

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Library - Our library day is on Tuesday. Make sure you bring your book back so you can sign out another one.

Homework/Reading - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. Our spelling words this week focus on word endings. Adding /ing/ and /s/ to a word. The word work activity is on using this weeks words as well. Remember to write detailed sentences and that they begin and end the right way. In math we are doing more work with adding using strategies and counting in different ways. When you are doing your reading comprehension story, remember to read the story twice and underline or highlight the answers in the story. Make sure you read your book each night and record it on the log sheet. Remember to use your strategies to help with your reading.

Yearbook Orders - If you would like to order a yearbook for this year, payment and orders must be in by Thursday April 15th.

Parent Teacher Interviews - Parent/Teacher phone interviews will take place on Thursday April 15th, from 3:30 - 6:30PM, and on Friday April 16th, from 9:00-11:30AM.

No School - Just a reminder that there is no school for students on Friday April 16th. Parent Teacher phone interviews will take place in the morning. Teachers will be participating in PL in the afternoon.

Have a super week!

Posted: April 5, 2021

Hi Everyone!

I hope you had a fun and restful Easter Weekend with your family!

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Wednesday and Thursday.

Library - Our library day is on Tuesday. Make sure you bring your book back so you can sign out another one.

Homework/Reading - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. Our spelling words this week focus on /th/ words at the beginning and /oo/ vowel words. The word work activity uses this weeks words. Make sure your sentences have details and begin and end the right way. In math we are working on using the strategy bridging through 10 to help with adding. We have another reading comprehension story. Remember to read the story twice and underline the answers in the story. Make sure you read your book each night and record it on the log sheet. Use the strategies we have been working on to help with your reading.

Report Cards - Report cards will be going home on Thursday April 8th. Parent - Teacher interviews will be done by phone again this term.

Jersey Day - We will be taking part in Jersey Day on Friday April 9th in support of Elsipogtog and their bid to win Kraft Hockeyville. If you can, please support them by voting as well. Voting takes place on April 9th & 10th. Check the link below.


Have a great week everyone!

Posted: March 28, 2021

Hi Everyone!

I hope you had a fun weekend! We had a taste of spring this week, but it looks like winter isn't through with us yet! Please make sure that you are dressed for the weather.

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Library - Our library day is on Tuesday. Make sure you bring your book back so you can sign out another one.

Homework/Reading - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. This is a review week for spelling, so they are words that we already had. The word work activity is using the spelling words to find the missing word and writing detailed sentences with them. We are continuing to build our comprehension skills, so there is another story to work on. Remember to read the story twice and highlight or underline the answers to the questions in the story. In math we are doing some more work on using strategies to add and subtract. Make sure that you read your book each night and record it on the log sheet. Remember to use the strategies we have been working on to help with your reading.

Yearbook - The Design for the yearbook cover contest is now open. Entries are due by April 15th. If you would like to order a yearbook the cost is $20, and must be in by April 15th.

No School - Just a reminder that there is no school on Friday April 2nd and Monday April 5th, for the Easter holiday.

Have a great week!

Wishing everyone a wonderful Easter holiday with their family!

Posted: March 21, 2021

Hi Everyone!

Welcome back! I hope you had a fun weekend and got outside to enjoy the beautiful spring weather!!

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Library - Our library day is on Tuesday. Make sure you bring your book back so you can sign out another one.

Homework/Reading - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. Our spelling words this week focus on two-part words and /er/ endings. The word work activity is on our spelling words too. We are now working on reading the story for details along with the picture. Read the story twice, then read the questions and highlight or underline the answers in the story. In math we are working on equal and unequal, estimation and counting in different ways. Make sure you read your book each night and record it on the log sheet. Remember to use the strategies we have been working on to help with your reading.

No School - Friday March 26th is a PLD for teachers, so there is no school for students.

Have an awesome week!

Posted: March 14, 2021

Hi Everyone!

I hope you had a fun weekend and got some time outside to play!

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Library - Our library day is on Tuesday. Make sure you bring your book back, so you can sign out a new one.

Homework/Reading - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. This week the focus on our spelling words is /ay/ words. The word work activity is on this as well. We have another story this week for reading comprehension. Use the picture to answer the questions. In Math we are working on estimating, counting in different ways and equal and unequal. Make sure that you read each night and record the book on the log sheet. Use the strategies we have been working on to help with your reading.

St. Patrick's Day - St. Patrick's Day is on Wednesday March 17th. Wear something green!

Have a super week!

Posted: March 7, 2021

Hi Everyone!

Welcome back!! I hope you had a fun and relaxing week on your March Break!

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Library - Our library day is on Tuesday. Make sure yoour book is in, so you can sign out another one.

Homework/Reading - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. Our spelling words this week focus on more than one, adding /s/ to the end of a word. The word work activity is on this as well. When you are writing your sentences, make sure that you add good details and begin amd end your sentences the right way. We are starting to focus more on reading comprehension, so there is another activity on that and using the pictures to help. In math we are working on showing numbers in different ways and counting in different ways. We will be starting work on estimation this week as well. Make sure that you get back to your reading each night and record it on the log sheet. Remember to use the strategies we have been working on to help with your reading.

Have an awesome week back !!

Posted: February 21, 2021

Hi Everyone!

I hope you had a fun weekend! It is hard to believe we are heading into the last week of February, and the March Break is coming up!

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this wek are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Library - Our library day is on Tuesday. Make sure you bring your book back, so you can sign out another one.

Homework/Reading - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. We are working with the same spelling list from last week as we had a shorter week and did not have as much time to work on them. The word work activity focuses on the long /o/ and short /o/ vowel sound. In math we are working on representing numbers in different ways and counting in different ways. We have started doing more work with reading comprehension and using the pictures to help. One of the activities is on using the picture to answer questions. Make sure that you read each night and record the book on the log sheet.

100th Day of School - We celebrated the 100th Day of School on Friday. We had fun doing lots of activities related to the number 100. We will contiue with more activities next week, along with counting the food items the students brought in.

Spirit Week - This week is Spirit Week at Nelson Rural School: Monday - Jersey Day; Tuesday - Twin Day; Wednesday - Pink Shirt Day; Thursday - School Colours Day; Friday - PJ Day/Crazy Hair Day.

March Break - March 1st - March 5th - I hope everyone has a fun and relaxing week! Enjoy your week and stay safe!

Have a great week everyone!

Posted: February 15, 2021

Hi Everyone!

I hope you had a wonderful long weekend with your family!

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days for the week are Wednesday and Thursday.

Library - Our library day is on Tuesday. Make sure you bring your book back so you can sign out another one.

Homework/Reading - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. Our spelling words this week are on the long /o/ bossy /e/ vowel sound; /y/ at the end that says /i/ and /o/ /ou/ an /oo/ words that have the same sound. Our word work activity is on the long /o/ amd short /o/ sounds. Make sure the sentences you write have lots of details and begin and end properly. In Math we are working on showing and representing numbers in different ways and counting in different ways. Make sure you read your book each night and record it on the log sheet.

100th Day of School - We will celebrate the 100th Day of School on Thursday February 18th, as long as there are no snow days. The K-2 classes are trying to collect 100 items for the Food Bank, so if you can bring in an item that would be great. We will be doing lots of different activities throughout the week.

Have an awesome week!
