Ms. Sullivan Notes

Welcome To Grade 2!


Posted: October 18, 2020

We will be having a VIRTUAL Pumpkin carving/decorating contest this year! Two categories: (1) Carving and (2) Decorating. Students will decorate or carve their own pumpkins at home and take a picture of themselves WITH their pumpkin and email it to designated level teachers. 

K-2 email entries to:

Posted: October 12, 2020

Hi Everyone!

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with your family!

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Wednesday and Thursday.

Library - Our library day is on Tuesday. Make sure you bring your book back, so you can sign out another one.

Homework/Reading - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. This week we are working on middle vowel sounds and writing a sentence properly. Use the pictures and write a sentence for each one. Remember a sentence tells a whole idea, begins and ends the right way and tells good details. In math we are working on comparing and ordering numers to 20 and counting in different ways. Please make sure that you read each night and record your book on the log sheet. We are still working on our sight word lists. Once you know both sides of the sheet, have a parent or guardian sign both sides and return it for another one. If you already worked through all 8 sheets, then you can start working on spelling each list. Start back at sheet A. We will be starting our spelling program next week.

Home Learning Kits - Our Home Learning Kits went home on Friday. Please note, that these are only to be used in the event that schools are closed and we have to go back to Home Learning. The materials in the kit will be used along with information and activities that will be posted here on the class page. There is a letter in the kit to explain and outline what to do. Please leave the kits in the students back packs. That way I can add to them if needed and they will be there and ready if they are needed.

Have a fantastic week!

Posted: October 4, 2020

Hi Everyone!

I hope you had a fun weekend! We are into the month of October already!

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Library - Our library day is on Tuesday. Remember to bring your book back, so you can sign out another one.

Homework - The homework for the week is listed in the orange folders. This week we will continue with our work on sight words. Students should be able to read the words quickly without hesitation or sounding them out. If you already have all sheets, choose a different one each night to go over. Please make sure that you read your book each night and record it on the log sheet. This week the students will have an activity sheet to work on each night. These will reflect what we are working on in class. Math - counting in different ways and comparing and ordering numbers. Writing - Using a picture to write a complete sentence that tells a whole idea, begins with a capital and ends with a period. Word Work - Vowel sounds, segmenting and blending sounds.

No School - Thanksgiving Day - Monday October 12th.

I would like to wish all my students and their families a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.

Have a great week!

Posted: September 27, 2020

Hi Everyone!

I hope you had a fun weekend and got out to enjoy the beautiful weather!

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Library - Our library day is on Tuesday. Make sure you bring your book back so you can sign out another one.

Terry Fox Walk - We will be doing our school Terry Fox this week. We are looking at Tuesday if the weather is good. Please bring in a donation if you can. We are all doing our part to help keep Terry's dream alive.

Orange Shirt Day - Wednesday September 30th is Orange Shirt Day. Students and staff are asked to wear an orange shirt to remember and honour Indigenous children who attended Residential Schools.

Homework/Reading - This week the students will have a book to read each night and sight words to work on. When they know the words on both sides of the sheet, please sign and return it, so they can get another one. It is important that the students read their book each night and that the log sheet is signed.

School Picture Day - Our School Picture Day is on Friday October 2nd.

Thanksgiving Meal - If you would like to have the Thanksgiving Meal, pre-orders must be in on Friday October 2nd. The meal will be on October 8th.

Have a super week!

Posted: September 20, 2020

Hi Everyone!

I hope you had a fun weekend and got outside to enjoy the beautiful weather!

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed. days this week are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Library - Our library day is on Tuesday. Make sure you bring your book back, so you can sign out a new one. Please have a look at home for library books that were signed out before the shut down in March.

Homework/Reading Programs - We will begin these programs this week with a gradual start. Students will bring home 4 books for the week, one to read each night; Monday - Thursday. Please record the books on the reading log sheet. Books are due back in the bag on Fridays, so they can get changed for the next week. The students will be bringing home an orange folder with their homework in it. These are to be returned each day. For the first two weeks, they will just be doing sight words. Once they know all the words on both sides of the sheet, sign and return it to get another one.

Water Bottles - Just a reminder that students should bring a water bottle to have at school, as they can't drink from the fountains. They can refill their bottle at the fountains during the day.

Have a great week Everyone!!

Posted: September 13, 2020

Welcome To A New School Year!!

Hi Everyone!

I hope you had a good summer and enjoyed the beautiful weather!!

Welcome to Grade 2!!

We had a good first week and are getting used to the new rules and routines that are put in place. It is nice to be back at school with the students!! 

Phys. Ed - Our Phys. Ed days this week are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. The students will have Phys. Ed with Ms. Baldwin. 

Library - Our library day will be on Tuesday. Students are able to sign out a book each week to take home. Please note, that they need to return the borrowed book each week, before they can take another one out.

Water Bottles - Students are asked to bring a water bottle with them, that they can use throughout the day. With the new health protocols in place, they can't drink from the fountains. We do have bottle fillers on each fountain, so they can refill them throughout the day.

Cafeteria - This year we have a new cafeteria provider. The menus and lunch slips were sent home last week. They ask that lunch orders be placed by 9:00AM each day, so they know how much food to prepare. Please send a lunch slip and the money in a bag when your child is ordering. They do not have to preorder for milk or the daily treat.

Agendas/Orange Folders - The students will bring home their agendas and orange folders each day. Please make sure that you check both daily for messages, memos, events, homework and reminders. I would ask that you initial the agendas each day, so that I know you received the information. The orange folders are used to send memos, forms and papers back and forth. There is a side for Leave Home and Bring Back. Please use this when you have notes or lunch orders to send in.

Homework/Reading Programs - We will begin these programs next week, September 21st. Students will be bringing home 4 books for the week. One to read each night, Monday-Thursday. Books are due back on Friday, so they can be changed and ready for the next week. The students will have a homework folder, with their homework for the week listed and the sheets needed for the week. There will be memos going home on September 21st, to outline both of the programs.

Agenda/Student Fee - Just a reminder that the Student/Agenda fee for the K-2 Students is $10.00. Please send this in when you can if you have not already done so. For 3-5 it is $20.00 and 6-8 it is $30.00. There is a maximum Family Rate of $40.00.

Masks - One of our health protocols requires that all students and staff have 2 masks with them each day.

This is a different school year for everyone and we are gradually easing our way back into things and finding out about the new rules and protocols. Please feel free to contact me at the school if you have questions or concerns; Phone 627-4074; Send a note in the agenda or e-mail:

Have a great week!

Posted: June 17, 2020

Just a note to parents that you can pick up your child's report card on Friday June 19th. You can come between 9-12 and 1-3. Teachers will be set up outside weather permitting.

Posted: June 12, 2020

Hello Boys and Girls!!

It is hard to believe that we are at the end of another school year!! Although our year at school did not end the way we hoped, I enjoyed the time we had together. I loved being your teacher and having fun and learning with you!

Thomas, Kellan, Liam, Ashton, Cole, Ethan, Grayson, Jude, Kelen, Trevor, Klayton, Cole, Sofia, Alexa, Trina, Briah, Jaida, Isla, Charlotte and Taylin, you are wondeful boys and girls and were a great class!!

Have a super summer! Enjoy your time off, but make sure you keep up with your reading!! Be safe and have fun!!

Take Care, I miss you!!

Ms. Sullivan

Hi Everyone!

I hope you had a fun weekend! 

This is Week 10 of Home Learning and our last week to post activities. This week we have some Father's Day activities you can work on to give to your dad or grandfather for Father's Day on June 21st. There are templates added for these activities or you can create your own. In Math we are looking at comparing and ordering numbers to 100. I have also added a 2digit subtraction sheet and another graph for those who would like some extra practice. The writing activity is about Summer! What would you like to do thid summer?

If you are looking for some extra activities to continue working on, you can go back and check through the weeks and try some of the activities that you did not do. As well, most of the websites under weblinks will continue to be free until the end of June, some may be for the summer.

I would like to thank all parents, grandparents and other family members for your help and support at home during these last few months of Home Learning. If you need help with anything or if there is anything you need, please e-mail me.

Make sure you check out Mrs. Dickson's page for some fun Phys. Ed activities to keep you active.

I miss all of you, but do enjoy seeing your photos and the activities you are working on. It is nice to connect with you each week on the phone too. This will be the last week for calls, so I do hope I get to talk with all of you!

Have an awesome week!

Take Care!

Ms. Sullivan

Here are some sample templates for the poster activity or you can create your own.

PDF icon dad_poster_2020.pdf308.53 KB
PDF icon grandpa_poster_2020.pdf329.86 KB
PDF icon papa_poster_2020.pdf310.25 KB

Here are some sample templates you can use for the poem activity, or you can create your own.

PDF icon dad_poem_2020.pdf134.13 KB
PDF icon daddy_poem_2020.pdf146.87 KB
PDF icon grandpa_poem_2020.pdf190.06 KB
PDF icon grandpa_poem_2020.pdf190.06 KB

Here are some samples you can use for the sign activity or you can create your own.

PDF icon dad_sign_2020.pdf131.63 KB
PDF icon grandpa_sign_2020.pdf161.45 KB
PDF icon papa_sign_2020.pdf137.68 KB

Good Morning Everyone!!

I hope you had a fun weekend and enjoyed the beautiful weather!

This is Week 9 of Home Learning! We are continuing with finding out about life cycles and how people, plants and animals grow and change. There is a butterfly theme this week. It is amazing to see how much they change through their life cycle! How have you changed and grown over the years? There is an activity on this that you can do with your family.

I have added some extra math activities for those who would like some extra practice. There is one with adding with regrouping and finding the right strategy that works for you. As well there is one on collecting data and problem solving.

If you need help with anything or if there is anything you need, please e-mail me.

I miss all of you! Have an awesome week! Get out and explore butterflies and caterpillars if you can!

Take Care

Ms. Sullivan

Hi Everyone!

I hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed the beautiful weather!

We are into Week 8 of Home Learning and we have a frog them this week. A chance to learn all aboout frogs and their life cycles and maybe you can even get out to explore them if you can! There are reading, writing, word work and art activities. This week and next week we will be finding out how animals and people change and grow. There is also some extra math problem solving with 2 digit subtraction for those who would like to try it.

Just a reminder to please e-mail this week if you would like a yearbook and upload a picture from home. The link is below.

I appreciate all the help and support that you are providing at home. If I can help in anyway or if you need something, please e-mail me.

Make sure you go to Mrs. Dickson and Mrs. O'Neill-Delano's pages for some Phys. Ed and Music activities.

I miss all of you, but enjoy talking with you each week and seeing your pictures from home. Keep sending them in!

Have a super week and make sure you get out to explore frogs and other things if you can!

Take Care

Ms. Sullivan

Hi Everyone!

I hope you enjoyed the beautiful long weekend we had and got out to enjoy the sunshine!

This week's activities are listed below. I hope you have fun trying some out.

I have added another strategy page to help with adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers. There is also an extra math practice sheet with adding 2 digit numbers with rergrouping or when we have to show numbers in a different way. There is also an activity on ordinal numbers.

You will also see below some information about the yearbook, so please read about that part. They would like a picture from home.

If you need anything or there is anything I can do to help, please e-mail me.

If you have not registered for the ASDN Virtual Olypics, check out the information on the page. You still have time, it starts on May 25th. It will be fun for the whole family!

Have a super week everyone! I miss you all!

Take Care

Ms. Sullivan

